Chapter 22

Palwasha receives a call from Osman, and her happiness is apparent. "Hello," they both start weeping after a deep silence.

"Palwasha, please don't cry like this. What will I do if you, my source of strength, become so weak?" Osman says.

"I have nothing to say except asking you to let me cry today. I've been yearning to hear your voice. "

"I understand, Palwasha, but you need to control yourself. I'm sorry that you're hurt because of me facing all this. If I hadn't come into your life, none of this would have happened. "

"No, Osman, please be quiet. I've searched for you so much, tried so hard to find you. Until Iqra told me you were unwell, I had no idea."

I'm sorry, I fainted suddenly, and then my health deteriorated so much that I ended up in the hospital. Today was a rare opportunity for me to call you,Osman explained.

"Don't worry about me, Osman. our prayers are enough. InshaAllah, everything will be better. Just have faith in Allah," Palwasha reassured.

"Okay, my dear, I'm fine now that you're with me. I'll end the call and visit the doctor. Take care, and may Allah pa aman( Allah protects).

Palwasha found herself immersed in a deep prayer, her tears flowing freely as she implored, "Ya Allah, what kind of test is this? I know he is not halal for me, yet the love for him resides in my heart. When I first felt his love in my heart, I never imagined this trial. Allah, you test people, but why do you seem to test me more than I can bear? How do you know what I can endure when this isn't even in my patience?"

She continued to beseech the Almighty, "Please, Allah, grant him good health, heal him, make him well, not just for him but for me. Include him in my fate, O Allah. Never before have I asked for something like this. My hands are raised in supplication, please do not let them remain empty."

Days turned into nights and vice versa, and Palwasha's life seemed to revolve around her prayers. She lost track of time, so absorbed in her plea for Osman's well-being. She hardly knew what she ate or drank, for her entire focus was on praying for him. Her devotion was unwavering, and her heart carried the weight of her love and concern for him.

With each prayer, she fervently asked Allah to accept her pleas, to heal Osman and guide him toward better health. Her faith was unshakable, her conviction unwavering. She had surrendered herself completely to the will of the Almighty, trusting that He would hear her earnest prayers.

As she continued to pray for Osman's recovery, her devotion became a testament to the power of love and faith. Palwasha's relentless dedication to his well-being showcased the profound impact one person's love and concern can have on another's life, transcending boundaries and circumstances. She knew that, ultimately, it was in Allah's hands, and she found solace in the act of praying for the man she loved, regardless of the outcome.

Several days had passed, and Palwasha's routine remained unchanged. Her weekends were dedicated to prayers, and she spent her days and nights in devout supplication. Her unwavering faith and determination were a testament to the depth of her love and concern for Osman.

Then, out of nowhere, a message arrived on her phone, and it was from Iqra. Palwasha's hands trembled as she opened the notification, and her eyes scanned the words in disbelief. "Palwasha, I am sorry, Osman is no more."

Palwasha couldn't believe what she was reading. It felt like a cruel joke, something that couldn't possibly be real. She dismissed it as a product of her own imagination, a mere figment of her anxiety.

But, within a short while, another message arrived, further confirming the devastating news. "His funeral is at 11 AM tomorrow in his ancestral village, they are taking him there."

The shock coursed through her veins, leaving her numb. This couldn't be true. Palwasha struggled to find her voice and texted Iqra in desperation, "No, this can't be. Osman is fine; you're playing a prank."

Iqra's reply was firm and sorrowful, "Look, Palwasha, I wouldn't joke about something like this. Osman was dear to all of us. Accepting his loss is not easy, but it's the harsh reality."

Palwasha's world crumbled. The reality of Osman's passing seemed unfathomable. It was as if she had been cast adrift in a dark and endless sea, with no path back to shore. She couldn't comprehend how someone so vital, so present in her life, could suddenly be gone.

Her thoughts spiraled into a chaotic whirlpool of grief and disbelief. The vibrant colors of her life had turned to shades of gray, and she felt lost in a wilderness without a map or compass. The only thing she knew for sure was that Osman, the love of her life, was no more.

In the face of such a profound loss, Palwasha was left grappling with questions about the purpose of her relentless prayers and devotion. What was the meaning of her unwavering faith when the person she prayed for had been taken away so suddenly? The days ahead would be a painful journey as she tried to come to terms with the harsh reality of Osman's passing and find a way to navigate a life without him.