He just following the two dominant Alphas in front of him. When they reached the room that Jaime's going to occupy, Daveryl is the one who opened the door. Ivan bring Jaime inside and place him on the bed. He then, face him and told him to wait till he comes back.

He nodded his head while tapping his own shoulder.

Ivan went out so he pulled the vacant chair and sits there while looking at the man who is now removing his tuxedos. He lower his head when the perfect six abs of Jaime exposed to his sight of vision. He's not wrong, the man is indeed perfect.

"Water..." Jaime speaks.

Daveryl heard it and he flinches. In his ear, Jaime sounds so sexy. He secretly bite his lips and grips his shoulder tightly. Imagining how Jaime's voice during sex, and how will he moves?

He literally cursed himself for thinking that. "Wait for me here, I'll get it for you." He said while standing up.

He didn't hear anything from the man so he get out of the room and go downstairs. He takes only five minutes and he returns.

When he opened the door to enter, he literally gasped when he saw the person inside the room. Jaime is now totally naked, his sweating all over and his eyes is bloodshed. He maybe sense his presence, so he turns to look at him.

Daveryl close the door behind him and walks towards the man in rut, he then handed him the water bottle. It's not dangerous to attend the Alpha in rut if you're a Beta. He knows that Alpha can only response to Omegas pheromones. And since he doesn't have those pheromones, he's safe.

"Drink some, Ivan will be back soon with your temporary Omega. Just endure it a bit more." He said while standing up in the bed side.

He open the bottle of mineral water and was about to give it to the man when he suddenly feel his waist being wrapped. He looks down and see the man nuzzling his face on his stomach.

He sigh. If maybe he's still an Omega, he can possibly smell Jaime's pheromones. Now he is wondering, what Jaime's pheromones smells like?

"You still can endure it, right? Here, drink this." He said while mindlessly touching the man's face.

Jaime look up at him. His eyes has a tears around them.

He gulps, he maybe a Beta but this sight is quite erotic. He closed his eyes and gulps the water in the bottle. He drink there before looking back at the man.

"Huh.. Fuck!" He mumbles. "I really should leave his house sooner. It's dangerously affecting me, for Christ's sake."

He turned to the door when he heard the clicking sound. It's Ivan. The man is stunned to see him being wrapped on his waist with Jaime. When Ivan walks in, he noticed the Omega following him, and obviously reacting to Jaime's pheromones.

"Alright, Jaime, your temporary Omega is here now, you can let go of Daveryl now. I'll take him home." Ivan said.

They didn't hear anything nor see any movement from Jaime. But Daveryl feels his wrappings on his waist get tighten. He twitches and look at the Omega besides Ivan.

"Could you please release your pheromones so he can let go of me?" He asked.

"He can't yet." Ivan said seriously.

Daveryl pause. Yes, he forgot, Ivan is also a dominant alpha, and he can immediately response to Omegas pheromones if he smells them specially if they are also in heat.

"Damn!" Daveryl cursed.

He put down the water bottle and cupped Jaime's Face. He then raised his head to look at him. He secretly cursed once more.

"Jaime, you can let go of me now. Your temporary Omega is here, so I should leave with Ivan." He said with a low voice.

But instead of listening to him, Jaime's eyes became dark and his expression turned dark also. Daveryl flinches when he heard the dropped sounds. When he looks at the Omega beside Ivan, he is now panting and sweating too. While Ivan is now stunned and seemed ready to attack his rival.

"Fuck! You can't attack him! Go out and wait me outside, I'll make him let go of me." He said.

Ivan left without saying anything after giving him a worried look. The Omega left inside and he is certain that, he is also releasing his pheromones.

"What a mess!" He exclaimed. He violently struggled to free himself but Jaime is too strong.

He hugs him tightly and didn't let go of him. When he raised his head to look at him again, Daveryl shivers. This looks like he's in the hot seat.

"Come to your senses! I am Daveryl, your subject for guidance!" He said louder.

"My mate.." Jaime mumbled.

"What?! Hey! Mr. Razon, I'm not the owner of the pheromones you're smelling, damn it! Let go of me!" He keeps struggling.

But he pause when the Omega suddenly stood up with tears on his eyes.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't take this anymore, Mr. Razon is attacking me, I should go." He said while panting before running away.

What the hell?! Attacking?! Jaime attacked his Omega?!

He furrows his brows and look at the man in front of him. Honestly, he doesn't know more about Dominant Alpha since it's rare, but right now, he can clearly understand that Jaime wants him and not that Omega. Why is that?

Jaime's hand started moving behind his back. He rubs his face on his stomach. He flinches when he did that, and surprisingly reacting. He's a Beta, yes! But it's confusing too much of why does he is reacting to his touch.

"Let me go first." He said.

But instead of listening, Jaime suddenly pulled him and pinned him underneath him. And too his surprise, he violently take off his clothes and captures his mouth. His eyes got widened and his head feels spinning.

He couldn't move when Jaime's tongue entered his mouth and tease his small tongue. But what's shocked him the most, when he feels something hard poking on his bottom. Out of nervousness, he pushed him hard that makes him stumbles and let go of him.

He was about to run away when his ankle was captured by the insane man. Their position is quite abnormal, seriously, Daveryl feels the most dangerous situation in his new life for the first time.

"Where, do you think you're going?" The hoarse, cold and deep voice of Jaime whispered on his ear.

He feels chills and he is shivering at the same time. Especially when Jaime ripped his clothes and violently pulled off his pants. He's out of his mind, he sure of it.

But Daveryl thinks, he's more insane than Jaime, because he is now feeling excited for just imagining of what's gonna happen next. His thoughts has been cut of when he heard chomp sound. His eyes widened out of pain, and his body trembles as his heart beats too fast.

"W-what... What did you do?! Ugh!" Daveryl cried out loud.

It's painful, yes it's very painful. Tears came out of his eyes as his hands shaking non stop. He feels like his bathing on the pool full of ice. He tries to struggled. He even kicked his feet and violently moves his body to shake off the man behind him.

"Let go of me you fucker! It hurts!" Daveryl once again shouted.

But his whole body is being pinned by Jaime this time. He even grabbed the back of his head and shove it on the bed. And once again, he heard a chomp sound. He gasps, he pants, and his feet keeps kicking. His hands keeps struggling but Jaime didn't let him go.

For his second life given by the God, this is the first time that Daveryl literally cry out of pain. Who would have thought, that this kind of thing can actually feels like dying?

"There you go, you can't leave me now." He heard Jaime speaks behind him.

Daveryl didn't answer, he just crying and still trembling. When he feels Jaime licks his nape, he can now tell, the marking is complete.

Jaime marked him as his. But what will happen next? He is a Beta, and not an Omega. What if he finds out that the person he just marked is a Beta, and that was him?

"I really have to leave you." He said.

It's low but enough to the man to hear it. His weak body is being hug by him again, and this time, Jaime is starting to touch him and showering him with kisses. Until he removed his last tiny clothes he is still wearing.

Daveryl knew already, the following hours will be tiring and bloody, but he's already weak, and his surroundings is now spinning.

"I won't allow you to leave just like that, Daveryl. You're mine now. I've already marked you." Jaime said.

And he is surprised when he heard that. He look at him with wide eyes. He also turns to see his face as his two legs being apart. The man position himself above him. And while smiling and staring at him, Daveryl asked.

"What did you just call me?"

Jaime didn't answer and just lower his head and kiss him passionately, he then entered him.