Planning For The Rainy Season

The Jello had gone over quite well with many beastmen complimenting it and requesting Iris to make it again in the weeks to come. However, it could not be helped that making any desserts would be impossible for the rest of the cold season. No one else in the tribe had any dried fruit or honey. Most were primarily carnivores and only dried meat during the harvest season.

It was now two months into the cold season and Iris had nearly weaved all of the dried grass she had collected previously. The rest would need to be saved for tinder alongside some dried leaves. Thus, today Iris was showing Caspian how to layer the grass mats and leaves before sewing together a cheap beastskin to make pillows.

As much of their wood had been turned into dishware, they no longer had any left to use for anything but firewood. Still, Iris felt that pillows may even be easier to sell than beds would as they could more easily carried over long distances.

Caspian and Iris had been enjoying yet another quiet day at home. Iris was growing used to the quiet of the beastworld. Only occasionally would the silence be broken as Caspian asked for guidance on how to do something or Iris asked him questions about himself.

Caspian cleared his throat and he asked

"The cold season will be over in a few more weeks and then the rainy season will begin. Have you considered looking for additional mates then?"

Iris felt taken aback by Caspian's question. She had discussed the matter with Holly a short while back with him present. Still, she didn't think he would bring the subject up himself.

"Wouldn't you be uncomfortable if I took in more mates?"

Caspian sighed as he looked at Iris. He wanted her to know he was serious as he said

"I want you to be safe and more mates will be good for that. Besides that, more can be accomplished with more people around to do the work. I just don't want to make you do anything you are uncomfortable with.

Many first partners will become possessive of their females and insist those who want to pursue their mates duel with them first. No male can stop a female from taking in more mates, but many are easily jealous. I don't want that for us.

I love you very much and appreciate your kind demeanor. You've always treated me better than most males are by their females. I don't want you to forget about me when you take more mates, but I don't want to stop you from having other males either. I want to be a good first mate who you can depend on and confide in no matter what. Even if you decide to take another mate, I would only ask that you choose someone who is capable."

Iris felt sweet hearing how much love and care Caspian had for her. In the modern world, it would be nearly impossible to find someone like Caspian. Even in the beastworld, his thoughtfulness and care put him above the rest.

Iris leaned over and kissed Caspian, stroking his face gently. Iris already knew that her love for Caspian would never change. That much he would never have to worry about.

"I will consider taking another mate if a suitable partner arises. Right now there is no one ideal in this tribe."

Caspian nodded as he had heard as much earlier that season. He then brought up the entire reason for him asking

"In the spring season, beast cities hold beauty pageants for females. It's often used as a sort of meet and greet for females to find new mates as well as for mixed tribes to gain new members. Our tribe is only artic wolves and females with their mates so males would not be eligible for joining the tribe. However, it would be perfect for you to see if anyone looks interesting."

Iris agreed to consider it when the time comes. However, right now she was far too busy enjoying her life with Caspian. There was only a month left to peacefully relax at home. When the spring came, they would be very busy with a number of things.

Iris now had a map of the beast continent. Despite her initial difficulties in pain pointing their location due to a lack of landmarks, she eventually pin pointed a rough location. It seems they were in a centrally located northern portion of the continent.

Still a weeks away from the ocean if Caspian travelled with minimal rest but centrally located enough to be near a beast city. The beast continent appeared quite large with diverse biomes that ranged from snowy mountain ranges to hot and sandy deserts.

Sadly, Iris had no way of knowing how far away any other beast cities or tribes were. She felt it would be nice to one day travel to other parts of the beast continent and see how other tribes lived their lives.

Surely such a vast and diverse land mass would be home to a number of different tribes of beastmen who lived in different environments. Besides this, Iris could potentially discover new foods and technologies that even her own world did not have.

For now, though, Iris would have to dream small. Looking the map over, Iris continued to rehearse her plan of attack for the rainy season in her head. She would need to gather more materials to craft with so she could earn more crystals for buying seeds. Eventually, having crops to sell and eat would serve as a good source of food.