Chapter nine

Summer sat quitely thinking about what had transpired yesterday night, she was interrupted by a knock, she raised her head surprised to see her brother standing at the door quickly run and hug him tightly.

"Brother please take me away from this hell of a place"she cried out.

Roshan console her little sister who uncontrollably cried till she break the hug. Roshan wipe her face with his thumb.

"Am sorry Summer but am helpless here"he replied helplessly.

"How can you be helpless you are the king"Summer asked hopefully.

"There are some certain situations that are beyond a king"he replied, noticing the gemstone on her forehead Is gone he immediately look at her neck.

"You took off the necklace?"Roshan asked with anger in her voice.

"No,I Lost the necklace", she replied .

"How can you be so careless",he yelled holding her face angrily.

"You are hurting me;is just a necklace"Summer replied angrily,"he doesn't care about me, All he cared about is the stupid necklace, he is thinking about the necklace instead of finding a way to save her sisters life", she thought.

"Just a necklace, look you are marrying Storm today no matter what; and from now on never step out of the palace understand"he yelled.

"How can you do this to me, all because of a necklace"she asked with a broken heart.

"Am sorry, you will understand with Time"he said wiping her tears"let's go your groom is waiting"he added dragging her out of the room.

"You are soo red in tooth and claw, you are an iron hearted vampire,I hate you brother!"she cursed but her brother pay no attention to her even though he was hurt by her words.

Summer went through the wedding with a heavy heart thinking how her brother can turn his back on her when she needed him most, immediately the wedding concluded, Roshan Left the arena because he won't be able to face her sister again.Parker gave their gift to Summer without a word before leaving to catch up with the king. Summer sadly search for his brother but to no avail .

On the other hand, Roshan was sadly waiting for Parker at the gate who arrived after a short while.

"Sorry to ask what happened between you two"Parker asked worriedly.

"Summer Lost the necklace"he answered.

"What?; Parker screamed in shock, how Is that possible I thought the necklace is protected by a force so no one can take It off",he asked.Roshan nodded in response to his question.

"Then how come it's missing, the princess life is in danger"Parker said worriedly.

"I told Someone before leaving the palace so I hope he protect her"he said walking away while Parker worriedly follow him.

(Luna palace)

A Portal open revealing the wounded Carl in front of the palace.the guard All rushed out to help the prince get into his room.the king seeing his son approaching ordered some of his guard to go get the royal physician.Carl was taken to his room and place on the bed, the royal physician arrived immediately to examine him and announced that the prince is okay All he needs Is rest.

The king worriedly went into his son, and was surprised seeing his son with Summer necklace.

"Where do you get that necklace"the king asked angrily.

"I borrowed it from Summer",he replied thoughtlessly.

"What! you have to return that necklace by All mean all things will turn out bad" the king commanded.

"What's so special about the necklace?"he asked but his dad ignored him telling him to return the necklace immediately turning to leave but stop at the door.

"Son,how do you get the speal to break the protection?, the king asked curiously.

"With help of the sorcerer King", he replied.

How can he help you knowing that If the day the necklace was taken off that his days are numbered, something is not right, he thought walking out of the room.

(Dark palace)

Summer was taken to an unfamiliar room, the room was big and well decorated with a king size bed, with a dark, painting of a demon at the head of the bed.

Where am I?,he asked the Three lady.

This is your new room,we brought All your dress from your old room so let's help you dress up, the ladies offered but she immediately turned them down saying she can help herself.

She went into the bathroom prepare a bath for her self when she was done she took off her clothes and went into the bathtub,she sat quitely recalling the argument with his brother who did not even say goodbye to her before leaving, she closed her eyes allowing her tears to fall freely as she doze off forgetting she was in the bathtub.