The Room of Requirement

"Are you sure!"

In the dark night, Hermione couldn't help but ask Luke.

"Yes." Luke confirmed.

At this time, the two were secretly searching for a portrait of a troll in Hogwarts Castle.

Luke only remembered going back and forth three times on the opposite side of the troll portrait, but he genuinely forgot where it was.

So, the two could only start looking from the first floor.

There were many portraits on each floor, various paintings, and even for senior students, it was impossible to memorize all of them.

Neither of them turned on the oil lamps because Filch was patrolling the vicinity.

Hermione walked cautiously on the road ahead, while Luke followed her closely.

Although he had a way to control Filch directly, there would be no excitement of night travel, not to mention...

"What's the matter, is it Filch?"

Hermione jumped up like a frightened rabbit and turned her head to look at Luke in panic.

Recently, thanks to Snape's unremitting efforts, Gryffindor's score had almost reached single digits, and Professor McGonagall's face was getting worse day by day.

If they were discovered during their night tour, Hermione estimated that Gryffindor would break through the miracle and become a negative number. Professor McGonagall would definitely not spare her.

Although Hermione had suggested many times that Harry should drink a drop of the Fountain during Potions class, Harry would not agree.

Not to mention that Malfoy, who was inquiring about Harry's whereabouts like a madman, even his good brother Ronald looked at him in the wrong way.

So now Harry didn't need to be beaten to death.

She was afraid that if he used it too much, sooner or later, he would be sent to the school infirmary.

"You are so annoying!"

Looking left and right, there was no figure. Hermione sighed in relief and looked at Luke fiercely with brown eyes.

"Let's hurry up and find the portrait of the troll; it's twelve o'clock now!"

Luke quickly changed the subject when he saw that the situation was not good.

In the eighth-floor corridor, Hermione gestured with her glowing wand, catching Luke's attention.

"Is this it?" she asked, pointing to a scene of trolls dancing around a wizard with oversized sticks, one of which was comically hitting the wizard's head.

Luke peered closer, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, finally."

Excitement flashed in his eyes as he swiftly pulled Hermione to the opposite side of the painting. Standing there, he beganthe process, walking back and forth three times in deep concentration.

"Look!" he exclaimed as a smooth door materialized on the otherwise featureless wall.

Hermione couldn't contain her amazement. What she thought might be a mere rumor turned out to be a reality.

"What room were you thinking of?" she asked, observing Luke's muttered words and connecting the dots.

"Just an ordinary one," Luke replied with a shrug. However, before he finished, Hermione pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Normal, you call this normal?" she whispered as Luke followed, thoughtfully closing the door behind them. The wall returned to its original state, as if the door had been nothing but an illusion.

The cozy lounge wasn't overly spacious, precisely what Luke desired. A soft double sofa stood against the window, bathed in moonlight that highlighted the crimson sheets. In the room's center sat a round table surrounded by high chairs, adorned with various hanging murals and softly burning candles on the walls. The sight left Luke momentarily stunned.

"This is too sweet!" he exclaimed.

Hermione, taking a cautious step back, teased, "I bet you weren't thinking of an ordinary one."

Luke, somewhat sheepish, admitted, "Cozy..."


The next morning, as the rising sun sliced through the night, delicate snowflakes drifted down upon Hogwarts. Luke, brushing off the clinging snow, made his way to the auditorium.

Hermione had not spent the night with him; after obtaining what they sought, they returned to their respective bedrooms.

"Good morning," Luke greeted warmly, embracing the bashful girl.

"Two cups of chocolate milk, one with sugar, and one without!" Luke preemptively informed the house-elves, mindful of Hermione's aversion to sugar.

"I'll get fat..." Hermione weakly protested as the chocolate milk appeared before her.

"It's alright; I don't mind," Luke reassured, taking a sip and savoring the flavor.

"I hate you!" Hermione retorted playfully before delving into her thick notebook.

With less than five weeks until the final exams, Luke had a sudden idea. "When there's no class this afternoon, let's head to the Room of Requirement and study! It should be much more efficient than the library."

Hesitant at first, Hermione eventually nodded in agreement. "Where we study doesn't matter as long as we study!"


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