Riddle's Diary

Fred explained that the Weasley family was at the store to buy school books, particularly those written by Gilderoy Lockhart. George couldn't help but voice his frustration, commenting on the excessive number of Lockhart's books.

"It seems like the new Dark Magic Defense professor is a big fan of Lockhart—maybe a witch with a crush," George remarked sarcastically.

"Percy, didn't you hear about Lockhart being our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Fred asked, holding a copy of "How to Gain Power as a Prefect."

"That's why you enjoy those pointless speeches..." George retorted, shaking his head.

Despite being a pure-blood family, the Weasleys were not as wealthy as the Malfoys, and their savings were meager. With a large family, including this year's Ginny, they needed to buy five sets of Lockhart's books. Hermione was taken aback by the cost, unable to even afford one set, let alone five.

"Why don't you buy one set and then make duplicates?" Hermione suggested, but Fred explained that magical books from the Lihen Store couldn't be copied. The store's anti-theft spell only allowed blank sheets of paper to be printed.

Fred then mentioned that their cards were nearly sold out. He hinted that a second set would be available soon, which didn't surprise Luke, as Fred had already started preparing the next set around Christmas.

Once the initial templates are established, subsequent tasks become much more manageable.

George and Fred seemed to witness a cascade of Jin Galleons soaring towards them.

Meanwhile, as Luke and Fred engaged in conversation, the Weasleys escorted Ginny and Harry, on the cusp of entering school, to select their textbooks.

Ginny, the youngest of the Weasley clan, sported vibrant red locks, with a newly purchased cauldron dangling from her arm, appearing somewhat bashful.

"Isn't that Arthur from the Ministry of Magic?" 

An air of arrogance resonated from the staircase leading to the second floor. Lucius Malfoy, with his impeccably groomed blond hair, cast a disdainful glance at Arthur, a hint of sarcasm lingering in his eyes.


Arthur's expression soured upon spotting the source of the voice.

Their relationship was far from amicable, as Arthur's role in the Ministry often clashed with Lucius, who had aligned himself with Voldemort.

"Look at you, attending school with such tattered books?"

Lucius approached leisurely, plucking the worn "Transformation Guide for Beginners" from Ginny's cauldron, his laughter laced with mockery.

However, as he returned the book, another volume mysteriously appeared amidst the solitary tome.

Luke, keenly observing the interaction, took note, while others directed scowls at Lucius and his son, Draco, standing in the background.

That must be Tom's diary...

Luke speculated.

"To afford these, you'll be scrimping for meals next month," Lucius remarked sardonically, tapping the floor with his wand adorned with a golden serpent, a display of ostentation.

"Harry, what a surprise to find you here," Draco sneered, casting a sidelong glance at Harry beside Ginny. "Didn't expect you to snag yourself a girlfriend."

Ronald flushed crimson, tossing the book into the cauldron, poised to confront Draco before Harry intervened.

Indeed, the resemblance between the two was striking...

Luke mused.

"Ah, isn't this the young wizard from the potion shop?" Lucius redirected his attention, spotting Luke amidst the group.

"Weasley, with your friends from Muggle families, one would think you've stooped low enough..."

Upon hearing Lucius's audacious remark, Arthur was consumed by fury. In a fit of rage, he threw a punch before Lucius could react, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"How dare you, Weasley!"

Lucius, taken by surprise, clutched his numbed nose, and a vivid red stream of blood emerged.

"Well played!"

The twins couldn't help but cheer, reveling in the unexpected turn of events.

The spectacle quickly drew the attention of other patrons in the bookstore, and the clerk rushed over to mediate, but their efforts were in vain. The two adversaries continued their impromptu brawl.

Draco, eager to intervene, found himself immobilized by Luke's wand. He couldn't ignore what Lucius had said – a sentiment shared by many pure-blooded wizards.

Desperation painted Draco's face as he glanced at Luke, who smiled subtly.

How did my father involve Geralt in this mess?

Hagrid's arrival marked the end of the skirmish between Lucius and Arthur.

"Just you wait!"

With a final declaration, Lucius broke free from Hagrid's grip, dispelled Draco's petrification, and hastily exited the store.

"You should ignore him, Arthur," Hagrid, a seasoned figure, knew both Arthur and Lucius well. He shook his head, remarking, "You know he's always up to some scheme..."

"You shouldn't have been so impulsive!"

Mrs. Weasley, somewhat angered, recognized the implications of the incident, especially considering Lockhart's ongoing press conference and the surrounding wizards.

"I saw his face and couldn't resist punching him—"

Arthur dusted himself off, attempting to reason with Mrs. Weasley.


Turning away from the altercation, Luke approached Hermione and Ginny, casting a friendly gaze at the shy young witch with pale blue eyes.


"My name is Luke Geralt, and she's Hermione Granger. It's a pleasure to meet you." Luke presented Ginny with a brand new "Basic Transformation Guide" and placed it in her cauldron.

"This is a school gift for you."

He smiled, and even Hermione couldn't help but grin.


Ginny expressed her gratitude politely.

Luke then retrieved a notebook from Ginny's cauldron – a gift from Lucius.

"When did you buy this notebook?"

Ginny inspected the notebook with uncertainty, unable to recall its purchase.

"It's a return gift."

Luke explained softly, opening the notebook to reveal an unfamiliar name in the upper left corner.

Tom Riddle.


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