White Lies

[System 316: The rainy season is here! With warmer weather comes the opportunity to find new mates. Please accomplish the following: participate in the beauty pageant at the nearest beast city, gain one-hundred or more new admirers, and accept two or more new mates.]

[Time Limit: Three Days]

[Reward: 10,000 system points]

[Penalty: Fall into a coma for one week]

Iris groaned as she nearly rolled out of bed. After three months of not hearing from the system, she had finally received a new quest. Iris's expression quickly soured as she read over the notifications.

When Caspian came into the bedroom with some hot soup, he was surprised to see Iris was already awake. He would have assumed she was merely excited like many other females were due to the beauty pageant that was happening today. However, as he took in her bitter expression, he questioned

"What's wrong, did you have a nightmare?"

Iris shook her head indicating that was not the case. Caspian sat down beside Iris on the bed and held her hand as he patiently awaited an explanation. Iris sighed before saying

"I just received a new task and this time it includes a penalty if it isn't completed within three days."

Caspian's expression soon fell as he began to worry for his little mate. He cautiously asked

"What is the task? Whatever it is, I'll help you complete it right away. I don't want you to suffer and we can always wait until next year to join the beauty pageant."

Iris shook her head as she gave a bitter laugh.

"No, that's just it. The task requires me to attend the beauty pageant where I am expected to gain the attention of one hundred beast men and then accept two new mates. Apparently, I only have three days to mate with them as well or else I will fall into a coma for a week."

Caspian blinked confusedly at Iris. His lips dipped into a frown as he began to think it over. Most females wouldn't have an issue with taking in new mates and that was the entire point of going to the beast city today anyways. As for gaining admirers, Caspian had no doubt that his mate's beauty would easily capture the hearts of many with ease.

"Perhaps the Beast Deity thinks that I am unable to protect you on my own and wishes to encourage you to surround yourself with more males to keep you safe? I wouldn't worry so much about this task. You will easily have your pick of males at the festival and you still get to choose who you want and don't want as a mate."

Iris nodded solemnly, she knew Caspian was right. It was more that Iris did not like to be forced than that she did not want more mates anyways. Iris tried to psych herself up as she ate some soup.

"I'd like you to crush some red clovers in the mortar and pestle before mixing it in a small bowl with soap and salt for me. I want to take a bath in the river and freshen up properly before we go today. If I am to attract the best males, I will need to look my best."

Caspian smiled dotingly at Iris, happy to see her mood lifting. He quickly did as she said, carefully crushing the flower petals before infusing it with salt and the lye soap. When he was done he handed the small bowl to his mate before carrying her up to carry her to the river.

Today was a nice warm sunny day with the sound of birds chirping and Iris found it quite peaceful. When they got to the river, Iris quickly stripped out of her old dress and tentatively tested the water temperature with her toes. Feeling that the river was a comfortable temperature that was only slightly cold, she slowly climbed in.

Caspian took his mate's dirty clothes and began to scrub their clothes in the river before hanging them on a nearby tree. He then climbed in alongside his mate, taking the bowl of soap.

Iris was grateful as felt quite pampered as he lathered the soap into her hair and across her skin. The salt worked great to help all the dirt scrub off and the clovers left her smelling of a light floral scent. Caspian was gentle as he rinsed the soap off, kissing her skin lightly as he went.

After bathing, Iris sat on a beast skin Caspian laid out on the ground for her. She would slowly air dry her skin while Caspian attempted to gently comb her hair.

Iris was thankful for the new comb, but the built up tangled in her hair were very painful as they were slowly worked out. Caspian kept apologizing as he saw her flinch in pain, but Iris knew it wasn't his fault it had gotten this bad. Some things were just an unfortunate fact of life in the beast world and this was one of them.

Once Iris's hair was combed out, Iris felt much better. It was the first time since coming to the beast world that she truly felt clean and refreshed. Caspian smiled dotingly at his mate as he watched her happily get dressed. It seems she was feeling much happier, which made Caspian feel better as well.

Iris really liked her skirt, tank top, hooded cloak, and boots from the first outfit she made after coming to this world. Thus, she felt there was no better outfit to wear on a day she would meet her future mates. She quickly got dressed into the clean clothes alongside some clean underwear. Ready to go, she looked to Caspian.

"We will have to leave your clothes here to dry, but don't worry as I'll fetch them once we return home tomorrow."

Iris nodded, confident that Caspian could easily find his way back. She had experienced just how good beastmen were with direction numerous times now and no longer worried about such matters.

After Caspian transformed, Iris climbed on top of his frost white wolf. She lovingly stroked Caspian's fur and wrapped her arms around him. Once Iris had a firm grip, Caspian took off towards Blue Lake City.

As they had gotten up at first light, the sun was still rising when they set off. Thus, it was still a little before peak sun when they arrived. Caspian quickly checked in with the guard and then scooped Iris into his arms, pulling her hood securely over her face.

There were more beastmen guarding and patrolling today, but the beast city was also swarming with beastmen. It was so crowded that it took forever for Caspian to make it to the inn. However, when they tried to book a room, they were already full.

"It seems more females than usual must be participating in the beauty pageant this year. Generally the inns only allow females to book a room during the festivities. I'll have to figure out other plans for us later tonight."

Iris felt concerned by their lack of accomodations, but she trusted Caspian. She knew even if he had to stand guard over her as she slept all night in the wilderness, he would still be able to ensure her safety.

"We'll have to head to the combat arena in this city then since we can't book a room. There will be more beastmen guarding there and less of a crowd. They'll only allow the females who are participating in the festivities and their mates inside early so it'll be safer."

Iris nodded, understanding where Caspian was coming from. This crowd was making her feel claustrophobic anyhow.

As they came into the shopping area of the business district, Iris noticed the market was in full swing. It seemed like many single beastmen were lining up to buy items like jewelry and clothes for females. Iris supposed they must feel confident they'd be getting mates today to buy gifts for them before it was even a sure thing.

As Iris was a huge fan of violence she had never asked Caspian to bring her to the combat arena. Thus, she was quite surprised by the sheer size of it when she arrived. Much like the stone houses, the arena appeared to be formed from stone bricks with clay layered between them.

The arena had many layers of seating with a pounded dirt flooring in the middle. Guards were at every entrance as well as patrolling the general vicinity. Several females appeared to be sitting and relaxing in the stands already as they happily chatted away with their mates.

Iris nervously looked away as she saw several of them looking her way and sizing her up. They couldn't see much since she was still hidden from view, but it still made her feel uneasy. Caspian soon found a more empty spot and quickly headed that way. He gently sat Iris down before sitting beside her.

"This will be your first beauty pageant so I'm guessing you'd like a run down of how things work, right?"

Caspian's gaze was gentle as he looked at Iris. He knew she didn't know how things worked in this world and he was always kind enough to explain things. This made Iris feel sweet as she leaned into his embrace and nodded, eager to know what the itinerary would be.

"Generally the females will all be lead to the center of the arena where they will sit at those tables. One of their mates will then introduce their female.

Once everyone is introduced, an eating competition will be held. Since starvation is common in the cold months, many males worry about their female starving to death. While they may be willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure their female won't starve, it isn't ideal. Thus, a female who can eat more in the warmer months when food is abundant and isn't picky about their food is seen as a good thing.

Generally speaking, meat will have to be consumed raw. So it would be safer for you if I announce you to be part of the ape tribe and as a primarily plant eating female. I remember you said apes are related to your tribe so it should suffice."

Iris was certainly worried about eating raw meat. She worried about both parasites and getting food poisoning. That wasn't even to mention that the raw meat would likely make her gag if she tried to eat it. Thus she replied

"That sounds good. I feel like plants have to be harder to prepare than meat, though. Wouldn't that effect the number of males who are interested in me?"

Caspian shook his head. His little mate clearly was clueless on matters of the heart when it came to beastmen

"Apes are known to eat meat rarely, but they do eat both meat and veggies. However, they won't make you eat meat if it is not your preferred food since it would be setting you up for failure. Still, since you can eat meat if it's the only food around, the males wouldn't count it against you.

Besides this, males do still make their decisions on females based on other factors too. Attractiveness, whether they are a half orc or a complete female, personality, and the number and strength of their current mates can make a difference too.

Some males would prefer a female with more mates since they could ensure the females safety more, but fewer mates who are stronger is also good. Fewer mates means there is a greater chance of earning a female's favor and being chosen for mating."

Iris coughed embarrassedly as she choked on her own saliva. Caspian looked worriedly at his mate as he patted her back gently. Seeing Iris calm down, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"How can you say such things so publicly?"

Caspian furrowed his brow as he explained

"Beastmen are not generally shy about nudity and mating. Many males often walk around nude after transforming out of their beast form and females will mate with an audience. Some are more reserved like you but it isn't rare for females to begin mating in the arena after the pageant even."

Iris felt her face turn crimson at this news. She quickly spluttered out

"I don't want that!"

Caspian laughed as he gently patted Iris's head.

"Don't worry, I will inform any new males you choose today of your preferences. They won't force you to mate in front of others if you are uncomfortable with it."