Chapter three

With this strength do you think you will be able to destroy the demon, the king asked.

On hearing this, Summer pulled out her sword and place it on the King's neck with ease.

If you are a demon I would have killed you long ago Summer said putting the sword back while walking out of the arena.

That was amazing, the young prince complemented but Summer said nothing, walking pass him.

You are a total snob, the prince muttered, what's with the attitude he asked

You are asking me that Carl, you stop visiting me, she yelled pushing him away.

Oh that, is not my fault my father never allowed me to leave the palace after the demon went out of control, Carl answered .

Whatever, she said arrogantly walking out but stop when she remembers that she is not in her kingdom.

Can you show me the guest room, she asked Carl rudely.

While do you need a room when you can share My bedroom, Carl answered.

You risque wolf,Summer pouted;no worries I will find it My self she said walking out in anger.

What's the big deal,we use to sleep together in your room when I visit you, he tease running after her but Summer said nothing.

I was just pulling your legs,i will show you the room,he offered.

A guard Walk towards them; greeting your highness there are some people from your clan looking for you, the guard reported.

Go ahead ,I have important things to handle, I will catch up with you he said turning towards the training arena.i have something to sort out with my father,he muttered.

Dad I have a feeling that it was not just a practice but you are trying to attack her for real, Carl questioned his father angryly.

Yeah,I thought on seeing how adamant i was to hurt her she will use her powers but I was completely wrong the princess was powerful even without her powers, the king replied.

Meanwhile,in the throne room Summer was perplexed on seeing Oliver and Dave her palace guard.

(Dark castle)

Is okay now, why are you here? Storm asked.

Well I just wanna go hunting with you,is been a long time, Jamie replied.

Yeah, where?,he asked..

At the Luna forest, Jamie replied;I heard there is a lot of warewolves there, Jamie replied,if you are done Can we leave she added which Storm replied with a smile grabbing his sword they teleported out.

(Luna palace)

Your highness we finally found you, Oliver said with a relief smile.

Why are you two here Summer asked.

Your brother the king ask us to bring you back before the end of today or else our family we pay dearly.

Oh am sorry let's go quickly, but first let me inform the old man Summer replied leaving them and return back with Carl and the king, Summer bid farewell to them and then scurried out of the palace.

(Luna forest)

Storm and Jamie appeared on top of a tree.

We have a clear view from this place, Jamie said,I can wait for our prey to come like a fool they are, Jamie added with a smirk.

After a while Summer and her guard showed up.

I don't expect a vampire to show up, this is more fun than I expected, Jamie said.

But that one is not a vampire, Storm said pointing toward Summer and I want her alife Storm said.

Ok, let's hunt, Jamie concluded,as they jump down from the tree.

Demons, the guard yelled in angst as they stood in front of the princess.

Who are you and what do you want, Summer asked them gallantly.

Wow, what a courageous one but you are asking the wrong question, It should be what are we gonna do to you, Jamie replied moving towards them Oliver try to fight but drop lifeless instantly.

Summer tried to fight but discover that she can't move.

what's wrong princess can't move let me help you, Jamie said mockingly hitting her so hard on the head which causes summer to fell on the ground lifelessly.

(dark palace)

summer opened her eyes slowly in an unfamiliar dark room.

where am I she muttered getting down from the bed but her face kiss the floor .

great heaven, she lamented while holding her face in agony .

are you done kissing the floor a dark voice asked from the end of the room.

who are you and why am I chained in this dark room summer asked getting up from the floor.

you will find out soon Storm said walking closely towards her,he squat down holding her face to examine her,he stood up and walk away stopping midway.

get her ready and bring her to the dinning he said to the empty room before walking out.

has he gone mad no one is....

hello mistress three Lady appeared leaving her words hanging.

pardon, mistress, me you got the wrong princess let me out of this chain she fired at them.

we are sorry we can't do it that, one of them said forcefully dragging her to the bathroom.

(soul palace)

dave ran into the palace with a blazing speed.

what's wrong Dave and where is the princess and Oliver Parker asked.

Dave narrated the whole incident and prince Roshan who was listening from behind flew into a rage.

wow! what a great guard you are Roshan said in anger.

you did well by coming back here he said tapping the guard shoulder,maid take good care of him Roshan said turning to leave.

thank you your maje.... Roshan stab him with a sword turning him into ashes.

can Imagine this fool he left My sister In the hand of those demon is a high time we pay them a visit prepare two horse he ordered.

why?, your majesty Parker asked confused.

we are going to bring my sister back the arrogant prince said.

but we can can run quicker th...

do what I ask of you no questions understand or you loose your head he said walking out of the throne room.

(dark palace)

Summer was forcefully dragged by the Three lady to the dinning despite all her yelling.

hi a young adorable girl wave at Summer with a smile.

who are you suppose to be Summer asked her rudely.

am Athena The girl replied.

I heard you are a vampire princess she added.

half vampire okay so shut your ass up before I do that for you Summer said trying to leave the room.

where do you think you are heading to Storm asked stopping her on her track.

leaving this caused place of course Summer fired.

let me make this clear to you your actions determine the fate of your brother and people storm said warningly.