
[Welcome to the world of the Football Growth System, after your confirmation, the host,Qi Ce has been bound to the system, please refer to the following values.]

  Qi Ce looked up and was taken aback, what he's seeing right now is exactly the same as what he had just seen inside the game.

Height: 171cm,

Weight: 64kg,

Position: Highlight 20 for striker, 15 for forward and left winger,

Usual foot: right foot,

Current ability value: 92,

Potential ability: Unknown.

  Qi Ce noticed that the potential ability displayed is actually unknown, he remembered that after creating his character on the game he was given 185, and 185 can be said to be a world class ball player potential, but now it is unknown.

  He then asked the system why the potential is displaying Unknown.

  [please be aware that the system modifies and hides some of your attributes, this is done to create a challenge for you].

  Looking on, Qi Ce notices that several key ability values were also the same as what he expected, Explosive Strength: 15, Speed: 15, Running without the ball: 14, Prediction: 12, Shooting: 12, and Nimbleness: 10. these key values were all above 10.

  And of the other key attributes stopping: 6, heading: 9, technique: 6, passing: 7, long range shooting: 8, stamina: 7, strong: 6.

  In other words, apart from being fast and having a decent shot, His technique was relatively bad, his speed was excellent, but his stamina, strength and other attributes were poor, which was the fundamental flaw that ultimately prevented him from gaining a foothold in the professional team.

  Of course, these attributes are also relative, as a child with only a few years of football training, his real ability is simply not up to these values, in fact, the potential ability value of 92 in the game for the Super League is already considered a star level.

  But it was different now.

  Most of the values listed as hidden and spiritual attributes in the game were not shown in the system, and he understood that these hidden attributes were related to his own personality, and the system didn't seem to be so heaven-defying as to be able to modify his personality.

  Looking away from his attributes, there was a small locker room next to the stadium, he looked around, there was nothing else, so he went to the locker room.

  There was a vending machine in the room, there were also a few scales, wardrobes, seats, and other equipment common to locker rooms, all of which were rudimentary.

  On the table next to the vending machine, there were three silver coins lying next to each other, he could feel the textures when he held it in his hands.

  [Congratulation! you have been gifted "Football coins", which can be used in the vending machine for purchases.]

The screen on the vending machine clearly wrote the props that can now be purchased, when he clicked in to look at it, they were a lot of props; from the balls, shoes, leg guards, knee pads to the wrist guards, all football equipment are available, and the price is not that expensive, the price starts from a football coin and the more expensive ones are 10 football coins and above, and there are a lot of commodities still waiting to be unlocked.

  In addition to these products that can also be bought, the vending machine also has some special goods, the most intuitive is the ability values, and the ability value also becomes increasingly expensive as the ability increases.

  For example, the explosive power attribute, which had currently reached 15, would require a whopping 400 football coins to buy up to 16, while a discus with only 8 would only require 50 football coins to buy up to 9.

He does not know how this was all calculated.

  Looking at these somewhat surreal sights, his consciousness gradually blurred, a sense of fatigue came, and he soon entered dreamland.



  A brand-new football was quietly lying on the side of a bed, at a glance, it is worth a lot of money.

  Qi Ce held it in his arms and gently stroked it, this was the football that he decided to exchange for a football coin yesterday before going to bed.

  The ball was chosen for no specific reason, he was just testing out the vending machine and didn't expect the ball to suddenly appear in his room.

  "So, everything that happened yesterday was real?"

  he could still enter that virtual stadium and use that weird unmanned vending machine at any time.

  since this had already happened, he quickly accepted this setting, after all, living must go on whether there is a system or not, re-experiencing this youth from the age of sixteen is still an experience that people can't afford with money.

  "Ce'er, get up and eat breakfast, today is New Year's Day" his mother voice came from the kitchen., the good thing is that Qi Ce's home is not far from Chongming Island, so he went home on holiday to rest.

  "Err "

  Seeing his parents who are more than ten years younger, Qi Ce also had an indescribable taste in his heart, happy that his parents don't have white hair on their heads, and worried about how he should get along with them at this age.

   "The Teacher at West Middle School Mr. Zhao, came here two days ago, he said although with your grades you couldn't reach the standard of West Middle School, but they can let you take the sports specialty student's place, it's a good opportunity" his mother said .

West Middle School is a pretty good school in the city, they also participate in the city's football matches.

"you could study while playing football." Is mother added

  "but right now, I study and play football at the same time ..." Qi ce retorted

  His mother signs and said;

" the time for classes at the football base is too little, what will you do in the future if you can't play football anymore?"

  he quickly got a sense of Dejavu, he remembered this day.

  Qi Ci has never been a strongminded person and he does not talk much, and because of this he would always retreat when things are tough, instead of arguing. In the other timeline he followed his mother's arrangement, even though he didn't fully accept it.

  But things have change now.

  "Mum, Dad, I still want to play football." He raised his head to meet his mother's line of sight.

  His Mother froze for a moment, then continued;

"Ce'er, I know you like to play football, but when you go to West High School, you can still play football, in a stage like the city tournament. Isn't it much better than that small place?"

  "I want to play professional football."

Qi Ce's voice was not loud, but firm and unusual.

  His father who was drinking congee on one side stopped his hand movements and looked at his son, somewhat surprised, this seems to be the first time he saw his son speak so firmly.

  His mother was a little anxious:

''Ce'er, it will be a waste of time for you to play professionally over there. In the past the football base has a lot of kids, and only a few of them went up to the professional team. Teacher Zhao has already promised me that as long as you take the test, you'll definitely get in!"

  "But I still want to play football, I want to be like Liu Xiang, Yao Ming." Qi Ce retorted

"Why are you acting like a kid! Don't you remember what they did when they were your age. what have you done so far?

Get a clue, you're not cut out for this!"

  His mother's words were sharp, but to him at that time, they were incredibly true.

  What was Liu Xiang doing at sixteen? He had won the Junior Championships and was fourth in the national track and field competition, and what about sixteen-year-old Yao Ming? He has entered the Shanghai basketball team;

The more achievement one has in their early days the more likely they will become a superstar.

 Last year on the 2nd of September 2006, a fourteen years old, named Wu Lei played on behalf of the Shanghai East Asia in the Second division of The Chinese football league, and in one fell swoop he broke the record of the youngest players to appear in The Chinese football league.

  He, who was the same age as Wu lei, was envious of him. Not only him but the other young players at the football base all regarded Wu lei has their rival, hoping to make their debut in the professional league.

Back to Reality.

  "I'm not too late, I can do it."

he stood up and put one hand on his mother's shoulder, she was getting angrier as he spoke,

"One year, I still want one more year." He said

  His mother angrily said;

"Who's giving you one year? One year is easy for you to say. what have you done since last year! Whether you like it or not, Next year, Teacher Zhao is still ..."

As she was taking, Qi Ce father who had been silent since interrupted her,

  "Hold up!"

  Qi ce's father stood up and pulled his wife to the side, turned his head to stare at Qi Ce and said;

"I'll give you time."

  "You big old man, why are you following in your son's madness!" His Mother Angrily said.

Qi Ci didn't expect his father to stand up for him, remembering in the alternate timeline that his father was just eating and didn't say anything, just as he had been doing before now.

Qi Ci father's name was Qi Jian.

  Qi Jian did not know why he just stood up, just that he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something different about his son.

  This was the understanding between men, Qi Ce was not just a teenager, he was already thirty years old, close to his father's age back then, this is the understanding between father and son or between men.

  Qi ce asked;

"Really? The city competition is in the second half of the year ..."

  But his father just nudged his mouth, signaling that he would take care of it,

Qi Ce mentally understood, he rolled his breakfast on the table into a ball and brought it into his room, he could still hear his parents' arguing, but the argument was gradually tipping in the direction of the father favor.

  [Welcome back to the Football Growth System, Host. The initialization of system missions are complete, please accept the mission in the locker room].

  Meditating and waiting for the outcome of his parents' quarrel, he hid in his room and returned to that virtual stadium, discovering something new, a quest.

  In that shabby little locker room, there was indeed an additional option, a small blackboard with the word mission written in a bold font, with several rows of small, dense letters below:

[Task 1: Finish any football match.

Task Progress 0/1,

Task Reward: 2 Football Coins].

[Task 2: Conduct any specialised training for 10 hours.

Task Progress 0/10,

Task Reward: 10 Skill Fragment].

 [Task 3: Score the first goal of your career in an official match

Task Progress 0/1,

Reward: 1 Attribute Points].

  Since the system can pull out a football out of thin air, Qi Ce already no longer has doubts about its abilities.

Since these tasks has appeared, the only way to solve it,