Dementor Spell

As the night settled in, the Slytherin common room exuded an air of quietude. Luke found himself reclining against the wall, his quill idly tapping against the blank pages of his journal. With an event unfolding in the Gryffindor common room, and Professor McGonagall's presence there, Luke had opted to forego his usual visit to the Room of Requirement with Hermione.

The soft glow of white light filtered through the green-tinted glass, casting a serene ambiance over the dormitory room. It was one of the rare moments of respite Luke had experienced in the dormitory this semester. Since discovering the Room of Requirement, he had seldom returned to the Slytherin dormitory.

Even Malfoy and Crabbe regarded Luke with puzzled expressions. Why had Geralt returned today?

Acclimating to the environment of the Room of Requirement had left returning to the Slytherin dormitory feeling rather disconcerting for Luke . He furrowed his brow, surveying the dimly lit room around him, lost in thought.

"My friend, is there something on your mind?" appeared the elegant script of Tom Riddle in his diary.

Luke 's incessant tapping on the journal's pages had smeared the ink across them, almost as if by design.

Tom's sudden appearance was unexpected, as Luke hadn't engaged with him much since the start of the school term. However, this suited Tom just fine, as it allowed him to quietly regain some of his power after being awakened, albeit only marginally.

"Tom, do you have any knowledge about Dementorcurse ?" Luke finally wrote after some contemplation, his quill poised over the parchment. Despite mastering numerous dangerouscurse s, practical knowledge about Dementors remained elusive to him.

The Dementorcurse is undoubtedly a potent darkcurse , but unfortunately, when he ventured into the forbidden area to study, he found no records of thiscurse .

"Dementor? Thatcurse is very dangerous..." Tom wrote in the diary.

Luke couldn't help but chuckle. "Dangerous? Whatcurse could possibly pose a threat to you, Tom?" he thought to himself. As the first Horcrux created in Voldemort's early years, Tom had yet to witness the extent of Voldemort's future atrocities.

Of course, Luke didn't divulge this to Tom; after all, Tom hadn't asked.

After a long silence, another line appeared in the diary. "I've encountered Dementors before, albeit purely for academic study, you understand—we're all geniuses..."

The diary seemed to be attempting to improve Luke 's opinion of Tom, careful not to reveal that it housed Voldemort's Horcrux.

The current Tom was too weak, but given a few more days to regain his strength, he would be able to control this ambitious wizard through magicalcurse s.

"So, can you teach me the Dementorcurse ?" a smile played on Luke 's lips.

By now, he had nearly subdued Tom, having explained almost all thecurse s he had learned prior to sixth grade.

To gain Luke 's trust, Tom invested his own effort. "...Of course, aren't we friends?" the diary responded.

"But to practice the Dementorcurse , you need a practice partner—animals won't do."

Luke eagerly awaited as Tom began to write a tutorial in the diary, and he too jotted down some of his own inquiries.

Luke couldn't help but acknowledge that, despite Tom's nefarious intentions, he was certainly a better teacher than Lockhart, especially when it came to Dark Magic defense class. Some of the elements of the Dementor, Tom had already covered in his teachings, making Luke contemplate replacing Lockhart altogether.

Now, the question was who to practice with. Luke 's gaze landed on Malfoy, who was chatting with Crabbe. Perhaps Malfoy would make a suitable practice partner.

Suddenly, Malfoy shuddered, as if sensing something dangerous. He scanned the surroundings but found nothing amiss. Luke , engrossed in writing and drawing in his diary under the light, showed no signs of suspicious behavior.

Was it just his imagination? Malfoy shrugged it off and resumed chatting with Crabbe, still recovering from his recent low mood after failing to find Harry.


In the following days, Luke focused on attending classes with Hermione to score points. Professor Snape's return to class was notable, with a sense of weariness evident in his eyes, and even a few green plush willow bugs clinging to his robe. Luke speculated on Snape's whereabouts, wondering if it was where Snape first met Lily, his lost love.

Meanwhile, Luke practiced the Dementorcurse daily for a brief period, using Malfoy as his practice target. Each night, he showcased a kaleidoscope to Crabbe and Malfoy before casting the Dementorcurse with his wand. With consistent practice, his mastery of thecurse improved, and he gradually uncovered many of Malfoy's secrets.


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