Chapter Nine

The party was still blasting around us after a few hours time passed. Ashton continued to ignore me and just sat staring off at everyone else. I could see the longing to be apart of the crowd. I know that two hours suffering in boredom while we watched the crowd around us was more than enough for me so I decided it was time for a change.

I let out a loud whistle that no one seemed to notice, even as it rang out across the room. Ashton looked up at me clearly not expecting the volume nor the sudden action.

"Tiara is coming over here and she was clear across the room, what did you expect me to do? Besides, I'm capable of being loud, even at my small size, and I plan to use every advantage I have! Now stand up, we're going to have some fun!"

Tiara was right next to us by the time I finished speaking. She knew exactly what I wanted and had a small black rug in her hand. Ever since I was little, I always admired Aladdin's magic flying carpet, so last year Tiara made me a fancy silver and gold rug with a beautiful, intricate design woven into it. She carried it around with her whenever we traveled and I just had to get her attention and she'd give it to me. She did just that as she laid it out before scampering off back across the room, eager to get back to her mate. I smiled as I grabbed Ashton's hand.

I pushed him onto the rug and concentrated on the rug. Before I knew it, we were up in the air with Ashton gripping tightly to the rug. I could tell that he was afraid by the expression on his face. It was an expression of pure and utter terror. I weaved around the dance floor, swerving around people and flying more quickly as Ashton relaxed more. Before either of us knew it he was wearing a huge smile on his face and even laughing. It was nice to finally see him having some fun.

We didn't get to enjoy ourselves for too long since a mere half an hour later I was interrupted by the Alpha himself. I nearly crashed into him even! Lucky for me and Ashton I was able to swerve at last minute and circle around to stop back at our original table.

"I'm glad to see you two having a bit of fun, but I was told you wanted to do the pack announcements, Kendra."

I nodded and the Alpha got the crowd's attention, getting the music shut off and everything. The pack was now looking attentively at me and Ashton. I was handed a paper with the announcements and then I began to read them off, adding a bit of my own personality in along the way.

"What a wonderful night it has been! I'd like to tell you all just how lovely it has been to see you all here tonight, but it's time for announcements and then we'll have to call it a night!

As you may know, the pack has had two new members added to the pack and they have found their mates here, in the pack. One of them being myself and the other being my bestie, Tiara. I'd just like to say I've rather enjoyed the warm welcome I've had thus far and that I believe Tiara and I will enjoy living here.

There have been some rogue spottings, which means the Alpha and Beta along with a few other pack members will be running a basic border check tomorrow morning. There will also be assigned tasks for security measures until the matter clears up.

In brighter news, I have the results for the costume contest! Each winner is decided by couples and are in three different categories. The first is movie-themed with the Killems couple! The second category is classic novels themed with the Robinsons couple! Last, but not least is horror-themed with... Ashton and I winning?

Anyhow, those who won can pick up their prizes from Dessie. Thanks for coming and goodnight!"

That was a lot to announce and boy am I glad that is all over! Sitting in silence all night while Ashton mopes is definitely not fun, at all.

We had to wait until the crowd thinned out before I flew me and Aston down to my car on my carpet. I then promptly stuffed the carpet into the trunk and got in. Ashton seemed weary as he climbed in the car. The whole way home he was silent. When we got out of the car, he just followed me into the house in silence. He even followed me up the stairs without any complaints. When we got to my room I finally spoke up.

"You can take the couch or the bed, take your pick."

He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I began to walk over towards the sofa when I heard him speak quietly.

"Can you please just sleep next to me tonight?"

I nodded silently and crawled into bed next to him. I turned my back to him and fell asleep not long after.