
"We are gathered here in the case of Empress Athena, who tried to kill the king's brother," one of the lords said

He was enjoying himself way too much

"I don't think there even should be a case, sister tried to kill the father and as much as it pains me to say this, she should be beheaded," Chloe said with fake sadness in her eyes

"Why was your father not beheaded when he caused my wife's mother's death?" Deimos asked while staring at Chloe Intensely

"That's because he was innocent" Chloe's mother spoke up

Seemed like she had regained a bit of her fake sanity

"So am I, I only do what the goddess Athena tells me to and at the time she wanted to end your husband's life," Athena said seriously

"What madness is this!" Chloe's mother shouted

"Athena my dearest niece, just admit your mistake and apologise to your father and everything will be forgotten" the king said with a weak smile

"You speak as if we are familiar with each other King, I am an Empress you do not get to address me so lightly" Athena said as she looked at him, her eyes filled with nothing, but pure hatred

"Enough with all this, if the princess claims that she is sent by the goddess Athena who would dare defy her words!" The priest asked as he walked into the courtroom

"What is the meaning of this?" Athena's stepmother asked modified

"I called them here," Nikias said as he walked inside with a smile

"And you are?" Athena's stepmother asked

She had truly lost her mind to ask the heir of the north for his identity

"I am Nikias, brother of Athena and I am here to bring justice for my little sister," Nikias said as he looked at Athena's stepmother intensely

How he hated that woman with passion.

"Your Highness, you holding the Empres's captivity is beyond unforgivable in the eyes of the goddess who deems Athena as she descended and this sinful act is deemed to end us all," the priest said as he stood firmly

"Why is it that you believe that my sister is telling the truth?" Chloe asked the priest, she was getting pissed by the second

"Because my lady, Empress Athena is the saintess we have all been waiting for," the priest said and all you could hear were gasps and whispers

Who would have thought that the dirty little girl they hated would be the saint they had all been waiting for?