A loud bang vibrated the house of Lopez family.

Jobel violently closed the door after entering his own room. He was on a hurry to get his suppressant which he left because he thought, his rut is already over. Who would have thought that after smelling Daveryl's pheromones, he will be affected like he's in rut again?!

Daveryl's pheromones smells like sweet strawberry with rose. It's a kind of scent that no ordinary Alpha can resist. He doesn't know if Daveryl is having his late differentiation or a sudden differentiation.

Jobel grabbed the syringe and injected it to him. After a few seconds, he's heartbeat return to normal, and his breathing became stable again. He bit his lips and looks up.

"Shit! I almost jumped on to him after smelling it." He whispered.

He takes another deep breath and dropped his body on the bed. Thinking deeply if what will he do after Daveryl finished the differentiation of his secondary gender? He already knows, he'll be an omega. But will he return to him after that? Does he have to use his pheromones to seduce him?

"He used to be mine, and I'm sure, he still mine. He's just trying to repay me for what I've done to him. I know I hurt him, but I can do something to be forgiven." He still mumbling.

When he noticed the changes of Daveryl inside the hospital after his accident, he couldn't sleep after he saw the coldness in his eyes. There was something pricking on his heart that time. Although a heavy guilt is weighing on his conscience, Jobel still want to see him smile like before. He wants him to see how he show him how much he likes him.

But everything he expected shattered on the ground when Daveryl started avoiding him. He even told him that he no longer have feelings for him. That time, he thought, he was just trying to get his attention. But when he saw him having a good time with his new friends and never give him attention anymore, he realized, Daveryl is no longer attracted to him.

"You should be happy that I'm no longer tailing you. So stop already."

That's what Daveryl told him. He felt hurt that time. So he decided to tail him. In other words, he even started stalking him. He forgot that, he was actually the reason why Daveryl lost his parents. He plotted everything, or should he say, he killed his parents.

Fortunately, Daveryl didn't recognize his face that night. If so, he doesn't know what might happen after the incident. His family has money, although, he feels that his father is hiding something from everyone.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He raised up and open it, he saw Ziana, his older sister. She's a fox hiding in a sheep expression. He knows her from head to toe.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I heard from Dad, you're Daveryl's classmate, right?" She answered as if she already know the answer.

He nodded. "Yes, and why?"

He saw her eyes brighten. As if she's happy? No, it's beyond that. She's fucking excited of something.

"And I also heard from Dad, that he is madly in love with you?" Another question with obvious answer.

"Drop it already. What do you need from him?"

Ziana smirks. An evil spark shown in her eyes.

Jobel secretly gripped his arm when he crossed them. He can tell, his sister is plotting something. And Daveryl is her target. No, he will not allow it. Daveryl is his subject of protection. He will protect him, even he'll go against his own blood.

"Mark him." Ziana said. Using her normal cold voice.

Jobel flinches after hearing that. How the hell did his older sister came with such idea?! Wait, how did she thinks of that? Does she know? Or does she knows something?

"Don't give me that look. I know, he'll be having his differentiation soon enough. And you, as my brother who I know is falling in love with him. I want you to mark him for me." Ziana tapped his chest with her index finger.

"How did you know?" He asked with frown.

He even squint to show her that he's against it.

"No need to know how I knew. Just do it. And do it immediately." She said, before leaving him speechless.

What is going on? He heard Daveryl asked him and that surgeon to keep his secret. And he even mentioned the words "the two of you". So how the hell that his sister knows?

Something is missing, something is not right.

Daveryl suddenly having his secondary gender. He used to be a beta, he's already 20 years old to experience late differentiation. So there's only one reason left. An alpha, bit him?!

Jobel straightened his back. He blink several times as he go back inside his room. He runs his fingers through his hair as he walks here and there.

" Daveryl is under the protection of Mr. Razon." Jobel started mumbling. "My sister, likes Mr. Razon, She asked me to mark Daveryl, because she knows that Daveryl will be having his differentiation. Daveryl, asked me and the surgeon to keep his secret hidden, but he doesn't mentioned Mr. Razon."

Jobel stunned. He feels like, he became statue.

"H-How the fuck it happened?!" He literally shouted.

Oh God! He wants to go there! He wants to see that fucking Mr. Razon, he dares to mark what belong to his! But he promised his sister and even acknowledge her as his Omega?!

Jobel wanted to throw everything he could touch. But when his sister's words came to his mind, he lielow.

"Yeah.. There's still a fucking way to remove that fucking mark. I'll bite him, I will mark him. And will tell that bastard Mr. Razon, that the person he threw away, is my Omega." Jobel expression turned dark as he squinted his eyes.

He take another deep breath and went out of his room. It's almost noon. He needs to go back to the hospital and take an absence in his school. Daveryl's condition is way more important than anything. He look for his father Cedric to help him call his adviser.

He saw him walking at the corridor so he follows him. But he suddenly stopped when he saw him standing in front of the door where no one can enter except him. He ordered everyone in the family to do not enter that room. He doesn't know why but, the longer he locks it, the more curious everyone turned to.

"What's in there, really?" Jobel asked himself.

Out of curiosity, he continues to follow. The door isn't locked. So he slowly open it and decided to do the peek inside. Just a peek. But his eyes widened when he saw something.

Inside the room.

Cedric stands straight in front of the portrait.

He then move his gaze to the walls where lots of portraits hanging. He clenched his fists tightly as he took a deep breath. Tears comes out of his eyes.

How long has it been? 28 years? No, it'll soon to be 29 years. He lost him for almost 29 years now.

"Ricky.." Cedric calls the name of the owner of the portrait.

Ricky Sebastian, his Omega. His Omega who he betrayed just because he thought, he didn't love him. Just because he thought, his superior than him. When he saw his body drenched in blood, he realized, he lost someone who he really love. He killed the person who did everything for him.

And he killed the person who loves him with all his heart. It was painful and even until now. He missed him so much. If only he could turned back the time, he'll do everything he can, to love him, to protect him and to make him the most and happiest person in the world.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry honey. Please, forgive me. I love you, I swear I love you. And I'm regretting now, I regret everything I did for you. So please, take me with you. I'm tired, I'm tired of living without you." Cedric said, between his sobbing.

"You know, I saw someone like you. At first I thought, he was you. But I know it's impossible. Because, if he is you, I know myself, that I'm no longer safe"

Cedric kneeled on the floor and keeps crying. He continues sobbing without knowing that someone is watching him.

"What do you want me to do, huh? Ricky? Tell me.. Tell me so I can at least repay you." Cedric continue.


Cedric flinches when he heard his son's voice. Didn't he lock the door? How does he came in?

"What are you doing here?!" His loud voice echoes inside the room.

This room is for his Ricky only. He doesn't allow anyone comes in. Even his own son or daughter!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just saw the door open. So I came in. I'm sorry." Jobel said.

He feels suffocated with Cedric pheromones.



"I said, Leave!" Cedric shouted.

His expression is dark and he is emitting his pheromones to attack his own son. Jobel has no choice but to go out.

It's confusing, really. Who is that person on the portrait, and why his father said those words?! Why the hell is he crying?!