Peter The Actor 2

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Luke grinned. Having taken on the appearance of Peter Pettigrew, he felt a sense of satisfaction. It was time to do some bad deeds in this disguise.

Luke, in the guise of the short, chubby figure of Peter Pettigrew, quietly opened the stone gate leading out of Slytherin in the dark of night.

"I believe Professor Quirrell's office is on the third floor," he muttered to himself, recalling the location of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office. Some Hogwarts professors resided in their offices, and Quirrell was one of them.

Luke shadowed Quirrell from a distance, keeping track of him as he moved through the darkened hallways. Eventually, he reached the restricted area on the third floor.

Suddenly, Luke stepped aside and hid behind a massive stone pillar as he heard the approach of footsteps. A dim yellow oil lamp illuminated the area, revealing Filch and Mrs. Norris, who were on a nighttime patrol.

Filch was notorious for his strictness and would lock up students who were caught at night in the basement torture room. The fear of getting caught by him had deterred many students from nighttime excursions.

Once Filch and his cat left, Luke continued down the corridor.

"Cute cat," he mused to himself, taking a moment to relax.

He then headed to the end of the corridor where Professor Quirrell's office was located. The office was well-lit and stood out in the dark hallway.

Knocking on the wooden door, Luke waited for a response.

"Please wait!"

Quirrell heard the knock and paused in his office. He approached the door, puzzled about who would be visiting him at this late hour. Could it be Snape, whom he had been in conflict with since taking up his position teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts?

Upon opening the door, Quirrell was astonished. "You... you're Peter Pettigrew!?"

The sight of the familiar face left Quirrell shocked and alarmed. How could he not recognize the wretched and ugly figure of Peter Pettigrew, a Hogwarts graduate?

"But you... you were supposed to be dead!" Quirrell stammered in surprise.

"Why would you think I'm dead?" Peter Pettigrew, in the form of Luke, responded, revealing his long front teeth.

"You weren't in the explosion..."

"It was merely a ruse," Peter Pettigrew interjected, pointing his wand at Quirrell's purple-turbaned head. "Let's go inside and talk."

Quirrell, baffled by this unexpected encounter, hesitated for a moment. Peter Pettigrew was infamous as a coward, and this behavior was completely out of character.

Voldemort, who had been resting on the back of Quirrell's head, felt the wand pointed at him and couldn't help but be taken aback.

Peter Pettigrew was known as a coward by all, so why was he here? Quirrell and Voldemort shared a sense of bewilderment and curiosity as they followed Peter Pettigrew into the office.

As they entered the house, Peter Pettigrew set down his disguised wand. Quirrell wasted no time in questioning him.

"What did you mean by your concealment earlier? And what are you doing here tonight?" Quirrell inquired, knowing that Peter Pettigrew had no good intentions this evening.

But he was curious about the so-called "hero" and what he had to say.

"I was hiding. I caused the explosion, and I wouldn't have survived without concealing myself," Peter Pettigrew explained with a grin. "As for why I'm seeking you out, as a Death Eater, I don't need a reason to kill, right?"

This unexpected display of bravery from Peter Pettigrew startled Voldemort.

Luke's knowledge of Peter Pettigrew was primarily based on newspaper reports and speculations. After all, it had been eleven years, and he primarily remembered Quirrell being possessed by Voldemort. He hadn't had direct contact with Peter Pettigrew.

Who knew whether this behavior was an act or genuine?

For now, Luke's goal was to play the role of Peter Pettigrew, fool Voldemort in the process.

"Death Eaters!"

Quirrell hesitated for a moment, seeing Peter Pettigrew's wand now pointed at him. "Don't do it! I serve the master too!"

"Really? I don't believe you!" Peter Pettigrew fixed Quirrell with a threatening look.


"No, no, no!"

"Stop it, Peter Pettigrew!" As Luke cast the spell, two different voices simultaneously emerged. One was Quirrell's terrified scream, and the other was a hoarse cry.

"Master, save me!"

Quirrell quickly lifted the purple hood covering his head, revealing the back of his head to Peter Pettigrew.

"Now, do you believe that I serve the master?" he pleaded.

"Peter Pettigrew, I am your master!" Behind Quirrell's head, a blurry, wriggling face glared at Peter Pettigrew, its hoarse voice striking fear into his heart.

"Master?" Peter Pettigrew lowered his wand, looking suspiciously at the face behind Quirrell's head.

"Yes, it's me. The great Dark Lord is on the brink of returning!" Voldemort, in his wretched form, stared at Peter Pettigrew and laughed.

The reason he hadn't let Quirrell reveal his presence to Snape was to prevent the Death Eaters from betraying him. However, he was certain that Peter Pettigrew would never betray him, knowing the cowardly nature of the man.

"Follow me - what do you want to do?" Voldemort was cut off mid-sentence as he noticed Peter Pettigrew lifting his wand again.

"Follow you? Why should I follow you if you're so weak!" Peter Pettigrew grinned, wand raised.

"You!" Voldemort looked at Peter Pettigrew in disbelief. He never imagined that the day would come when he'd be looked down upon by this coward.

"As long as you and Quirrell are killed here, won't the position of the third-generation Dark Lord be mine?" Luke didn't hold back any longer. He aimed his wand at the wriggling face behind Quirrell's head.

"Avada Kedavra—"

"You can't, how dare you, Peter!" A green light shot from Peter Pettigrew's wand as he smiled grotesquely.

At a critical moment, Voldemort took control of Quirrell's body, turning him to shield himself. The deadly green spell struck Quirrell's arm.

"What!" Quirrell let out a horrifying scream. Just as Luke was contemplating whether to give his dear Tom another shot, there was a sudden knocking on the door.

"Professor Quirrell, are you alright?" It was Filch on patrol outside.


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