Anurak chuckled. If only New knew how many times Anurak had modeled makeup products and accessories for Sophea's YouTube channel, how would he react?
Even though he never intentionally turned into a Drag Queen, there was nothing they did that he had not done just to help Sophea develop her channel.
She used him as props for her affiliate marketing products such as hair, clothes, and shoes, and also used his face to display the authenticity of makeup products.
Even though Anurak wasn't aware of it, His fashion sense was greatly influenced by Sophea who also liked making him look like K-pop stars.
"You don't understand. You look pretty. Like a girl. Unless you are gay and a bottom, try not to look too pretty." New warned with all seriousness.
Anurak's shoulders dropped. The fact was, he also felt the same way. Especially as Eshin and Sud's words flashed across his mind.
Just yesterday, his seniors had teased him about his looks and said he would soon find out why. He had guessed the reason for their laughter, but he didn't put much thought into it because he was looking as manly as he could get yesterday.
But now, after hearing New's warning, he felt uneasy. Even though he didn't mind the attention, this was a new environment.
What do I do now?
Sophea was the one who selected this look for his first day. He intended to ask New to help him take some pictures, so he could send them to her later in the day.
When she had gone shopping before leaving for school, she had selected all her new clothes according to the way her favorite K-pop star dresses and had done the same for him.
Arguing with her was useless because she didn't even tell him about it. She just came to his house with a bag full of clothes and asked him to try them on.
After they finished playing dress up, she told him all the clothes were his and taught him how to combine them. "For now, we don't have money for designers, but these imitations are perfect. They will have to do." She had said.
At that time, Anurak was very touched because he understood that his girlfriend was worried about his self-esteem and didn't want him to look like a rat among rich kids. How could he say 'No'?
"Can you do me a favor?" He asked New while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
"What is it?"
"Once we get to school, you will take me to some of the nicest places in school and help me take some pictures. Thereafter, I will change into a proper shirt and something not so tight before we go to class. Can you do that?"
"Yes, but can't you just wear one of your engineering shirts over it?"
"I have not gotten them," Anurak explained.
Sunny-Uni's engineering students have different uniforms in different colors. The Mechanicals wear red shirts over their whites, the Civils wear blue, and the Electricals wear brown. Anurak was supposed to collect two sets of shirts from his room teacher the previous day but didn't.
"Why are you taking pictures?"
"The pictures are for my girlfriend. She selected this outfit for me. If I don't wear it, I will be in trouble."
"Oh. Okay." Let's go then."
"Wait a minute!"
Anurak dashed into his room and came back with some packed shirts that he quickly stashed in his backpack.
Thereafter, the two boys left the hostel and made their way to school, chatting all the way.
When they got to school, it was bright enough for taking pictures, so New drove Anurak around doing exactly that.
After taking a bunch of pictures, he forwarded everything to Sophea who started posting immediately. New was even the first to see one of the posts and felt somehow jealous as memories came back to haunt him.
Tharn's face flashed across his mind, but he quickly pushed it out before commenting on Sophea's posts.
New took Anurak to a boy's restroom closest to them, and Anurak quickly went in to change. By this time, it was already past 8 in the morning, and they still had at least four to five minutes before their first lecture.
When Anurak entered the toilet, he met another student washing his hands. Anurak greeted him out of habit and then entered a cubicle.
He was done with changing in a few minutes. But when he came out, he found that same guy waiting with his body leaning on the mirror.
Since Anurak didn't know the guy, he didn't expect him to be waiting for him. Therefore, he just walked past him. Just as he wanted to open the toilet door, he felt his arm being grabbed.
"Hey!" Anurak frowned at the guy, instantly taking offense at a total stranger, touching him out of the blue. He lifted his hand to punch the guy but as if on high alert, the guy received Anurak's punch with the center of his palm and held on to his tiny hand. Anurak tried to snatch his hand back, but the guy was too strong.
Shia. He is probably a boxer…
In response to Anurak's outburst, the stranger pushed Anurak's back against the toilet door and smirked.
"Alai?" Anurak asked in annoyance.
When he looked at the guy, his heart went cold. There was blatant lust in the guy's eyes. Anurak knew that look too well. Because of his pretty face, a lot of people back at home looked at him like that. Especially whenever he went to deliver something to his father at the bar where he hangs out.
But then at home, they knew he could fight, and his father was a gang member. He was safe.
But this wasn't home. This was Bangkok. How should he handle this?
"I just want to ask. Why did you change your shirt?"
"What is it to you?" Anurak snapped angrily. He started gathering his strength and thinking of how to tackle the guy.
" I like your first shirt. This one is also good, but the first one is better. Change again, then we'll talk." The guy said authoritatively as his eyes roamed around Anurak's body.
Anurak felt extremely violated and naked. He rolled his eyes and was going to tell the guy to mind his business, but then the guy grabbed his chin and forcefully jerked Anurak's head up so that they were facing each other.
He was taller and bigger. Not as big as King, but close. With such a body frame, the guy was practically all over Anurak.
Anurak froze when their eyes met. He didn't freeze because he was attracted, but because he was shocked. He could feel the guy's hold on his cheeks getting tighter and more painful, and the way he was looking at him was unsettling.
Things were getting out of hand faster than he could think. Anurak was completely disadvantaged here.
Because he was caught unaware, he didn't have the time to assess the situation. Secondly, the stranger had closed in on him with their breaths fanning each other's faces. Anurak was pinned to the wall and there was no room for him to move.
So this is how getting harassed feels like. Anurak thought inwardly. He knew how to fight, but his brain wasn't telling him what to do. All he could feel was disgust and a rising fear. He swallowed that fear and glared at the guy.
"What are you doing?"
"I am looking at you. I like your eyes." The guy muttered. "The blue ring flares when you are angry. It's cute."
It was as if the stranger were talking to himself. He slowly rubbed his finger against Anurak's skin as his gaze descended slowly to his lips.
"Your lips are naturally pink and fresh."
His eyes were suddenly filled with longing as his head started moving close to Anurak's mouth.
Realizing what was about to happen, Anurak became furious. Just as the guy's head started descending towards his lips, Anurak's brain kicked in. He glared at the guy and raised his right leg.
"You don't dare!" He grunted before ramming his kneecap into the guy's groin with as much force as the small space available could afford.
"Haa!" The guy instantly let Anurak go. He grabbed his balls and doubled over in pain.
Not giving the guy the chance to recover, Anurak descended on him ferociously. Intentionally focusing on his ribs, He kicked and battered the guy with all his strength.
As he was hitting the guy, the image of his father hitting his mother kept flashing in his head. Then it would change to his mother or his younger self…
When he was sure that the guy wouldn't be able to stand straight for days, if not weeks, Anurak stopped hitting the guy's side and gave his face three punches. When he saw blood on the guy's lips, he stopped, washed the blood off, and left the toilet.
"Hey!" New, who was still surfing his phone, ran after Anurak who had barged out of the toilet with a furious face. He didn't notice that there was a third person who was watching them leave.
Even though the guy had a hard time standing up, he had used the toilet door to prop himself up the moment Anurak got out. He then dragged his body out of the toilet and rested on the wall as he watched Anurak leave.
Never in his imagination had he considered that a guy that tiny could carry that much punch.
Angry that such a harmless-looking boy had gotten him like that, he already made up his mind to find Anurak and deal with him. But when he saw New running after Anurak, his heart raced and fear gripped him. He instantly started thanking his luck for not going too far. He didn't dare to think of what would have happened if he had offended people he shouldn't offend. All thoughts of vengeance were instantly thrown out of his mind.
"I wonder whose son he is." The guy muttered to himself before turning around and walking down in the opposite direction. Doesn't matter. Since he is a friend of that ghost, it's better if our paths don't cross ever again.
New didn't catch up to Anurak until they got to the car. He tried to get Anurak to tell him what was so upsetting, but Anurak didn't budge.
So they drove to class in absolute silence.