
Hermione noticed Luke's gaze and quickly covered his eyes with her hands.


"By the way, have you had enough squeezing my cheeks?" Luke asked weakly.

The mode of transportation was particularly unfriendly to the Dragon Slayer, and once on board, he had minimal ability to resist.

"No!" Hermione, looking at the boy lying in her arms, pinched his prominent nose again. She was determined to take full advantage of this opportune moment.

Feeling the touch on the tip of his nose, Luke sighed helplessly. If he could move, would he be so passive?

Observing the threat in Luke's eyes, Hermione closed her eyes once more. "Go to sleep now."

"I can't fall asleep." Luke, initially a bit drowsy, had his sleepiness disrupted by Hermione's antics.

"Come on, eat something!" Hermione picked up a chocolate frog from the table and brought it to Luke's mouth.

So familiar Luke opened his mouth. The rich chocolate flavor flooded his senses. As he enjoyed the chocolate frogs, he relished in the joy of being fed.

By the time the Hogwarts train arrived at King's Cross, it was already evening. Luke walked ahead, carrying Hermione's suitcase, while Hermione followed. Once the train stopped, his strength returned. However, being at the end of the train, they found themselves caught in a crowd of young wizards, making it challenging to exit.

Upon reaching the platform at the train station, the Grangers were already waiting in the designated area, having received a letter from their daughter's owl.

Spotting her parents, Hermione hurriedly approached them with Luke in tow.

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger, good evening!" Luke greeted the Grangers with a smile, handing Hermione her suitcase.

The Grangers had known this polite young boy since their encounter in Diagon Alley. Learning that Luke was an orphan, they had even extended an invitation for him to spend Christmas break at their home.

"Thank you, but I still have things to do during the holidays," Luke politely declined, ignoring the blushing Hermione.

Regretfully, Mr. Granger said, "Really, what a pity."

Impressed by Luke's manners and his close relationship with their daughter, the Grangers bid him farewell after Hermione reluctantly boarded the bus.



Waving farewell to Hermione, Luke turned and left King's Cross Station.

Now, how to get back?

With his current physique, taking a taxi might not be the best idea to avoid motion sickness. Additionally, without setting the coordinates for his room, direct teleportation wasn't possible.

However, short-distance transmission remained an option.

Luke gazed at the fiery clouds in the sky, contemplating his next move.


The time was nine p.m.

In the dimly lit room, a swirling whirlpool materialized in mid-air, and a figure gradually manifested on the spot.

"Whoo—it's finally here! 

Since he hadn't set the coordinates for his room, he had to resort to short-distance teleportation to travel the entire way.

"I need to set the coordinates!

Rubbing his dry eyes, he couldn't help muttering to himself...

Thankfully, the frog cub had brought him the eternal kaleidoscope; otherwise, he feared his eyes might go blind.

After the last incident with Hermione in distress, Luke had shared the coordinates of the gods with all the Hogwarts rooms, ready for swift teleportation when needed.

Now, he was just setting up his own home.

Having configured the coordinates, Luke couldn't resist sprawling on the soft sofa, a hint of weariness in his demeanor.

For anyone else, spending a day nauseous in a car and using Teleport continuously would be no small feat.

After a brief rest, he stowed the promised gifts and the cards used for the shop into a different space.

Surveying the empty room, Luke shook his head in regret.

Still missing some furnishings.

In the coming days, he planned to visit Diagon Alley first and then explore Knockturn Alley.

Nestled within Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley harbored dark wizards, werewolves, and vampires. Yet, it was precisely here that one could find unconventional items for sale, provided they had the coin.

Luke intended to venture into Knockturn Alley to uncover its mysteries.

According to the Weasley brothers, the alley housed intriguing magical artifacts—shoes that danced to death and coins brimming with curses, all stories that existed in fairy tales but were real in Knockturn Alley.

There seemed to be no magical item beyond their crafting capabilities.

Concerns for his safety were met with Luke's recent acquisition of dragon-slaying magic, awaiting an opportunity for experimentation.

As night fell, Luke, clad in pajamas, lay on his bed after a refreshing shower.

Reflecting on the day's events aboard the train, a subtle smile played on his lips.

Such a splendid life.

After lying still for a while, the room echoed with the cadence of steady breathing.


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