Chapter twenty-eight

Gun and Carl arrived at the palace gate with a guard guarding the gate.

"Stop, the king don't want to see anyone today!"the guard chorused.

"how dare you lowlife get in My way?"Gun asked in a calm but formidable tone.

"let me handle this "Carl said walking forward.

"step away before I behead you "Carl threatened with a horrifying look.

"We can't let you in even if it cost us our lives"one of the guard said.

Carl walk back to Gun.

"how many guards are here?"Carl asked Gun who seems to be absent minded,he walked up to the guard, with a snap of his finger all the guard collapse and he Walk passed them with Carl running behind.

"what,I thought we are going to take them down?"Carl asked.

"do you think I will waste my strength on such weakling,it will be an insult to my strength "he replied.

"too much pride"he muttered before running after him.

The two entered  into the palace gracefully.

"king Jester, come out now!, you can't hide forever!"Carl shouted searching every corner of the throne room while Gun stood in the center of the room suspiciously.

After sometime A green long hair young female ran out from no where with a blood stained on his face and white garment he worked.

"please save my father"he pleaded in shock pointing to a certain direction before passing out.

Carl ran to the direction leaving the person with Gun, he bend down raising the person face for recognition but failed because his face was covered with blood, he found a piece of cloth attached to her clothes ,he detached the pieces which has a message written in blood.

"Gun please take good care of the person who bear this message, I before you get the message I will be Dead by then, the one who is responsible for everything I have done is Luciana's father,who I don't know what he look like because he always hide his face with a masks but one thing is certain he has the same eyes color as Luciana everytime we met, please take My child out of the kingdom now before his task of taking the kingdom conclude and they will come after him".

"she is king Jester's daughter"Gun muttered,Carl returned with sad look.

"what happened?"Gun asked him.

"the king Is dead and is a shame he had no heir to replace him "Carl replied sadly.

"he has an heir, she is king Jester's daughter "Carl said giving him the letter.

"this means is dangerous for us to be here?"Carl asked.

"yes"he answered lifting the lady and Carl grab unto him and the three disappeared.

{Dark castle}

The Three appeared in a room with simple but beautiful decorations.

"where are we?"Carl asked Gun.

"Dark palace"he replied placing the lady on the king sized bed.

The lady opened his eyes as tears ran down her cheeks remembering what transpired a while ago.

"are you alright?"Gun asked and the girl stood up from the bed in fear looking at the strange people in fear.

"don't be scared we won't hurt you"Carl reassured her, Gun asked her to went into the bathroom to wash the blood away,he will prepare some clothes and food for her.

She went into the bathroom and return after a short period wearing Luciana's milk coloured upper and green pant matching his hair, leaving the two bewildered.

"why are you wearing that dress, don't you like the one I prepared for you?"Gun asked.

"perhaps she likes dressing like a male like Luciana"Carl added.

"she?, am not a she am a he"he answered.

"what?!"the two shouted in shock.

"you thought I was a girl"he asked with a weak smile that can drive anyone crazy.

"have you seen your self in the mirror any one would be tricked by your face"Gun replied coldly.

"you don't always have to be cold"Carl said but he said nothing and left the room.

"Let's go for dinner"Carl said and the two left the room laughing and chatting.

"Little wolf"Athena called weakly approaching the two with Athena behind her, the same time Jamie came out from a corner captivated by the beautiful lady approached them also.

"Who is the beautiful lady besides you?"Adrian whispered to Carl who laugh uncontrollably.

"Hello"Jamie greeted everyone looking At the strange person in front of her,who keeps staring at her.

"Why is she dressed up like Luciana?"She asked but continue to laugh.

"Will you speak or should I break your teeth off?"Adrian asked in an angry tune.

"he is not a female but male"Carl replied with a smile.

"What!!?"they chorused in shock.