
*18+ Content Below*

It was another three days of excavating later before Caspian finally awoke. When Iris heard his groans, she turned around and her eyes filled with sock as she excitedly exclaimed

"Thank goodness! I've been so worried about you! How are you feeling, can I get you anything?"

Iris hugged Caspian as she said this, filled for gratitude that he was finally awake. Iris had begun to worry he would never wake up. He had already lost so much weight during the journey over and now he had been unable to have a proper meal for nearly a week.

Caspian looked around in confusion at the unfamiliar cave walls as he asked

"Where are we? You didn't give up on your task did you?"

Iris shook her head, feeling guilty. Even in this state, Caspian was still worried about such an insignificant detail. Nothing was more important than Caspian's health to Iris.

"Basil and Ember brought you the rest of the way after you collapsed. They already began excavating the mountain and we moved into one of the empty spaces already. It is still the rainy season, after all, so we didn't want you to be exposed to the elements. Here, eat some jerky and drink some tea. It'll be a while before Ember takes a break to bring back prey."

Ember was in charge of clearing out the ground floor while Basil attended to the basement. Both had been spending, at least, twelve hours a day mining, only taking a break to hunt, cook, eat, and sleep.

On the second day, Basil had taken the time to build a hearth like the one from his previous home for cooking indoors and moved all the beds indoors. Basil was still worried for Iris's health and wanted to prevent Caspian's health from deteriorating further.

Iris had spent much of the week by Caspian's side taking care of him and sewing and embroidering quilts. Iris wanted to surprise her mates with a nice gift to show them how much she appreciates all they do for her. Since usually they just use an animal hide for a blanket, Iris figured a proper quilt that was embroidered might have a more personal touch to it.

Iris had already covered Caspian with his since it was the first one she had finished. When Caspian was looking around, he noticed what Iris was working on and the details of embroidering on the blanket covering him caught his eyes. Caspian put two and two together and decided that Iris must have made the blanket for him while he was out cold.

This made Caspian feel sweet and he leaned over to envelope Iris in his arms, kissing the tender part of her neck. Iris turned red as she felt shy. She had not had much time for intimacy in the last month and this sudden onslaught from Caspian made her feel bashful.

Caspian turned Iris so that she was straddling him, her work abandoned to the side. He began to nibble and suck at her lips, licking them to soothe the redness as blood rose to the surface. Caspian brought a hand to Iris's ass and rubbed it in small circles as he began to explore her mouth with his.

Iris felt relief at the comfortable familiarity of her husband's touch. After worrying for him for so long, this was very much needed. Caspian slowly stripped Iris naked, savoring the feel of her soft skin under his hands.

When they were both laid bare, Caspian laid Iris on her back, rubbing his face against hers gently. Then he brought his hands to cover her soft mounds with his warmth. He gently massaged them as he left wet kisses down her neck and across her collar bone.

Iris usually enjoyed Caspian's gentleness, but she felt like she needed more. She wanted to be joined with him at once so that she could reassure herself that he was truly alright as their bodies became one. Iris pulled Caspian's head towards hers as she kissed him in a more aggressive manner, only pulling away briefly to whisper

"I need you..... Please, Caspian, don't make me wait anymore."

Caspian's eyes grew gentle as he took in Iris's emotional state. He rarely ever denied his little mate anything and now would certainly not be any different. Caspian lowered to Iris's thighs, quickly moistening her lower lips with his tongue as he thrust his fingers in and out just long enough to ensure she was wet enough.

When Iris seemed to pout, Caspian gave a warm chuckle as he reassured

"Shh, don't worry little mate. I'm all yours."

Caspian then lined himself up with Iris's entrance, slowly pushing himself in. When she was filled to the brim Caspian pulled out again until just his tip was inside her before thrusting in once more. Like this, he slowly built up a steady rhythm.

Iris groaned as she felt full and wrapped her legs around Caspian's ass, pulling him in closer. She lifted her hips helping Caspian to more smoothly glide into her sweet pussy.

Iris felt so content as she lazily wrapped her arms around Caspian and trailed kisses across his arms and chest. Caspian took it slow, knowing Iris was enjoying being close with him like this. When Iris's moans began to grow in intensity, Caspian wedged his hand between them to rub at her clit.

Caspian wanted Iris to feel good and take them both over the edge together. When Iris felt her climax hit, it was slow as her pussy walls slowly clenched tightly around Caspian's cock. When he felt Iris's pussy squeezing him, he shuddered as he found his own release. Iris's orgasm was prolonged as Caspian came and she slowly milked his cock of every last drop of his seed.

Having more than missed Caspian's affections, Iris ended up exhausting the both of them thoroughly as she initiated several more enthusiastic rounds that night. There was simply nothing better than the closeness achieved from being intimate with ones husband like this.