In the heart of bustling Tokyo, Ayato Akiyama leads an unassuming life as a typical high school student. Yet beneath his ordinary facade lies a mesmerizing secret: he is the enigmatic "Morpheus" a hidden virtuoso who has single-handedly revolutionized the art world with a string of breathtaking masterpieces that have captivated the globe.
However, fate takes an unforeseen turn when an intriguing anomaly comes into play, a force unbeknownst to Ayato. This enigma lures the attention of none other than Hoshino Agawa, an ethereal figure who stands as the icy Madonna of their school. Hailing from the illustrious Agawa dynasty, a family of unparalleled influence second only to the formidable Kirishima Corporation who wield the power to sway nations and economies. Somehow they also seem connected to ayato.
As Ayato and Hoshino's paths entwine, a delicate dance of destiny begins to unfold. The tendrils of Ayato's past and present intricately interlace, revealing a tapestry of emotions as intricate as his own brushstrokes. Against the backdrop of a society where tradition and modernity collide, these two young souls find themselves linked by a thread that defies the boundaries of their worlds.
lets see how our mc faces the thorns of his past and the future.
Yooo peeps Author-sama here, this is my first novel so I hope you bear with my inexpertise.
Feedback would be really appreciated!
PS. the covers not mine pls contact if the owner wants me to take it down.
hello my dear readers! this is my first novel written on this platform. I've put a lot of thought and time into it. Ill keep on writing till my brain runs dry, and I promise this will be ride you wont regret experiencing so till then pls continue to show your support as it is really appreciated. PS. suggestions and requests are always welcome . xxx Peace Out ----- ZenYen
stop this might seem exaggerated but trust me this is by one of the best freshies I have ever read like the plot and level of depth is brilliant and the suspense is also well written[img=recommend][img=recommend]. I just hope it doesn't get dropped tho
Yoo this story, plot is actually fire and complex too definetly something that makes u seem like a veteren pro! Keep up the good work [img=strong][img=recommend]