
After parting ways with Hermione, Luke descended the stairs to the Slytherin Lunge on the floor below. Along the way, he encountered Peeves, who was mischievously pranking a mural with a paintbrush.

"Go away, you nasty Peeves!"

"Hahahaha, today I must draw a few scars on your face!" Peeves laughed arrogantly, taunting the panicked girl in the painting. "Where do you think you can go?"

Aware of Peeves' reputation for his troublesome pranks, most first-year students avoided him. However, Luke was different. Ever since he used an illusion on Peeves, the mischievous ghost had been avoiding him.

In the silent staircase, Luke smiled as he watched Peeves in mid-air.

"Red...Red-eyed Luke!" Peeves exclaimed, noticing Luke. In response, Peeves, to everyone's surprise, quickly burrowed into the wall, leaving the girl in the painting astonished.

"Thank you, little wizard!" The painted girl performed an aristocratic gesture toward Luke.

"Nothing," Luke replied, shaking his head before moving on. The last illusion had evidently left a significant impact on Peeves.


In the dormitory, Malfoy and Crabbe hadn't returned yet, likely engaged in discussions about family ideals with pure-blood wizards in the hall. Luke hung his wizard robe on the hanger, picked up a Lockhart book, and sat on his bed, quietly waiting for the return of his frog companion.

Around eleven o'clock, a crisp frog croak echoed in the dormitory, catching Luke's attention. The frog cub, absent for a while, finally returned with something in tow. Luke placed the pre-prepared food in front of the warm nest and then affectionately rubbed the frog cub's head.


The frog cub, wearing a hat, presented a package to Luke.

"What's this?" Luke asked, curious about the contents of the backpack. It turned out to be an octagonal stone charm with a pattern resembling a horse's head carved on it.

"This is the Horse talisman from the cartoon Jackie Chan Adventures!" Luke exclaimed, recalling the origin of these spells. 

But what power did the horse charm represent? At the moment, he could only remember the dog tailsman representing immortality; the abilities of the other spells eluded him.

[The Horse tailsman is a special product from the world of 'Jackie Chan Adventures.

"Effect: It represents healing and restoration. It can enable the holder to remove all abnormal effects caused by external forces in the body and, at the same time, ensure that they will not be corroded by external forces. It can heal all diseases.]

"Healing all diseases?" Luke wondered, thinking about his motion sickness side effects. Motion sickness is an external force, and he wasn't sure if it could be cured. Setting aside other abilities, the horse talisman's power was a magical skill that could cure any disease, even cancer. If this information spread, it would undoubtedly cause a sensation—nobody wants to get sick, no matter the ailment.

Luke held the horse charm in his hand, and suddenly, it emitted a dazzling light. His body felt more transparent, as if he had undergone some kind of treatment. Perplexed, he wondered why he didn't know what was wrong with him. Was it a symptom of motion sickness? Luke wanted to try it, but the magic broom wasn't in the bedroom, and it was too late for a quiet school test.

"Forget it, I'll try it on the lawn tomorrow morning," he muttered to himself.

At that moment, Malfoy and Crabbe entered with smiling faces. Luke took a glance and stopped paying attention—a poor man deceived by another man. Come to think of it, Harry seemed to be attempting to turn Malfoy into a woman. The thought made Luke chuckle.

"Guess what, tomorrow night, Halle is asking me to go on a date in the forbidden area on the third floor!" Malfoy boasted with excitement.

In the dorm, it was only Luke, excluding Crabbe, so it was evident that Malfoy wasn't addressing Crabbe.

"Showing off to me?" Luke used his wand to conjure a suitable rope for the horse charm and placed it around his neck.

"Good luck to you and Harry."

"Remember not to get caught by Filch." Luke sincerely wished his good friend.

Harry really does wonders! Look at what Malfoy has been roped into, he thought to himself.

"Don't worry; I've figured out Filch's trajectory in advance. He won't catch the two of us!" Malfoy said confidently.

Luke yawned, then touched the sleeping frog cub.

It seemed that since he came to Hogwarts, the treasures his little buddy brought back had become more and more valuable.

Just like this horse charm in his hand.

If it's true that all diseases can be cured, then the wizards who have become werewolves...

Thinking of this, the corners of Luke's mouth twitched.

As long as he treats those werewolves well, he can gain a lot of followers.

You must know that many werewolves are forced into lycanthropy in this world, and those who can't afford the Wolfsbane Potion can only suffer.

But wealthy werewolves are still a minority.

Luke had plans for the future. Not long after, the notebook was filled with plans for the future...


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