
Iris held her breath in fear of what was to come. She almost hoped that Caspian would think it was a joke or that she was crazy. Maybe if he believed that, she could be spared the rejection and the painful death that was sure to come.

Caspian felt a range of emotions cross over him as this information sunk in. At first, he was shocked and unsure what to make of this information. His mate wasn't from this world? She was the only one of her kind and had unique knowledge no one else knew.

Suddenly, Caspian was reminded of the temples in the city. In this world, beasts believed in a god who ruled over all beasts. If Iris had been brought here, it must be the Beast Deity's will. All her knowledge and strange behavior could thus easily be explained by it being the Beast Deity's wishes.

Caspian threw his arms around Iris, pulling her close as he began to cry tears of joy. His little mate was a gift from the Beast Deity! However, Iris was not a mind reader and had no clue what was going on. As such, she began to hyperventilate as she panicked, fear overtaking her.

Caspian was confused by this change in his little mate.

"What's wrong Iris? Look, don't cry, I'm sorry I didn't understand, but I do now! You are the most perfect gift to this world from the Beast Deity himself. I didn't understand that before, but don't worry, I will become stronger and I will protect you from now on. I swear upon the Beast Deity, no matter what difficulties come your way and no matter how many mates you take, I swear I will do my best to support you in your ambitions and protect you from harm."

Caspian was both taking an oath of honor before the Beast Deity and trying to comfort his mate. When a golden light began to envelop Caspian before slowly growing dim and disappearing, Iris was shocked and paused her crying.

"I- wha- what was that?"

Caspian was confused about what Iris was asking at first. Remembering that his mate did not know the common sense of this world, he patiently explained.

"I made an oath to you before the Beast Deity. The golden light is the beast deity's way of acknowledging my oath."

This surprised Iris to no end. On Earth, there was no proof that any Gods existed but here there was very real proof that the Beast Deity was a real and powerful figure in this world.

This led Iris to recall Caspian's previous words. He thought that this Beast Deity was responsible for her being brought to this world. Iris could neither confirm nor deny this as she had no way of knowing herself. However, she couldn't just leave things at that and risk a misunderstanding leading to trouble.

"I've never met the Beast Deity so I can't say if I was in fact brought to this world by the Beast Deity. However, seeing such real proof of the Beast Deity's existence, I can't deny the possibility either."

Caspian nodded in understanding. The Beast Deity was known to be mysterious and a figure that was difficult to understand. It made sense to him that even the Beast Deity's messengers could have difficulty knowing his will. The Beast Deity was just that untouchable.

While Caspian felt that his mate's behavior was now explained, one thing still left him curious.

"I only really wonder about one other thing. Your animal hide bag seems to be able to hold far more than a normal bag. You also didn't have it or that book when we first met....."

Iris pursed her lips in thought. Caspian had already accepted that she was an oddity and even from a different world. Perhaps she could use his belief in this Beast Deity as a way to explain the system that issued her quests and rewards? Still, she worried that this above all other things would make her look crazy.

"I know I'm going to sound crazy here, but hear me out. Ever since I arrived in this world, I've been receiving tasks. The first time it was for me to collect herbs. When we bought the herbs from witch doctor Oliver, I received that book alongside a sewing kit and flint and steel as a reward for my efforts.

Later, I was tasked with building a home with particular requirements. When we completed that task, I was rewarded with this bag. This bag can have any non-living thing placed inside without running out of storage space inside it."

Iris waited with bated breath for Caspian's response. Thankfully, this time she didn't have to wait long. Caspian looked at her with a smile on his face and gently caressed her face.

"You actually hear the voice of the Beast Deity and follow his will. Even the priests who devote themselves to worshiping the Beast Deity rarely if ever hear the words of the Beast Deity. I must truly be the luckiest beast man alive to be mates with not only the most beautiful female on the beast continent but also the prized Beast Deity's messenger."

With this statement, there was no more room for questions and answers that night. Caspian felt the need to show his love and devotion to Iris. He gently pressed her down to the bed as he kissed and caressed every inch of her skin.

By the time Caspian pulled Iris's clothes off, revealing her gorgeous naked form, she was already panting, overcome by her desire. Her nipples stood up in stuff peaks, showing her clear enjoyment.

Caspian smiled as he lowered his mouth to lick and tease at her left nipple. He teased her with his teeth lightly scrapping them over her tight bud as he kneaded her right breast with his large hand.

Iris felt tense from desire, she was already wanting Caspian inside her, but he did not give her what she wanted. No, tonight was all about worship and Caspian would not enter her until he was satisfied with the amount of pleasure he had brought her.

Caspian's cock teased Iris as it pressed into her lower stomach when he leaned in to capture his lips with hers. At first, the kisses were short and soft before gradually getting deeper. Soon Iris's lips felt tender and sore as she was left breathless.

She wanted Caspian and she didn't want to wait any longer. She reached her hand downwards to stroke him, but was quickly stopped. Caspian captured her hand with his, keeping her from continuing. He shook his head with a soft smile on his face.

Desire swirled in his eyes, but he would not rush things tonight. Despite wanting to fuck Iris and enjoy her sweet feminine scent, Caspian held back. Tonight was about Iris and giving her all the love and devotion she deserves. Caspian would not spoil it by giving in to his urges.

Caspian slowly lowered to the floor, pulling Iris's ass to the edge of the bed and allowing her to rest her thighs along his shoulders. He glanced up at Iris's face as he slowly lowered his head and licked at her clitoris. Iris let out a low groan, hating and loving how he teased her at the same time.

Caspian licked her again and again, slowly building up the momentum. Soon he began to suck at her clit, even entering a finger and then two inside her pussy. He slowly thrust in and out, curling his fingers upwards to stroke her inner walls. The combination of being penetrated while receiving clitoral stimulation, quickly drove Iris over the edge.

However, even this was not enough for Caspian. He did not want to let Iris go so easily. He slowed down with his administrations, removing his fingers and licking them clean before doing the same to her pussy.

After orgasming once, Iris was already incredibly sensitive. She couldn't help but squirm as Caspian's warm tongue slowly licked her. Eventually, the uncomfortable sensitivity began to turn pleasurable again. Upon hearing Iris gasping and moaning, Caspian set about once more bringing her to climax.

It was not until Iris's third climax where she began to plead for him to stop due to how sensitive she felt that Caspian felt satisfied. Finally deciding to give her what she wanted, he laid her higher up in the bed before climbing on top of her.

He rubbed his hard cock against her overly sensitive nub, using her natural juices to lubricate himself. He then slowly sunk himself into her, slowly rocking his hips forward. Iris felt so happy to finally be filled and she happily moaned her excitement below him.

Caspian couldn't help but groan as he picked up speed. The way her pussy clenched around him was divine. He was certain there was simply no greater pleasure than this.

Iris arched her hips, trying to pull his cock deeper inside her. Caspian sped up just slightly at Iris's urging. He kneaded at her breasts and kissed her deeply, still wanting to show his love for his little mate even amidst taking his own pleasure.

Slowly Iris was brought to orgasm one more time. The feeling of her pussy pulsing and squeezing around his cock caused Caspian to quickly be driven to his own orgasm.

As Caspian pulled himself out of her and wrapped his arms around Iris, he felt happier than he had in his entire life. He softly whispered "I love you" to Iris who quickly returned the sentiment. That night Iris slept with a smile on her face, feeling more loved than she ever imagined possible.