After the graduation and recognition ceremony, Daveryl invited his friends Lucas, Lander and Kate to join the celebration that Jaime had prepared for him.

The man reserved the restaurant owned by his friend Mr. Howard. He is the owner of the Golden Lily restaurant that is also known throughout the country because of more than five branches that they have opened in various selected places in the country.

Jaime approached Ivan to invite him but the man refused. He said there is still work to be done at the Hospital and it is necessary.

"I'll call George to follow us there." Daveryl speak to Jaime.

"En, I'll have Elli to pick him up."

Daveryl nodded while dialling George number. The man is currently in their office building and temporarily managing their business. He is also the one who hired the staff needed in every department of the company.

And since the school year is over, Daveryl can also now enter the office before the school year starts again.

"Master! Congratulations! How's the ceremony?" George asked, after accepting the call.

Daveryl smile. "Was great. By the way, Elli will be picking you this afternoon for the celebration. Cancel your appointment for this afternoon."

"Elli?" George voice suddenly became low.

"Yeah, Jaime said, he will send Elli to pick you up later. Don't forget to come!" Daveryl ended the call after saying it.

He wasn't sure but he smelled something different between the two. He just hope his suspicions are right, because if it's wrong, it's very disappointing.

Meanwhile, George was stabbed in his seat while inside the conference room. He was currently in a meeting when his boss, Daveryl, called.

There was no problem at first except for what he said, Elli will pick him up. The two masters do not know that there is still a conflict between him and Elli. It started when Daveryl was kidnapped by Jobel.

"Vice president, is there something wrong?" The one who was reporting asked.

George cleared his throat before answering. "No, please continue." He said.

"Yes, sir."

The woman in front of him continued to speak but George's mind remained focused on the mess that happened between him and Elli.

That night, when Daveryl was kidnapped.

Because of his concern for the young master, he spoke badly of Elli. All of the blame for why Daveryl doesn't have bodyguards is thrown at Beta, Elli.

He will admit that, what he did was really wrong and he plans to apologize to the man, but he always avoids him. He tried to approach him several times but he always left his position everytime he tried to approach him. Because of that, he didn't try to apologize to Elli anymore.

"Sir, that's all the report about the company's product. If you can speak with the Chairman...."

"The Chairman will be coming to his office soon. So, you guys needn't to worry about everything else and just focus to your work. Who knows, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you'll see him walking towards the VIP elevator." George cut off the man's going to say.

Everyone gasped when they heard him said that.

There was no one in the Company who didn't want to see Daveryl in person. Although it is always seen in Razon's company, it never visits its own company. So all the workers are looking forward to see their real boss soon.

"Alright, dismissed. Don't forget to give all the reports to me before this afternoon so I can give it to the Chairman. And, Alice, cancel all my meeting schedules this afternoon. I've to attend to the Master's celebration." George said while standing up.

Alice is his secretary, a beta.

"Yes, Vice-president." Alice answered.

After leaving the conference room, he went straight to his first schedule of the day. The company laboratory.

Due to Daveryl's wish for the company to have its own Laboratory, the young man accepted the gifted building of Mr. Jaime Razon for his Omega.

"Sir, should I also have to accompany you this afternoon?" Alice suddenly asked him. She's referring to the celebration.

"No, it's a private celebration. Just go home and rest." He answered.

Alice nodded her head and answered, "Yes.".

When the afternoon arrived, George was standing outside the building waiting for Elli to pick him up. It was five o'clock when he left the building because Daveryl called that Elli was on his way to pick him up.

Honestly, he's feeling nervous at the moment. He doesn't know if how will he face Elli or how will he talk to him and apologize while inside the car. He just hope that everything turned great according to his plan.

His plan is to apologize while inside the car.

"Why are you spacing out? Hop in."

He flinched when he suddenly heard Elli's voice. He didn't notice his arrival and he is now in front of him.

How the hell that there's a Beta that is very intimidating like Alpha?!

Elli is tall, he's height is 5'11, with perfect fitted body. He has tan skin that is perfectly match his black eyes color. His hair is kinda wavy which gives him a perfect charming appearance. There's a lot of beta woman and even an average Omega who wants to be noticed by Elli.

"Ah.. Right." He said while entering the car.

Sitting besides Elli is suffocating! Does he have to apologize now? Of course he have to now!

He open his mouth to speak but the man suddenly operated the car and they drove away from the building. George secretly pinch himself and shut his eyes closed. Elli is still mad at him, it's obvious.

"There's a traffic ahead, you can take a nap if you're tired. I'll wake you up when we arrived." Elli suddenly speak besides him.

"Oh, okay."

He adjusted his seat and he rested his back to it. He actress not that tired, but since Elli wanted him to remain quiet, so be it. He just need to pretend asleep, right?

However, he flinched when he feels the breathing of the man near his face. He surprisingly opened his eyes to see what's going on. He saw the man buckling his seat belt that he forgot to to buckle a while ago.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

"En. Sleep." The man said.

George once again close his eyes and pretend to sleep.

How long has it been?

He was just pretending to sleep but, he really fell asleep. He move his head to look at Elli. The man is just sitting besides him with his eyes close and his arms crossed. George look outside the window. It's already dark outside and they seemed late?!

He look at his wrist watch.. 7:15 in the evening.

"Oh my God! Elli wake up! We're late!" Because of panicking, he even smacked Elli who just slowly open it's eyes and look at him.

"We're not that late."

"Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I did, you just didn't wake up." The man said while opening the side door.

George also got down from the car and followed the man who is now walking towards the restaurant with his hands in his pockets.

What a mess! Silently screamed in his mind.

His plan is to apologize, not to add another mistake!

When he entered inside, he could hear happy laughter and music inside. He saw some students sitting in the prepared seats for them.

His eyes searched for his young master. He saw him sitting next to Jaime happily watching his boyfriend while eating barbeque. They really look good at each other.

"Should I also find someone for myself?" He mumbled.

If he will be asked, he wants an Omega who have strong personality and also have tan akin. It's beautiful if his Omega also has black hair and black eyes. And...

"Hey, why are you spacing out again? I'm calling you several times now."

He jolted when Elli suddenly approached him. The is looking at him intently and have a serious look on his face. So scary..

"Sorry, why'd you call me?" He asked as he averted his eyes.

"I said, follow me." Elli answered before he turned away. "And don't get drunk." He also added.

George blinked a few times before following the man.

When Daveryl saw him, he quickly called him over and made him sit next to him. He approached with a smile and happily greeted his boss.

"Congratulations, young master!"

"Thank you, come.. Let's drink!" Daveryl said. He then look at his boyfriend and open his mouth to accept the food he is giving. "Ain't you want to drink?" He asked Jaime.

George accepted the glass of beer and just drink it. His eyes landed to Elli who currently talking with a woman who he doesn't know who. He saw him smile so he averted his gaze from the man and just continue to drink.

Maybe next time, he'll apologize.

After a while, George felt as if someone was staring at him so he looked up. It was Elli, he was looking at him intently as if he had done something wrong. Oh right! He did something wrong to the man that he should apologize to. It's just that Elli avoids him too much. It's annoying.

"How annoying.." He mumbled as he drink the beer in his glass again.

He asked the person to fill his glass again before he once again look at Elli. The man is still staring at him. But this time, his more serious than a moment ago. Instead of withdrawing his gaze, he stared at him intently as he slowly raised his glass. He pause when the glass touches his lips.

But when he saw a woman approached Elli once again, he secretly cursed before he bottoms up the glass of beer.

"Are you okay, George?" He heard his young master asked him.

"Yes, I'm fine." He said.

Daveryl nodded his head before slowly getting up. Jaime supported the young man.

"Daveryl is drunk, we will leave now. Elli and George, you guys take care of the others. Call the manager to send them to their rooms where already prepared for them." Jaime said.

Elli and George nodded together.

After a few minutes, someone grabbed his glass from him. When he look at the one who did it, he saw Elli.