Chapter Seventeen

Kendra's Point of View

"I'm not sure what to make of your part of the story. I guess it'd make sense, but either way I want to hear both sides of the story before passing any judgement on either of you."

I could see it in their faces, they both looked frustrated, but also nervous. It was like they knew it'd be my choice as to who I wanted at the end of the day. They knew it, but it only made them more possessive and afraid, afraid of losing me.

It's a strange feeling and thought to contemplate. Having to choose between two hot guys who both wanted me. My wolf still pushing me one way while another part of me wondered what the other option would be like. So many difficult questions, too little time to evaluate the possibilities.

"How about some lunch? I think we could do with a break." Okay, maybe it is a bit early for lunch, but it's all a bit much to deal with. All the same, both of them agree and follow me into the kitchen.

I begin pulling things out of cupboards. I find some Macadamia nuts and some dark chocolate chips. I find a knife and begin cutting them into smaller pieces.

All the while it's silent with nothing more than the sound of the knife cutting into the food and the sharp snap as the nuts break. It's almost enough to make the tension twice as bad and it makes me twice as nervous.

Suddenly I feel someone's hands on my shoulders and I slip up, cutting my finger in the process. Both rush to me with concerned looks.

"No, don't worry, I'm fine."

I watch as Amerest shakes his head, clearly not believing me.

"Ashton go get her a bandage or something. I'll finish preparing lunch."

Ashton seems ready to argue, but then looks back to me. A look of guilt and remorse crosses his face briefly and then he leaves. I guess he was the one who snuck up behind me. I don't blame him, he probably felt how anxious I was and hoped to help me relax. Either that or confront me about being upset.

Amerest doesn't say much as he finishes chopping up everything. When he feels there's enough, he stops and turns to me.

"So Love, what now? We've got a lot of options."

Maybe it's everything running through my head or maybe it's the vague terms he asks me, but it hits me that it's the same question I have to answer for the three of us. What do we do from here? Where will the struggle end? Who will I wind up choosing? If I don't choose, will they wind up killing one another and leave me with no more choices or accept one another?

So many questions and less than forty-eight hours left to get answers.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what the right choice is."

Suddenly I lose it and I'm on the floor crying.

"I don't think we're talking about lunch anymore. Don't worry Love, I'm sure everything will turn out for the better in the end."

I clutch onto his arm and search his eyes, as if the answers to all of life's problem lie there.

"Please, promise me you won't kill him!"

He looks startled briefly, but then his gaze is hard as he searches my eyes.

"Promise me!"

I don't know what makes me ask again, but this time it's with so much despair and a certain desperateness that he stops. It seems for a brief moment that he'll give in, but then he storms off, out of the room.