Ember's Passion

*18+ Content Below*

Once inside the witch doctor's home, Ember was eager to consummate their mate bond. Iris began to feel the hairs on her neck standing up and when she turned to meet Ember's eyes, she felt pinned to the spot. It was as if Ember was on the hunt and Iris was the perfect prey as his eyes smoldered with desire.

Caspian looked between the two, feeling like a third wheel. He gave an awkward cough as he excused himself. Caspian would do his job and stand guard outside while he gave the two their space.

Iris looked around in a panic as Caspian left. She now felt trapped and as Ember stalked closer she gulped nervously. Iris walked backwards slowly but was soon met with a hard wall. Ember smirked as he closed the distance.

Ember leaned into Iris's necks trailing his lips over it as he left scorching hot kisses. Soon he had moved down to Iris's collar bone and he began to lower his head even lower. Iris knew what she was doing but she felt helpless as her mind grew hazy.

Ember began to strip Iris's clothes off one piece at a time until she stood before him completely naked. Ember groaned as he took in Iris's gorgeous curves. Every inch of her seemed so perfect as if she was made just to tempt him and she was succeeding.

Ember took Iris's soft hand and pressed it against his length as he throatily murmured

"You make me so hard, I can't wait to fuck you."

Iris immediately felt her face warm as she turned red in embarrassment. Ember was far more bold than Caspian had been and far less patient. Ember quickly removes his skirt and his cock springs forth. Iris's eyes widen at how large he is.

Ember is easily thicker and longer than any other male Iris had ever slept with. Iris gulped nervously as she began to fill with worry that it would be painful to try to fit such a large thing inside of her. Ember's eyes filled with desire as he took in the beautiful female before him staring shocked at his size.

"Don't worry darlin, I'll take it nice and easy on ya until you get used to it."

With that, Ember lifted Iris into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bedroom. Iris could feel Ember's huge cock rubbing against her outer pussy as he walked and she began to grow wetter in anticipation.

After Ember laid Iris down on the bed, he ducked his head between her legs. Seeing Iris was already beginning to grow wet for him, he grinned. Slowly, Ember slipped a digit into her pussy and began to build up a rhythm. Then he added another digit and another after that until he was fucking Iris with three fingers.

Iris slowly adjusted to the fullness but began to grow wetter but Ember was still not satisfied.

"You're going to have to do better than that for me if you want me to fuck you."

Iris gasped as Ember lowered his tongue to lick her clit. Ember slowly sucked and licked at her pussy until it began to grow sensitive before cramming a fourth finger inside her. Iris began to grow uncomfortable at how full it was down there but slowly relaxed into it as Ember continued to drive her to higher heights of pleasure.

As Iris's pussy begins to throb around Ember's fingers, he grins. He slows down his ministrations as Iris rides her wave of pleasure. As Ember pulls away from Iris he praises

"Good girl. I hope you're ready for more now because I'm quite eager to shove my cock deep into that tight pussy of yours."

Iris once again felt like hiding in embarrassment, but Ember would have none of it. He leaned down to tease Iris, trailing his lips against hers before finally giving her what she wanted. Pulling back, Ember grinned in satisfaction down at Iris.

Ember brought the tip of his cock to Iris's entrance, rubbing it against her entrance before slowly pushing in. Ember groaned in satisfaction as he finally felt Iris's tight pussy wrapped around him.

After a few thrusts to test the waters, Ember shoved his full length inside her. Iris felt fuller than she ever had but was pleasantly surprised to find she could just barely tolerate his huge size.

Ember soon began to rock forward, slowly building up a rhythm until he was fucking Iris harder and faster than she'd ever been previously. Ember groaned, finding great satisfaction in the feeling of Iris's tight pussy gripping onto him so tightly.

Iris found the brutal pounding her pussy was taking a lot to take at first, but when pleasure began to build in her pussy she began to moan. Ember was spurred on by Iris and fucked her even harder until he began to tense up, spilling his seed into her womb.

Ember pulled out of Iris, laying down as he caught his breath. Iris went to cuddle into his chest as she usually did with Caspian. However, Ember was not Caspian and while he would not complain, he did not wrap his arms around her to pull her close either.