I See Flowers

As the obsidian mist swirled, the contents of the book gradually unfurled before them. Hermione, unable to resist the allure of curiosity, joined Luke to peruse the mystical tome. The pages were adorned with an array of spells, each capable of inducing vertigo with just a glance.

Among these incantations lay the ominous Unforgivable Curse, a dark and foreboding presence on the pages. Hermione shuddered as her eyes traced the sinister symbols.

"These spells are truly malevolent," she muttered, her gaze lingering on the descriptions. Some could amplify grudges, while others, like the bewildering Imperius Curse, took control of the victim's very will.

Hermione leaned in and spoke softly, "The Ministry of Magic strictly forbids the use of these spells. Casting them on another human being is a one-way ticket to Azkaban, a lifetime sentence."

She hoped that Luke would heed her warning and not venture further down this treacherous path. There was no need for them to delve into such dark sorcery, especially now that the Dark Lord had met his demise, and wizarding society was on a path of reconciliation.

"Alright, alright, I have no interest in learning these," Luke conceded, averting his attention from the curses. He turned the pages of the book until he reached the section that held his deepest apprehensions: Legilimency.

The mention of Legilimency sent a shiver down his spine. The prospect of his innermost thoughts being laid bare was something he couldn't afford. He quickly found the counter-curse listed below the entry: Occlumency.

"Occlumency?" Hermione inquired, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Why would you want to study that?"

Hermione had assumed Luke was considering learning Legilimency, and she was somewhat relieved that he wasn't delving into the Unforgivable Curses. However, his choice still puzzled her.

"After all, no one wants to have their thoughts invaded," Luke explained, pointing to his own head. Since his encounter with Dumbledore during the last night's tour, the looming presence of Dementors had left him feeling vulnerable. He understood that Dumbledore wouldn't allow reckless use of Legilimency, but he couldn't take that chance.

Learning Occlumency would provide a shield for his mind, a precautionary measure against potential threats.

"Do you want to study it too?" Luke asked Hermione, genuinely curious.

Hermione pondered for a moment, weighing the option. It wasn't a dark curse, and she agreed, "Yes, let's study it."

Occlumency was no simple spell, its incantation and intricacies demanded focused attention. Yet, with Hermione's scholarly acumen and Luke's natural aptitude for magic, they grasped its fundamentals in just half an hour. While Hermione continued to delve into Occlumency, Luke revisited the Dementor spell.

This particular enchantment was enticing; it had the power to extract a wealth of knowledge from the human mind, potentially a valuable skill for the future.

After nearly an hour of intense study, Luke suddenly turned his head towards a corner of the room. There, a fluffy tail wagged continuously.

"Mrs. Norris?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with intrigue.

Hermione, diligently studying Occlumency, caught sight of the shadow of a cat behind the bookshelf. The presence of Mrs. Norris meant that Filch, the diligent doorkeeper, was nearby. An immediate sense of panic overcame Hermione.

"Mrs. Norris found us so quickly!" she whispered anxiously.

"Don't worry, let's put the book back first," Luke reassured her. He then cast a silent spell on himself, blending into the darkness, and quietly returned the book to its place. They couldn't afford to leave the book out; it would surely draw the attention of the meticulous Mrs. Pince. Dumbledore might end up searching for him again.

"Follow me," Luke whispered to Hermione.

As he was putting the book back, he glanced around, and Mrs. Norris had already disappeared through a back door. Being a Squib, Filch was entirely invisible to Luke. It was a blind spot.

Hermione kept silent, clutching her notes, and followed Luke closely.

Watching his robe fluttering in the breeze, she hesitated and grabbed it.

Luke felt her grip. "It's too dark to see around," she defended herself.

To avoid drawing Filch's attention, Luke removed the starry twinkle spell, so they were now walking by the light of the moon.

"Watch out for raised floors," Luke cautioned.

Behind him, out of his view, Hermione stared at Luke with her brown eyes, gripping his robe in the moonlight. His golden hair seemed soft and inviting in the moon's glow.

The two silently traversed the castle at night, not so much to evade Filch as to explore in the darkness.

But as they walked, Hermione began to sense something was amiss. "Is this the third-floor restricted area?" Hermione counted the stairs and whispered to Luke.

"I'm taking you to see something special," Luke replied.

"Special?" Hermione recalled Luke mentioning something intriguing in the morning. The thought ignited a spark of anticipation in her heart.

Guided by his memory, Luke finally located the Mirror of Erised, the mirror that revealed the deepest desires of a person's heart. "Special," he emphasized.

"Special? What do you mean?" Hermione asked, her curiosity piqued.

The Mirror of Erised remained undisturbed; Dumbledore had not removed it.

In the moonlight, Hermione gazed upon the tall, ornate mirror. She was left dumbfounded by the writing above it; she couldn't decipher the script or recognize which alphabet it belonged to. After all, numerous countries used various alphabets. Was it some peculiar text? Hermione wondered.

"Come on, stand in front of the mirror," Luke softly urged Hermione, positioning her before the reflective surface. "What do you see?"

Hermione, her brown eyes reflecting curiosity and bewilderment, stared into the mirror.

It was odd. The person in the mirror appeared to be larger and had a striking resemblance to her. But there was another person beside her.

She turned to look at Luke but found that he was not behind her; he stood before the mirror, smiling at her.

Blinking in disbelief, Hermione turned her attention back to the mirror. In the reflection, a handsome man with blond hair draped his arm around her, gently embracing her. Hermione even noticed an identical ring on both of their hands.

"What do you see?" Luke, still peering at the mirror, inquired, his voice slightly muffled.

"I see... flowers?" Hermione replied, utterly perplexed.


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