Chapter Eleven

One of them stepped out of the forest. He walked out in front of them all and looked down at me. He was fully dressed and showed no sign of having ever been part of the battle. He was fully dressed in a black button-up shirt, black jeans, and pointed black boots. His whole demeanor seemed sharp and dangerous with a touch of sexy dishevelment that really helped complete his look. His hair looked like a soft ocean of black hair. His eyes were as black as the rest, showing he was clearly one of them.

No, he wasn't just one of them, he was clearly their leader. You could tell by the way he stood out from the rest. Besides, why else would he have stayed back while the rest fought until his grand entrance? The only real question is: what does he want?

"You know who we are."

It wasn't a question, but rather a statement. His voice is rich and deep, it was enough to get any girls attention, even a she-wolf who'd already found her mate, like me.

"You know you can't take us on, not all of us, not by yourselves. A few wolves, vampires, maybe even fairies couldn't get past you two, but I think you and I both know demons are so much harder to kill. Now don't we, Kendra?"

There it was, the bitter truth of who they were, thrown out into the open for all to hear. There was no doubt that he was right, our worst nightmare comes to rise up against us. I already knew there wasn't any way we could get past them. There was no hope if we resisted and it would be best to cooperate, it would save more lives.

"What do you want?"

There it was, the million-dollar question for all to hear. I could see his smirk from where I sat as he continued to peer down at me, never wavering.

"It's more as to who we want. It's quite simple, either you come with us freely or we slaughter every single person here. It's your choice."

That was quite blunt, but now the question was, what do I do?

"No! You can't leave, Kendra! What will Ashton think?"

Tiara was quick to protest and refuse to give me up, but the demon was quick to butt in.

"Ashton doesn't care about her. In fact, he's been sleeping around these last few days. You should ask Kendra about it, as if she hasn't felt the familiar burn in her heart as he did. If you leave with us your friend lives and it's not like you have much else to lose.

Come with us and you'll never have to worry about the pain of betrayal and seeing how much your mate hates what you are, who you are. You'll be appreciated where we'll bring you and you won't have the innocent blood of your dear friend's death on your hands. You won't get a better deal and we won't ask again. Now, make your choice."

I took one last look at Tiara before replying.

"Fine, I'll go with you."

I felt the rush of air around me as the demon pulled me through the air and to him. He held me in the palm of his hand as he walked towards the forest. Then there was the rush of air around us again as we were teleported to who knows where.


Ashton's Point Of View

I can't believe my ears! I come home the Sunday before Thanksgiving to find my mate long gone. Supposedly, a week's worth of time after she left with what her best friend, Tiara, calls a group of demons. What sort of joke is this? Everyone knows that demons are a mere myth and that's saying something when you consider our world full of supernatural beings.

I did believe she was gone and for a week now because her scent was that old. I couldn't smell her scent at all because she was just that far gone. Maybe she was tiny, but I'd still be able to tell if she was here or not.

As for the rogue attack, I had no choice but to believe it since my whole pack admitted to seeing some rogue wolves. I feel pretty stupid for leaving my mate, even if it was for urgent pack business. I hated tearing Trent away from his mate too, especially now. He practically hates me since our mates were left exposed and unprotected during a rogue attack.

The worst part wasn't even all of that though. No, it was Tiara's distressed and accusatory voice telling me my mate left on the pretense that I cheated on her. That my mate had felt the familiar burn in her heart of her mate cheating on her with another woman!

"As if I'd cheat on my mate! Whether I have fully accepted her or not I would never go out and cheat on her, ruining the chances of ever being with her! Besides, even if I were to stupidly cheat on her, she wouldn't have a chance of feeling it! She doesn't even have my mark yet! Maybe it was stupid of me not to claim her yet, but I haven't and that means she couldn't have felt me cheating on her!"

That does raise quite a few questions and doubts to mind. However, there was no way of figuring it out if Tiara was going to insist it was demons who took Kendra away. Besides, let's say, just for a moment, that it was demons, what would they want with her? It's not like she's super powerful or anything, she was only amazing in one single, simple way: she's my mate.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the idea of being a tiny, elfin werewolf, but I do know one thing: Kendra is my mate and I don't want to live without her! I will get to the bottom of her disappearance and when I do, I will get her back. Then, when she is safe and sound in my arms I will work each and every day to win her heart and make her mine.