Tae Dæd-Cad.

"Just Anurak." Anurak kept smiling.

"Nice meeting you, Anurak. Are you a new student?"


"Oh. I see." Faith finally relaxed inwardly. "I am in year two, humanities."


"That's quite far away." Faith chuckled.

"What about you, New?"

"Same class."

Shia! They will always be together!

Faith suppressed his sadness and gave New a telling wink.

"Anyway, if you ever come to the Humanities and need someone to show you around, please let me know." He said with a full smile.


I should leave before it gets more awkward. I can't appear desperate.

Braving it, Faith gently placed his right hand on New's thigh and gave him a profound look.

"See you around then, New"

Not used to people randomly touching him, New stiffened up and glared at Faith.

Acting coquettish, Faith dropped his eyes and licked his lips. He then looked directly into New's eyes again. When their eyes clashed this time around, New could see the naked desire in them.

New instantly felt his manhood twitch. His eyes darkened and he took a deep breath. He cleared his throat and gently removed Faith's hand from his thigh.

"See you around, Faith."

Disappointed, Faith nodded and smiled. "Please don't be a stranger." He made a final attempt.

"Sure. I will not." New said meaningfully.

He decided right there to f**k this guy senseless.

Noticing that Anurak was looking at them, New pretended to cough.

Faith stood up and smiled at Anurak.

"See you around, Anurak."

"Krab," Anurak replied.

They watched Faith as he walked away from their table. He then joined the table Smooth was at.

The two boys watched as he sat down, and the boys on that seat scrambled to serve him.

"Did he just hit on you?" Anurak turned to New.

He was about to start a game on his phone when Faith came over to them, so half the time, he was focused on the phone screen. That was until he saw Faith's hand on New's thigh from the side of his eyes.

"Mm!" New nodded.


It wasn't that he had never seen boys hitting on each other. He was also hit on by a couple of boys back at home. It was just that no matter how many times he witnessed it, it always felt ridiculous.

Once Faith was gone, Anurak and New started doing some small talk and pressing their phones as they waited for their drinks to arrive.

While surfing his phone, Anurak unintentionally stole glances at P'King, who was still seated at the bar. He was like a spotlighted showcase surrounded by darkness.

Unknown to him, Anurak wasn't the only one stealing glances. New couldn't stop looking at Faith, either. He had thought his reaction to Anurak was because he liked Anurak. But just now, the same thing happened with Faith. Worst still, Faith managed to wake him up down there. Anurak didn't manage to do that.

Being that it was his first stimulation in months, he was having a hard time keeping it down.

So maybe it's my libido. I need to get laid. New concluded as he kept watching his prey.

Tae Dæd-Cad, popularly known as King, is a 22-year-old, 6 '2 feet (0.61 m), broad-chested, devilishly good-looking man with a vampire flare. His face is an inverted triangle with a long, sharp, and very straight nose, complimenting a bit of forehead. It is neither bumpy nor flat. Just perfectly shaped and smooth.

His skin is in a warm shade of sandy beige. His lips are caught between thinning out and slightly full. His monolid eyes, shaded by full, long, straight lashes, would have disappeared into their sockets if not for the well-lit bar he was sitting at.

King has chiseled jawlines and cold, emerald green eyes that make people feel uneasy on their first meeting.

Even though King's face is androgynous and could easily be called pretty because of his eyes and long, shiny, black hair that falls on his shoulders in waves, nothing about his presence feels feminine. He is a man through and through. A man whose looks make other men doubt their sexuality.

Even though King knew how badly his looks affects the people around him, especially strangers, he has never paid attention to the blatant lascivious gazes people give him until Anurak stepped into the VIP of Moonlight.

Their eyes had met accidentally but for the first time in his life, the 22 years old King saw another person and thought that they were cute.

Not just that, he liked the way Anurak looked, and he liked the way Anurak looked at him.

A distant memory appeared in his mind, and his hard, chilly eyes softened a little.

As the night progressed, he found himself casually glancing in the direction of where Anurak was seated.

The area was shrouded in darkness as the lights were very dim. But King couldn't stop trying to make out Anurak's frame.

Though he couldn't see Anurak's face, King found out that he couldn't ignore his presence.

As of this moment, King's actions were unintentional. It was his subconscious that had betrayed him. He was completely unaware of how fatal this attraction would become.

The waiter soon arrived with a tray of the drink Anurak ordered and some drinking food such as peanuts, plantain chips, potato chips, sugar-coated coconut chips, and some skewers of pork.

Seeing all that food, Anurak creased his brows at the waiter in annoyance.

"I didn't order these."

"They come with the drinks, sir." The waiter replied respectfully.

"Yes, she brought them because you didn't make an order earlier. Just pick the one you like and she will return the rest."

New picked up the small tray of skewers and quickly tucked one in his mouth.

An image of Tharn, wrapping his mouth around New's manhood flashed across his mind.

How he loves deepthroating Tharn…

A soft sign escaped his mouth as he started chewing on the soft, juicy, and spicy pork meat.

I need to get my head out of the gutter. He mused inwardly.

Meanwhile, Anurak turned his nose down on all the snacks until he spotted the sugar-coated coconut chips. On seeing them, his eyes brightened up.

This was the only snack he wasn't able to bring with him.

"Do you have this in flakes?" He asked the waiter expectantly.


"Can I have it packed as a takeaway?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Bring me a serving of that and pack like five servings as a takeaway."

"Okay, sir."

The waiter bowed and walked away.

"You sure like coconut a lot." New mused aloud as he sipped his drink to wash down the pork in his mouth.

"Mmm." Anurak nodded.

"You should try the skewers. It's really good." New offered his snacks, but Anurak shook his head.

These past few days he spent with Aunty Cahya's family, he ate enough pork to last him for a month. Now anything meat just turns him off.

Just as Anurak lifted his drink to his mouth, he looked toward King and found him looking in his direction.

From this distance, Anurak didn't lose his mind and took his time to imprint his brain with King's face. If there was any drawing material at hand, Anurak would have started sketching that face immediately.

To distract himself, Anurak brought out his phone and started playing a game.

There is nothing great about this guy. Once I sketch his face, I will stop thinking about him. Yes! That's it. It's just the artist in me that can't stop looking at him. He is beautiful after all…

"This will not do," New grunted. He just finished his drink and wanted more.

"Yes." Anurak agreed. He just finished his drink too and suddenly felt like he needed something stronger now. Something to take his mind off that hunk in his line of sight.

Just then, the waiter came back with Anurak's snacks.

"Get us a bottle of whiskey and some lime," New ordered the waiter, then turned to Anurak. "You may want to order some skewers now. They go very well with whiskey."

"Nah. This is okay."

Anurak tossed a few chips into his mouth. It was crunchy and sweet. Close to his taste, but not yet there. It would have to do…

The waiter soon brought the bottle of whiskey and a bucket of ice to their table.

"Tell me about Bangkok," Anurak asked New after taking some shots.

With delight, New agreed and for the next two hours, Anurak was listening to New as the guy gave him a load down on the rich and famous of Bangkok and Sunny-Uni. It was a lot of information for one night. But the one he really paid attention to was what New said about King, as New had a lot to say about the guy.

Unknown to him, New had noticed his constant secret gazes directed at King and was displeased.

Why lie about your sexuality? He wondered to himself.

Since you are curious about him, I will help you…

Anurak got to know that King got his green eyes from his mother, who is half-American and half-Scottish.

King finished his first degree in business management and accounting last year. Though there was a rumor that he was back in school for another degree, nobody knew what course he would be studying or if it were even true.

King is the youngest of two and his sister, who was also in school until last year, has gone overseas for her masters.

New pointed out that even though King was the most handsome guy in school, he had never shown interest in anyone, and hardly interacted with anyone outside his circle of friends, who weren't real friends, but sons and daughters of some shareholders in his father's company.

Presently, most of these people have graduated or are not even in the country anymore.

These people moved around with King to strengthen their family and business ties with the hope that when their respective parents retire, they would have more chances of replacing their parents' seats on the board.

"I also heard from one of my Dad's friends that King's father is in the mafia. They said he works for the Italians and once he retires or dies, King will inherit his underworld position too," New whispered into Anurak's ears, shocking him.

"Really?" Anurak gasped before darting a brief look at King, who was engrossed in his phone.

Well, he sure looks the part. Cold, detached, and aloof. If all the action films Anurak has seen got anything right, then King definitely looked like someone who could kill without flinching.

For the second time that night, Anurak felt a chill go up his spine.

This isn't someone anybody should mess with, he thought to himself.