"Yes, young master. I heard that, Master Razon spent his rut with that Omega. And now, they are on their way here. I also heard that Mr. Razon is planning to officially acknowledge that Omega as his." George explain to him but he's whole system is not working.

Daveryl is anxious. He feels restless at the same time. Jaime spent his rut with him, so who the hell is that Omega that George just mentioned? He blinked and slowly put down the spoon he is holding and stare at his personal assistant before talking.

"Acknowledge, you mean, he's going to publicly announce that he already has an omega?" He asked.

He needs to confirm it.

Honestly, he feels disappointed. His fucking hole is still twitching due to the sore and pain. But the person who is responsible to it is now with Omega and also planning to acknowledge him? He gulps, he feels throbbing on his chest but doesn't want to name it.

"Yes. That's what I heard, young master."

Daveryl feels like his fucking hole was poured with lime. He trembles as he flinches several times. What kind of situation is this? He ran away from Jaime before he wakes up because he doesn't want him to find out that he was the one who he slept with. But this sudden change of situation is kinda.. painful.

"Ha.. Wow.." He mumbles.

Do the marking is reacting to his feelings? Because he feels hot back to his nape. He gripped the blanket tightly and lost his appetite suddenly. He gritted his teeth as he raised his head to blow a sigh.

"Are you okay, young master? He heard George talking.

He shut his eyes closed before answering. " I'm sorry, please take this out. I suddenly lost my appetite. And I wanted to be alone for a moment." He said.

Even George is quite confused and worried. He still follow his order and leave the room after saying goodbye to him.

Daveryl dropped his back on the bed and quietly remembering what happened that night. He clenched his fists when Jaime's voice once again ringing on his ear. It sounds hoarse, sweet and gentle.

Everytime he thrusts inside him, his hand is gently caressing his body. Showering him some kisses while also biting and sucking his neck. But the most memorable part is, when he keeps calling his name while fucking him harder.

He even remember how he whispered to his ear and said..

"You're mine.. I will not allow anyone to take you away from me, Davy." Jaime said while sucking his neck and thrusting inside him.

He was also panting while gripping his legs.

The longer he tries to remember everything, Daveryl feels his chest get tighten. Until he feels the warm liquid rolling down from the corner of his eyes.

He feels betray for the second time. And this time, it's more painful. He started shaking as he clenched his fists more tighten. He also gritted his teeth.

He should be laughing right now, because he believes those words from Jaime. Actually, he is planning to focus on him from now on before admitting that he was the one who slept with him. But now, his plan shattered on the ground.

"Was it my fault because I ran away? Should I tell him? But how?" He mumbles.

In the first place, Jaime is concerned about him because he is his guardian. His overprotecting him because he made a promise to his late parents. And mostly, is because, he's still young.

"Who is it? Who is the one who snatched my identity as his partner that night?" With that thought, he violently rose up and get down on his bed.

He fix himself and wipe the tears on his face. He once was betrayed by his Alpha, and this time, he will never act like before. If he should avoid his second death, then he will continue to hide the fact that he was being marked by someone who soon will turning his back to him.

When he sees his reflection in the mirror being fine. He went out and go downstairs. He then seat on the sofa where he can easily see the people who will going to enter the house. George saw him and asked if he wants something to drink or eat.

"Red wine." He emphatically answered.

He knows to himself that he sounds so cold. But he can't helped it, he's in pain, he's angry although he can't show it.

"Yes. Please wait for me." George answered.

The man left him alone and he just sits still. After a few minutes, he flinches when he heard the clicking sound outside the main door.

Who would have thought? That his heart that is always calm and controllable, is now thumping too fast as if it wants to get out of its ribs cage. Daveryl throat dried up instantly when he saw Jaime entered the house.

He looks so serious and cold as usual. He feels an itch on his nape. The marking is reacting, he knows that. But his heart feels being squeezed when he saw the person walks after him.

"Welcome back, Master Razon, hello Miss. Ziana Lopez." Jaime's personal assistant greeted the two.

Daveryl gulps. Why of all people, Ziana Lopez is with his Alpha?!

Wait, is she the one that George mentioned a while ago? The Omega that Jaime marked? Did they do it after he left the hotel? That's when the marking happened? He has many whys, whats and hows on his head.

Why her, of all people? Why the fuck his enemies daughter is the one who is with him?!

"Icky.." He heard George whisper. "Here's your wine." He said.

He raised his trembling hand and get the glass of wine. He then look at Jaime who is now walking with frown towards him. He then moved his gaze to the woman behind him. Ziana is restless, is she nervous? Is it because, she knows that he knows the truth?

But, he's actually clueless about what happened back there. How the hell did this two ended up together.

"Why are you drinking when the sun is still high?" Jaime's cold voice is like a thunder on his ear.

He gulps on his drink to somehow wet his throat.

"I heard that, you're bringing your Omega in your house today. So, I asked George to give me some red wine to congratulate you." He said without looking at the man.

Daveryl gaze is actually to the bitch behind Jaime.

"She's Ziana Lopez. My.." Jaime pause when he sees him gulps the wine one more time.

"Your Omega? You marked her, right?" Daveryl sounds bitter yes.

How can he helped himself? His heart is fucking aching. His eyes feels hot but he still trying to control his fucking feelings. He look at George and asked him to fill his glass again.

"How'd you know?" Jaime asked.

"Your assistant told mine, and mine, told me. But Mr. Razon.." Daveryl twirl the glass on his hand and look at Ziana. "You have no plan of stopping my plan right? You heard me made a promise to my parents ashes."

Jaime's reaction suddenly changed. His expression turned dark and his eyes is now looking at him like he's his prey.

Daveryl lost it all now. He now understand, his supposed to be an ally, is now also his enemy. The pain attacks him once more. When he couldn't take it anymore, he stands up and slowly walks towards the stairs.

"I feel betrayed for the second time." He said.

Enough for Jaime to heard him. But he suddenly stopped when he remembered something. He turned to look at Ziana.

"I'm praising you for having that strength." He said.

He saw the woman flinches. Daveryl knows, the woman understand what he actually means. He then continued to walk upstairs.

"George, come inside my room, I have something for you to do." He said.

"Stop drinking Daveryl. It's not good for you." He stopped walking when he heard Jaime's voice.

He took a deep breath before speaking without looking back.

"When you look at me like I'm your prey, I carve in my heart that you are no longer my guardian, Mr. Razon. Don't worry, I'll leave this house for real this time."

"Daveryl!" The loud roar of the dominant alpha scared everyone, except him.

Daveryl gulped the wine on his glass and turned his back to look at Jaime.

"She's the older sister of the person who killed my parents! And also the daughter of the person who I marked as my immortal enemy! And yet you marked her dispite of knowing that?! You promised my parents that you're going to help me! But what now?!" Daveryl burst out.

His gripping the wine glass he is holding. His tears rolls down on his cheeks. His enraged. His also angry to himself to let everything happened.

"She's my Omega. And you know that I will do everything to protect her!" Jaime shouted back.

"Protect her? Even from me?" Daveryl asked with his cold and natural Ricky's voice. He even smirked.

The pain is displaying on his eyes while his nape is now burning hot.

"Yes. Even from you, Daveryl."

Jaime's answer cut his one last string of hope. Daveryl is now convinced.

Jaime is now his enemy. A bitter smile ripped on his lips, he then touched his nape. He wanted to yell at him and tell him that he was the one. But..

"You don't deserve to know." He mumbles. "And I swear, you'll never know."