
Harry, having just polished off the last sip of his chocolate milk, found himself drowning in a sea of question marks after Luke's mysterious declaration.

"Miss Harry? What's the meaning?" he stammered, baffled by the unexpected turn of events.

Before Harry could fire off more inquiries, Ronald, seated beside him, suddenly widened his eyes and let out a dramatic exclamation: "Harry, Harry, your body!"

"And your hair! What's going on!?" he added, his astonishment echoing through the room.

Startled by Ron's outburst, Harry looked around in confusion. However, before he could make sense of the situation, he felt a peculiar sensation – his vision obstructed by his own hair.

Sure, Harry was aware that his hair had a magical tendency to grow rapidly, but this was something else. It wasn't just growing; it was getting longer!

"Luke, what did you give me—"

Harry was about to launch into a barrage of questions, but mid-sentence, he noticed a change. His voice. It had transformed from its usual hoarse timbre to something soft and melodious, akin to the soothing notes of a nightingale.

"What the heck is going on?!" Harry exclaimed, bewildered by the sudden metamorphosis of his voice and appearance.

"Haven't figured it out yet?" Luke pointed at Harry's, a mischievous grin playing on his face. "Congratulations, you've just turned into a girl."

Hermione, instinctively, glanced at Harry's chest and stood there in stunned silence. The revelation had rendered the usually articulate witch speechless.

"You better see for yourself," Luke suggested, tossing a mirror directly to Harry. He hadn't anticipated the potency of Gender Bender potion.

As Harry gazed into the mirror, his beautiful green eyes blinked in disbelief. Staring back at him was a stunning girl, uncannily resembling him. No, this was him – or rather, her. Harriet!

As the reality of the situation sank in, Harry's suspicious gaze shifted to Luke, demanding an explanation.

"The potion I brewed by mistake will keep you in this state for 12 hours," Luke explained. "I've tested it beforehand, no harm done. But I only have so much of it."

He raised a small bottle in his hand, presenting it to Harry.

"But does this have anything to do with Snape not targeting me?" Harriet queried, still adjusting to her transformed state.

"This potion is wicked..." Ron exclaimed, capturing the bewilderment of the group.

"Snape generally doesn't target women, does he?" Luke chuckled. "It seems... is it true?"

Harry hesitated, then nodded in agreement.

"Now that you're a woman, is Snape going to target you?" Luke pondered aloud, unable to contain his anticipation. Snape had a history of targeting Harry due to his resemblance to James. With Harriet resembling Lily, Luke couldn't help but wonder how Snape would react.

The morning's events unfolded in a potions class, and the quartet headed to the basement for their lesson after a breakfast filled with unexpected transformations and unanswered questions.

Harry grumbled as he strolled along with the book clutched in his hands, feeling quite uncomfortable in his new body.

Hermione, opting for silence, trailed behind Luke, her mind racing about what would happen to him after the transformation.

Surveying Luke's figure, Hermione suddenly spoke up, "Come on, Harry, let me take the book for you!"

Ron, the ever-supportive friend, hurried over and relieved Harry of the burden. "Thank you!" Harry expressed his gratitude.

"No problem at all. Aren't we the best of friends?" Ron replied, sporting a friendly grin.

Concerned for Hermione, Luke offered, "Are you tired? Let me carry the book for you." Without waiting for her response, the charming wizard whisked away the stack of books from her arms.

"Thanks," Hermione whispered her appreciation.

"You're welcome," the boy shrugged, and the two made their way to the back row of the classroom. Their usual corner remained unoccupied, as they were accustomed to sitting there.

Seated, Luke began organizing the materials for the blood tonic he intended to concoct that day.

As time passed, Professor Snape dramatically entered the room, his robes billowing like a giant flying bat.

"Today, we'll be studying blood supplements," Snape announced. "I hope your troll brains can handle the simplest potions!"

The professor inquired, "Who knows the specific formula for the blood supplement?"

"Harry Potter!" Snape called out, making Harry's heart sink. Luke's suggested idea was proving futile.

"Harry!" Snape continued.

"Professor, I don't know," Harry responded, keeping with his usual routine.

Suddenly, Snape's demeanor changed. "Your mind is still—Lily?!"

Snape stood frozen, recognizing a familiar face and emerald green eyes. "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Despite Harry's explanation about the transformation spell, Snape remained unconvinced. "Sit down and pay attention to the next lesson!" Snape commanded, his disappointment evident as he returned to the podium.


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