

"What is that?"

Fred, George, and even Hermione couldn't hide their curiosity. Although Hermione was well-versed in many Hogwarts subjects, the mention of Hearthstone caught her off guard.

Casually leaning against a stone, Luke seized the opportunity to educate his friends about this intriguing game. With an air of expertise, he unfolded the simple rules to the trio, who listened with keen interest.

Fred couldn't contain his excitement. "Imagine if we create these cards, it could become famous in the wizarding world!"

George, displaying a hint of caution, nodded in agreement. Hermione, too, marveled at Luke's unexpected proficiency in the gaming realm.

"Maybe this game could be the next Quidditch," Luke suggested with a sly smile.

The perceptive Hermione caught on quickly, "Hold a contest!"

Luke's approving nod signaled that she had hit the mark. "Yes, there will be a bonus at the end of the competition."

Fueled by newfound inspiration, Fred and George were ready to dive into the project immediately. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and they couldn't wait to bring this wizarding version of Hearthstone to life.

"Those wizards will absolutely love it!"

But George, ever practical, interjected, "We still have to figure out a way to design those cards."

Always quick with a solution, Luke chimed in, "Why don't you ask me?" His money-making mind was already considering potential profits.

Luke revealed, "I happen to have a set at home, but it's in my house now. I'll get it after Christmas is over."

The twins exchanged glances, and Fred, unable to contain his excitement, shook Luke's hand. "You're the biggest boss of our prank shop!"

However, Luke, in his nonchalant manner, deflected the title, "Boss? Forget it, I'm only interested in receiving money. You should be the boss."

This unexpected response left Fred and George momentarily stunned. Nevertheless, they accepted the proposition, realizing that Luke's true passion lay in being the financial powerhouse.

Before delving into card-making details, Luke suggested, "If you have time to talk about this, you two might as well study it carefully—how to materialize the characters of the card."

Determined to make their venture stand out, the twins eagerly volunteered to handle the technological aspects of the project.

After providing further details about the store and the gameplay, Luke, ever the multitasker, was ready to shift his focus to practicing the flying spell with Hermione.

"Don't worry, we'll handle everything!" Fred assured."You're a genius, Luke!" George chimed in with sincerity."Thanks for the compliment," Luke responded with a casual shrug, leaving his friends to embark on this exciting new venture together.


In the enchanting corridors of Hogwarts, Luke found himself at the crossroads of his past life's memories. A determined Fred gestured for George to join him in the library, their attention consumed by the quest for a spell book as Christmas approached with only a week left.

Watching the twins' relentless pursuit of magical knowledge, Luke marveled at their exceptional talents. His thoughts drifted, pondering the unique qualities that set these two apart in the magical world.

"Okay, let's continue practicing," Luke redirected his focus, addressing Hermione, who had been observing him with a curious gaze. Hermione, her brown curls dancing in the breeze, complimented Luke on his extensive knowledge. His response, filled with laughter, set the tone for their magical endeavors.

The trio immersed themselves in practice until the approaching dinner time called them back to Gryffindor's table. However, the transformation that Harry had undergone earlier still persisted, as the twelve-hour mark had not yet arrived.

Luke greeted Harry with a friendly, "Good evening," receiving a reluctant smile in return. Ron, seated nearby, cast furtive glances at Harry, sensing a shift in the atmosphere.

Concerned, Luke inquired about Harry's well-being, unaware of the romantic entanglements that had unfolded during the day. Ron, eager to share the gossip, revealed that Harry had been stopped on his way back to the dormitory and received an unwelcome love letter from their roommate, Dean.

The revelation left Luke shaking his head, opting for a glass of honey milk to accompany the melancholy atmosphere. Hermione, perceptive to the underlying humor in the situation, joined in with a subtle smile, also choosing honey milk to mask her amusement.

As the news of Dean's misguided confession unfolded, Luke couldn't help but find the situation amusing, even ordering a dessert to savor the irony. Hermione, sharing in the amusement, concealed her grin behind the action of sipping honey milk.

The unexpected romantic entanglements added a touch of humor to the evening, but Harry, feeling the weight of the situation, slumped onto the table in exhaustion. Even Ronald, typically boisterous, seemed affected.

Amidst the unfolding drama, Harry's internal plea echoed — "Change me back now!" The consequences of the love letter and the transformations had created a tangled web of emotions, casting a shadow over the usually lively Gryffindor table. The mystical aura of Hogwarts seemed to shimmer with an unexpected blend of magic and mischief.


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