Showdown With Quirrell

"Let's go, don't give me that look..." Luke said awkwardly, sensing the reproachful gaze from Miss Hermione behind him.


"Move aside, Harry and the others are still inside."


Having spoken, Luke leaped directly from the secret door.


Hermione, outside, sighed helplessly, and then followed suit.


Upon entering, they found the ground becoming exceptionally soft, their legs sinking into it.


"What's this?"




Luke retrieved his wand, and the radiant dots of light illuminated the dark walls and the winding vines beneath their feet.


"This is Devil's Vine!"


Both of them recalled it as a crucial point in their herbology class.


"Do you remember what we studied?"


Hermione's lips twitched slightly as she asked Luke.


"The Devil's Vine was just basic content."


Luke shrugged, finding this plant relatively easy for the two library-loving young lovers.


"Let's make it bright!"




With the intense light, they escaped from the entwining Devil's Vine.


As Luke was the first to jump, he was also the first to break free.


Anticipating this, he had already held Hermione in a princess-like embrace, while Hermione clutched onto Luke's neck with both hands.


"Alright, come down."


Luke lightly tapped Hermione's head, who still had her eyes closed, and said helplessly.


Continuing like this, Harry might have fallen prey to Quirrell alone. With the enchanted harp playing on its own and the person currently most in need of the Philosopher's Stone, Quirrell was undoubtedly the culprit.




Blushing, Hermione pulled away from Luke's arms, her small-booted feet touching the stone floor.


If not for the princess-like embrace moments ago, she might have found herself on the ground.


"Thank you!"


Hermione quickly walked to Luke's side and expressed her gratitude in a hushed voice.


"Why be so formal with me?"


Luke affectionately tousled the girl's brown, curly hair, soft and fragrant.


Pushing open the first door, they found the floor strewn with winged keys, a creation Luke had heard Professor Flitwick discuss.


These were made by him.


The previously locked door was now ajar.


"It's Harry and the others," Luke muttered to himself. Surprisingly, without Hermione, they still managed to pass through the Devil's Snare. He thought Harry and the others might be visible on the Devil's Snare.


"Let's go to the second level."


In the second room, the once-organized wizard chessboard lay scattered, covered in debris and dust. Black and white pieces were strewn across the floor.


"Luke?!" A weak voice sounded, and Luke looked towards the corner.


Dusty and disheveled, Ron was sitting on a broken knight. When he saw the two entering, he looked relieved and shouted, "Harry, Harry, he's gone to the next level!"


"And Neville!"


"How are you?" Luke came over to check Ron's injuries, finding no major harm other than a broken forearm.


"It's okay. I think I'll have to go to the school doctor's office for a bottle of Skele-Gro."


"Don't-" At the mention of Skele-Gro, Ron frowned. He had experienced that taste before, and it was something not meant for human consumption.


"Can you still move?" Luke helped Ron up and asked.


"Yes!" Ron moved his body, realizing there was nothing else affected except his arms. He couldn't stand up earlier due to fright, but after a short rest, the fear had subsided.


"Okay, you go out and tell Headmaster Dumbledore about this, and Hermione and I will go find Harry."


After speaking, Luke turned around and led Hermione into the third door. Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.


The third level presented a decryption challenge, but by the time the two entered, Harry had already passed through the burning flames, leaving only a lingering shadow.


"Hermione, Luke!"


Neville, who was left outside, suddenly noticed two additional figures.


"Why are you two here?"


"I don't have time to explain; you should stay away."


Luke took out his wand and approached the magical flame, twirling it gently in his hand.


"All curses end!" This was an advanced spell, utilizing skills that wouldn't typically be learned until the third grade.


But Luke had already learned all the spells he was interested in in the Forbidden Area, including this useful spell.


The magical flames flickered and extinguished, revealing the fourth hidden door.


"Hermione, you and Neville wait here for Headmaster Dumbledore. I'll go in and help Harry," Luke instructed, gently touching Hermione's cerebellum.




"Listen to me this time!" Luke's tone was firm, and after saying that, he picked up his wand and entered the last room.


Outside, Hermione bit her lip unwillingly. Even though she knew many magic spells now, she still felt helpless. Since the Forbidden Forest, Hermione had understood the gap between herself and Luke. It took an extraordinary person to independently research such a powerful thunder and lightning spell.


"I will get stronger!" The determined girl looked at Luke's disappearing figure and made up her mind.


"Professor Quirrell?" Harry eyed Quirrell warily as he stood beside the Mirror of Erised.


"Hahaha, it's me. Didn't you think so?" Quirrell's demeanor was now filled with gloomy coldness, devoid of his usual flinching appearance and the habitual stammering and twitching.


"You want to get the Philosopher's Stone?" Harry couldn't believe it.


"Can't I be Snape?" Quirrell took a step forward, pointing his wand at Harry's head.


"Ah, meeting Professor Quirrell again!" A soft voice echoed in the room.


Under Quirrell's haunted gaze, Luke strolled in.


"It looks like I didn't kill you in the Forbidden Forest last time, what a pity." Quirrell instinctively covered his stomach as a penetrating wound throbbed there.


"Don't worry; you can't escape today. Right, Tom?" Luke remarked confidently


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