Race Against Time

"What's going on?

No, more importantly, I need to figure out how to solve this first.

Qi Ce immediately ran to the vending machine and quickly looked through the products inside. There were indeed some medicines for treating injuries, but they were mainly for football-related injuries, and most of them could only relieve pain or reduce recovery time; none of them directly cured the injuries.

In a corner, Qi Ce finally found medicine to eliminate abnormal conditions, priced at "150 football coins".

Before this, Qi Ce had already completed many training tasks like cooking, helping children find their mothers, with other various tasks, accumulating many football coins. However, he was just 10 coins short. The day before yesterday, Qi Ce thought that it was fine to use some of the accumulated coins, so he indulged a little and bought a pair of Adidas boots(T/N: Not sponsored).

They felt very comfortable on his feet, and he performed very well in the last match while wearing these shoes.(T/N: Still not sponsored)

But he didn't expect this situation to happen; where could he find ten football coins now?

He quickly opened the task panel, which showed several training tasks waiting to start. Some of them offered football coins as rewards, while others provided skill fragments. However, the training tasks usually took at least ten hours to complete. He was in the middle of a passing training session that had been going on for 5 hours, with half of it left. Five hours would definitely not be enough, especially since this task only offered a reward of five football coins.

What will i do now?

Qi Ce was stumped by this sudden crisis.

However, there was still a glimmer of hope!

Qi Ce looked at the bottom of the task panel, where unusual tasks were refreshed daily. Qi Ce would usually complete them if he happened to notice them; otherwise, it didn't matter much. But today, these tasks could be lifesaving.

[Task 1: Obtain sincere gratitude from at least ten people within the base. Task progress 0/10, task reward: 3 football coins]

[Task 2: Obtain sincere dislike from at least two people of the opposite sex of similar age outside the base. Task progress 0/2, task reward: 2 football coins]

[Task 3: Assist the police in arresting any fugitive. Task progress 0/1, task reward: 5 football coins]

What kind of tasks are these?

Qi Ce glanced at the quartz clock in the cafeteria; it was 11:30. It was said that people from the Football Association would arrive around 1 p.m. in the afternoon.

How will this be done?

He looked around; it seemed that the coaches were nervous because the Football Association was coming. Just now, Coach Wang came in and told everyone to eat well and rest after eating, then he left.

That's right; they were very busy today, so no coach was watching the cafeteria during their lunch break.

This was a strange causal relationship. They were busy due to this inexplicable crisis, and because they were busy, Qi Ce had an opportunity to complete this tasks and solve his current crisis.

In any case, he needed to go outside the base; only then would he have the chance to complete some of the tasks.

Catching a fugitive was not something he had any clues about, but he did have a method to gain sincere gratitude.

Not long, Qi Ce secretly noticed his roommates Wu Lei, Yan Junling, Sun Kai, and Zhang Linpeng. Although Zhang Linpeng was not his roommate, after the previous incident(Gaming), their relationship had improved significantly, so he asked;

"Do you want to eat snacks?"

His words startled everyone for a moment, and then they all nodded: "Yes!"

"You guys cover for me, and I'll bring them in!"

The teammates looked at each other, not knowing what Qi Ce had in mind.

"As long as you want to; I will handle the rest."

"Then be careful; if that person catches you, it will be bad!" Wu Lei, the shortest one, looked at the cafeteria entrance with a spooky expression.

The teammates smiled knowingly; they all knew who Wu Lei was talking about.

In the base, players' diets were very strictly controlled, but who doesn't love snacks? In fact, there were often children secretly hiding snacks within the base. even professional players could occasionally eat snacks.

If they encountered players with snacks, they would confiscate them, but not entirely. They would leave some for the children.

However, in principle, openly bringing snacks into the base was still not allowed; they had to be brought in secretly. Therefore, snacks were hard currency in the base, and all young players loved them.

The method Qi Ce thought of was to obtain their sincere gratitude through snacks. Just the other day, his mother had given him a few hundred yuan in pocket money, which was more than enough to buy snacks.

The second task made Qi Ce's head hurt. Why did it have to involve people of similar age and opposite gender? Did playing football mean he couldn't have a romantic partner?

However, in general, it shouldn't be difficult; he just had to run out of the base, and there would be opportunities.

The last task was a challenge...

There was no time to hesitate; taking a chance was better than nothing!

The gate had security guards, so there was no way to leave. At this time, they definitely wouldn't let people out, especially Qi Ce. He could only go that way.

Qi Ce hid in the greenbelt next to the training ground and snuck around to the low part of the fence. This was a secret passage he had discovered. With his physical condition, climbing over the wall was not difficult.

After confirming that no one was around, Qi Ce jumped forward, grabbed the top of the wall with one hand, and with a strong push, he soared over the fence (T/N: like Spiderman).

He didn't know if the effects of the stimulant were still there, but he felt a strange discomfort in his heart. However, his muscle strength was abundant, and it only took about ten minutes to run several kilometers without feeling particularly tired.

The football base was located in a remote area with no nearby village or shop. If he didn't go to the nearby town, only the service station in Dongping Forest Park would sell snacks. But Qi Ce had more than one task, so he needed to find the best chance of completing them in the shortest time possible, which meant he could only go to town.

In the nearest town, a young man rushed into the empty shopping street. The pedestrians on the street were sparse and slow-paced, mostly elderly.

On this small island far away from the bustling city of Shanghai, the pace of life was much slower than in Shanghai. Once outside the football base, it was a laid-back countryside with a peaceful, leisurely atmosphere.

The young man's rapid footsteps caught the attention of a group of elderly people, who stopped to watch. However, the young man ran too fast, and the elderly hadn't even reacted before he had already run away.

In the shopping street, Qi Ce found a small supermarket, likely privately owned.

Potato chips, spicy snacks, biscuits, and soda were all available. Qi Ce swept through the shelves indiscriminately. The privately owned supermarket didn't have many staff; they were likely family members. Two girls were watching cartoons at the checkout counter.

"Hurry up and check out!" Qi Ce threw a large pile of items on the table and urged.

The shopkeepers were probably the owner's children. Seeing Qi Ce with a large pile of items, the little girl reluctantly got up and started scanning each item.

"Please hurry up; I'm in a rush."

"Urging me won't help; the more you urge me, the slower it gets!"the young girl replied

"I'm really in a rush!"

The girl gave Qi Ce an angry look and held out her hand: "300 yuan!"

Wow, why is it so expensive?

The girl seemed to have quickly calculated and then named a price, but Qi Ce didn't have time to haggle with her. He took out three 100 yuan bills and placed them on the table.

His mother had given him 500 yuan, but 300 yuan had already been "thanosed" away. Before he left he noticed something..

Wait, this girls are my age mates… I think. And there are two of them!

Qi Ce remembered the second task and then glanced at the girls. They had already put the money in their pockets and sat down to continue watching the cartoons. He began looking for an opportunity.

What are they even watching...

A familiar tune came from the small TV. Wasn't this Detective Conan!

Qi Ce quickly paid attention to the screen. Conan's voice was very recognizable, and he wouldn't mistake it for another voice.

Oh? This is Detective Conan movie, Requiem of the Detectives!

Qi Ce quickly flipped through his memories, and scenes from nearly ten years ago echoed in his mind.

The two girls enthusiastically discussed the plot, guessing about the theme park explosion threat in the animation and the real mastermind behind it. Qi Ce watched the screen a bit more and remembered.

Feeling someone watching them, the girl looked up and found the young man still there: "What? Aren't you in a hurry? Are you looking to take change?"

"No." Qi Ce said solemnly: "I've seen this movie. The mastermind behind the scenes is Reiko Shimizu, the woman Ito likes... This woman jumped into the sea but didn't die. She pretended and later appeared in front of Conan and Hattori. Finally, Conan knocked the woman out with a football."



The two of them stared at Qi Ce in shock as he revealed so much, realizing that he was there to spoil the movie for them!

"Ah! Are you crazy!"

"Go to hell!"

The two girls screamed, and the girl who had been cashiering, grabbed a nearby ball and threw it at Qi Ce.

Qi Ce dodged while anxiously entering the virtual field to check the task panel....

The second task was …























