Daveryl is currently riding the black Enova with Jaime to his School. His guardian insisted of escorting him on his way to his school. It's not that he hates it, but he is certain that, Jaime is trying to find out if he is going to do something immature with Jobel again. If only it's easy to tell this man that he is not the Daveryl he knows, maybe he'll stop overreacting.

"Daveryl, you haven't forgotten what I've told you back to our house, right?" Jaime is referring to the condition he told him.

It's about Jobel, although he still remember it, Daveryl didn't make a promise of following the man's order. He might do the opposite instead.

"Yeah.." He sparingly answered.

Jobel is his first target of revenge, he will not go after him like what the real Daveryl used to do, well, maybe a little. But it's just to ensure that he will focus on him until the day he do his plan.

"You sounds dejected. I'm not sure why do you keep admiring that kind of man. He's not even that handsome, he maybe an alpha and an heir, but nothing more." Jaime said that while fixing his eye glasses.

That's true, that's why he is also confused after knowing that. Daveryl is a beta, so it's confusing, if why the hell did he falls in love with an alpha. Beta can't smell pheromones, they are the people who never developed pheromones glands.

"Yeah.. I'm confused too." He answered mindlessly.

If he was the Beta, maybe he never experienced the betrayal of his ex boyfriend. Why? Well, it's because, hell never be affected by his pheromones. Ricky was drowned to Cedric pheromones before. So, when he found out that Daveryl is a Beta, he really thank God.

"En.. It's good that you realized it now." He heard Jaime talking to him continually.

It's sounds insulting but Daveryl didn't give a care. He's currently focusing on thinking of how will he avoid his target. Does he have to act like he usually do as Ricky or act like Daveryl is getting tired of Jobel?

"I chose the second one." He mumbled.


He flinched when he heard Jaime asking him that. Did he say something.... Oh! He did. "Nothing. Im just thinking about the watch that George showed me ." Making a lie is a choice, now he understand.

"I thought you hate watches? Your Dad told me that you don't like it." Jaime asked again. But instead of answering, Daveryl massages his glabella while secretly cursing the real Daveryl.

Who's idiotic person will hate wearing a wristwatch?! Only him!

"Yeah.. I changed my mind now." He answered.

For all the things he once had, wristwatch is the only thing that never removed from his body. He needs it everytime, to check times for his next business meeting schedules. To see if it's time for him to eat, to drink coffee, or even his time to call his fucking ex boyfriend.

"Sir, we've arrived." He heard the driver said that. Finally, Daveryl let out a sigh of relief. Riding a car with the strict guardian is so tiring.

The driver get out of the car to open the door beside him. He was about to get down when Jaime grabbed his hand, so he surprisingly turned to him.

"What?" He asked.

"Don't forget to call me if anything happens. And, take this." The man is handing him a card. It's a credit card.

"Why should I?" Jaime is his guardian but it's not his obligation to give him money. His parents has money for him to spend.

"Pocket money.. Don't you like it?" Jaime asked him like he's begging for it.

So he averted his gaze and turned his back to him, "I already asked George to process my family's left for me, so I don't need your card now. Sooner or later I'll have those too." He didn't wait for the man to answer him again. He left him speechless and entered the school gate.

On the other hand, Jaime raised his brows and adjusted himself to his seat. He glance at the card that he is holding and then raised the corner of his lips. "As far as I remember, his father told me that his son is a money-lover. So why the hell he rejected my offer?"

Nevertheless, he still keep the card and decided to give it to the man again if he got a chance. Jaime is thinking that, perhaps, Daveryl is ashamed of him. Because it's impossible for a person to change in just one night.

Daveryl is slowly walking towards the principal office as his mind remembering the lost memories of his. From the day he first met Jobel Lopez, to the day he threatened him to do the suicide. He really wants to punch him hard if only possible.

"Finally, you're here." He literally stopped walking when he heard that voice. When he turned around, he saw the man who is occupying his mind just a while ago. Jobel Lopez.

The guy is wearing school uniform neatly. He indeed handsome, well, his father was once a handsome man too. That's why he fell in love with him. And since Jobel is a photocopy of his father, Daveryl wasn't surprised when he feels his heart beating too fast for the man.

But unlike before, Daveryl remains his poker face and just asked, "how may I help you?" The question that makes the man in front of him stunned.

Jobel didn't answer, or rather, he lost his words to answer him. So Daveryl speaks again, "If there's nothing important, then stay away from me. I have something important to do." He then turned away, leaving the man speechless.

Daveryl entered the principal's office to report his back to school. The principal look at him full of disgust. Maybe because he knew what Daveryl did before. But this kind of attitude is insulting him, the Ricky Sebastian who once was a Chairman of Sebastian group of companies.

"As a principal of this school, are you allowed to give that look to your school student who just arrived to report?" Using his cold tone, Daveryl saw the principal stiffened. He even saw other school teachers who turned their heads to look at him.

The principal regained his composure after a few seconds. His expression turned dark as started talking. "What kind of look that I gave you?" He asked.

Daveryl think, if he answer him then it seems like, he's also insulting himself. But if he don't answer, the principal will think that he is right. Then Daveryl choose the third option.

"What kind of look did you give me, principal?"

The man in front of him stock his tongue on his throat. No words came out from his mouth and his face became more redder. He then said, "not because you lost your parents, you can act like that! You're in school!"

"And not because I'm in this school, you can point your finger on me, and shouted at me like that." Daveryl answered. He really forgot that he's Daveryl now and not Ricky.

First day of his school as Daveryl, and this happened. How will he solve this?

"Call your guardian, right now! If you don't bring your guardian here, you will not enter your class." The principal said before turning his back.

What a mess! But he has no choice then? He take a vacant seat even no one invited him. He then get his phone on his pocket and dialled a number. When he heard the line ringing, he glance at the principal who is now sitting on his desk while looking at him with dark expression.

"Yes, Mr. Razon, I'm sorry to disturb you but, the school principal is asking me to call my guardian here. Can you come here right now?" Daveryl smirks when he saw the principal turned pale when he heard him talking to his phone. "Got it, I'll wait for you then." He ended the call and crossed his legs after.

He saw the principal stood up and trying to get near him but he acted like he is busy on his phone. Now he remembered, Daveryl actually experienced bullying in this school, but since his family is not that rich, the principal turned a blind eye to it. He fell in love with Jobel because, he once saved him from the bullies.

"Huh! I think, it'll be your last day as a principal of this school." Daveryl said while staring at the man in front of him.

The principal trembles as he was about to get near him, the door suddenly opened. And Jobel see how the principal is trembling in front of Daveryl.

"Are you crazy?! What did you do to the principal?!" Jobel shouted at him as if their close?

"M-Mr. Lopez, please help me. I just did what you asked me to do.. I don't want to loss my job!" The principal immediately approach the man who got stunned too.

"Ahh.. So you're the one who asked him to look down on me. I'm excited to see of how will you help him once Mr. Razon, my guardian, arrived." Daveryl smile for his first successful attempt of ruining Jobel's life.