Chapter 18

Amidst the arrival of another weekend, Osman, as if by his usual enigmatic nature, remained elusive. Palwasha found herself ensnared in a web of bewildering thoughts, pondering deeply on how, on this crucial day, he could simply vanish without a trace. Where could he possibly have disappeared to? His sole point of contact had been through a single WhatsApp number, now eerily silent and disconnected. Palwasha relentlessly tried, spending days and nights in anticipation, calling home with her anxious inquiries, only to be met with empty silence.

Gradually, the seeds of doubt took root within her heart, and she began the arduous journey of consoling her tormented soul. Tears streamed down her cheeks incessantly, and at every moment, Osman's voice resonated in her ears. She wept uncontrollably.

At the stroke of three in the night, she arose, purifying herself, and with a heavy heart, began her prayer. As she commenced the recitation of Surah Yaseen, the very essence of this sacred word "يسٓ " spiraled her thoughts into uncharted territory. We comprehend the meanings of the Quran as a whole, but these specific words, why not? What secrets lay hidden behind them? These cryptic words resembled rare and precious gems, like pearls concealed beneath the depths of the ocean.

Osman, to the world, might have been just another jewel amidst the crowd, yet he was priceless and unique to me. The enigma surrounding him was like an unsolved puzzle, one that had perpetually eluded my grasp. I do not know where he is, I do not know where he resides. There was a number, now silent, WhatsApp deleted. Can all of this be mere coincidence? Is there a hidden motive behind his actions, a score to settle with me, perhaps to prove a point to others, saying, "Behold, I once ensnared a girl like Palwasha"?

No, no, may Allah forbid such thoughts. Allah is merciful, and He alone knows the secrets of hearts. I have never wished ill upon anyone. I only sought to make him dear to me with all sincerity. Even now, I am not capable of abandoning this connection. Can it be possible?

In the event of emergencies, he might have been caught up, even if he is a thousand miles away. But why, then, is his number disconnected? Why has he erased himself from WhatsApp? Could all of this truly be by chance? Does it mean that he was merely toying with my emotions, seeking revenge for something? No, no, may Allah forbid. Allah is compassionate, and He alone knows the secrets of hearts.

The next day, there was an exciting class trip planned to Islamabad, and Palwasha was invited to join. Horia enthusiastically asked if she would be coming along, to which Palwasha responded that she wouldn't be joining due to her friends' insistence. Even though her heart longed for the trip, she had reservations about going. Palwasha just wanted some time alone, away from the group, and to wait and see.

However, she couldn't openly express her reasons because her friends had previously cautioned her against trusting someone she had only met over the phone. They had warned her not to take this budding relationship too seriously and questioned how she could plan a future with someone she had barely seen. Her friends often teased her, saying, "Palwasha, how can you put so much faith in a guy you've hardly met? How can you be so serious about him? Your existence is now tied to him; how foolish of you."

She kept these thoughts to herself, fearing that her friends would make fun of her, as they considered talking to boys a normal and casual affair. They frequently changed boyfriends every few months after a breakup, and for them, it was just a typical routine. Palwasha began to contemplate the nature of their actions and whether she was being naive by considering following their advice and distancing herself from this situation.

During the trip, Palwasha's attention suddenly gravitated towards a man who resembled a mystic, draped in a flowing kurta. She approached him, captivated by his presence, and he began to speak in a soft, profound tone.

"You deserve," he began, his words resonating with wisdom. "I hope you find the kind of love that is free from ambiguity, where two souls connect across the room, and when your eyes meet, smiles bloom uncontrollably."

He continued, "May you discover a love that is utterly selfless, where your partner would move mountains for you, driven solely by a deep, unquestioning devotion to your well-being."

His voice carried on, "Seek a love where your joy becomes an essential part of their own, a love that willingly makes sacrifices, meeting you halfway on this journey of life."

With unwavering sincerity, he uttered, "May you find a love that remains faithful, unshakable even when faced with the tests of time and temptation."

The mystic's words turned compassionate, "Hope for a love that forgives, one that recognizes your imperfections yet guides you to learn and grow. A love that cherishes your uniqueness and views you as irreplaceable."

He continued, "Find someone who understands that perfection is an elusive goal but regards you as the most significant blessing in their life."

"May you encounter a love that offers unwavering support, someone who not only believes in your dreams but actively encourages your success in every facet of existence," he added.

The mystic's voice carried the weight of conviction, "Hope for a love that fiercely fights for you, a constant presence in your corner, choosing you every day without hesitation."

He paused, "Seek a love that demonstrates effort with each passing day, a love that refuses to let you slip away but pursues you with determination."

His words resonated with healing, "May you find someone who mends your wounds, who teaches you that the past does not define your worth. A love that truly appreciates your essence."

Finally, he concluded with utmost gratitude, "Hope for a love that never ceases to say thank you, a love that remains perpetually impressed by your actions, valuing you for the beautiful soul that you are."

The mystic's parting words carried a profound truth, "I wish for you to find a love that is your best friend, your most joyful laughter, your brightest smile, your staunchest supporter, and the source of your happiest memories. Because, my dear, you truly deserve it."