The Interview

Qi Ce was about to study abroad, which was not a secret at the football base. Over the past six months, this talented boy had caused a small wave of interest within the base. Both his on-field performance and off-field behavior had won the admiration of most people in the base.

He was also a local star in Chongming, more renowned in the area than anyone else. In certain minor media outlets, he was even described as a young hero who helped the police catch murderers.

Of course, he hadn't actually caught any murderers. He had only subdued a local habitual thief. Locals exaggerated the incident into a confrontation with an armed robber, which the media later embellished further as catching a murderer. In short, the media would write whatever drew in readers.

Before heading to Europe for a trial, Qi Ce participated in his first-ever media interview with the Oriental Sports Daily. The interview was not just with Qi Ce but also with other players from the base who were about to study abroad. Xu Genbao was still the main focus.

On the morning of July 2nd, a team of reporters from the East Sports Group visited the base. As the protagonist of studying abroad, Qi Ce was one of the main interview subjects.

The process was simple. After the photographer took a few pictures, the rest of the time was spent chatting informally. The reporter speaking with Qi Ce looked very young, around 25 or 26 years old, named Guo Zhibin.

Through the conversation, Qi Ce realized that not all interviews involved being on camera and answering a barrage of questions. Sometimes, chatting with a reporter was simply a part of gathering material for a news article.

According to privacy policies, reporters generally needed permission to conduct interviews and had to possess proper credentials. In other words, they needed to clearly identify themselves as working in a professional capacity. Informal exchanges were not supposed to be published.

Nevertheless, Guo Zhibin left a good impression on Qi Ce. It was said that he had just graduated from the university and was still an intern. He was there to accompany a senior reporter to interview Xu Genbao and his players. Qi Ce was an important subject but a lower priority compared to Xu Genbao, so Guo was able to practice his interviewing skills.

Both Guo and Qi Ce were rookies, but Qi Ce discovered that Guo had a deep understanding of football. Furthermore, their age difference was minimal, which made their conversation flow more naturally.

"This is my business card." After the formal interview ended, Guo handed over a business card. "I enjoy chatting with you. I may be transferred to work in Europe in the future, so we might get in touch again."

Qi Ce accepted the card and watched as Guo put away his press card. Guo then smiled and said, "Xiao Qi, honestly, I've interviewed many young players around your age, but you feel different to me. You seem particularly mature."

"Don't misunderstand; I'm not implying your age or anything. I believe the young players here are genuine. It's just a feeling." Guo thought for a moment. "It's like the difference between the aura of an experienced player and a younger player on the field. You give me that feeling too."

"Are you saying I don't have the energy of a young person?" Qi Ce smiled wryly. "Of course, I'm thirty years old."(T/N: No Cap)

"Haha, it's not that. Dreams are a display of youthful energy. Chatting with you, I feel you have a very mature ambition. Others your age might say, 'I want to go to Real Madrid or Manchester United,' but they don't make me want to ask, 'How do you plan to do that?' I only ask out of habit as a reporter, but you spoke about realistic plans. I'm honestly surprised."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you."

"It is a compliment. Actually, I haven't watched you play football, but I always feel you can succeed in Europe. By the way, how's your English?"

"If I go to Europe, language won't be an issue," Qi Ce said confidently.

"Oh? That's great. I think language is the main challenge. It seems I can be even more optimistic about your prospects."

After that, they both laughed.

In the end, this interview and the news of Qi Ce's plans were published in a small section of the domestic football coverage of Xu Genbao's youth training base. It didn't create much buzz at the time, but later it was recognized as Qi Ce's first legitimate appearance in mainstream media.


"Are you leaving so soon? Will you come back?"

The football base gave the first-team players a break. The league was in off-season, and the young players also received some time off. Qi Ce was busy organizing his things in the dormitory in preparation to return home for a day tomorrow and then depart for Europe the day after.

During dinner, Qi Ce had planned to eat at the base, but Lin Xiaojia called him out.

"Yes, this time it's just a trial, not staying there right away."

"Oh..." Lin Xiaojia leaned against the table, twirling a strand of her hair.

"When will you stay there permanently?"

Qi Ce put down his chopsticks and thought for a moment. "If things go well, probably within two months."

"Will you come back here in the future?"

"Yes, this place is important to me. It's where my dream began," Qi Ce said seriously.

Lin Xiaojia nodded and continued eating.

"Are you in high school now?" Qi Ce suddenly asked.

"Yes, the college entrance exams are next year."

"Study hard and aim for a good school. It'll help you find a job in the future. Academic qualifications might not seem crucial, but without them, your options will be limited."

"Qi Ce, you sound like an old man," Lin Xiaojia giggled. "My dad says things like that too."

"I'm just speaking from personal experience."

"You talk as if you really know what you're saying. Are you an Old man!"(T/n: if only you know)


"Qi Ce, if things don't work out in Europe, come back home. Playing here with Coach Xu isn't bad at all." Before departing, Qi Ce's mother, Zhang Huafang, dressed him in new clothes she'd bought especially for the occasion. Looking at her son dressed up, Zhang Huafang couldn't stop herself from fussing over the tiniest creases in his clothes.

"I know, don't worry."

"This time you're just going for a short stay. This should be enough for you." Qi Jian took out an envelope containing a stack of euros, and Qi Ce accepted it.

Ever since Qi Ce announced he was going to Europe, Qi Jian had gone to the bank to exchange foreign currency for him, waiting for the day his son would need it, which had come sooner than expected.

Watching her son leave, Zhang Huafang wiped away a tear. Qi Jian comforted her, saying, "It's okay; Ce'er will only be gone for a week this time, and he'll be back no matter the outcome."

Zhou Feng was waiting, not far away. After saying goodbye to his parents, the two boarded a flight to Europe. Their destination was Frankfurt, Germany. The trial in Mainz was already scheduled.

"By the way, Xiao Qi, you mentioned last time that your foreign language skills were good. Is it mainly English?"

Qi Ce felt a bit awkward, but he nodded. After all, he couldn't afford to back down now. He hadn't yet used the basic language skills book he'd acquired; he wanted to wait until he knew exactly which country he would be going to before using the corresponding language.

"English is the most important. No matter which European country, knowing English is generally sufficient. We'll chat a bit on the plane to test you. Besides, I recommend learning the local language. If you ask me, start with German."

Qi Ce nodded along, but his mind was already planning how to acquire more language skill books. That way, even if he couldn't make it as a football player, he could always fall back and do translation work.(T/N: Wait what!)


















Just kidding.