the letter

APRIL 12, 1986

Ethan Hartley stood in front of his desk, staring at the view through the window. City lights shimmered softly in the growing darkness, creating a dramatic urban passageway. His desk, once overrun with files and reports, was now nearly empty. The shelves had been stripped of their solved cases trophies, and the walls now displayed photos of memorable moments from his career.

In the air, a melody of nostalgia floated softly. He felt that every object, every corner of this room bore the imprint of years of passionate investigation. Scented candles were lit on the windowsill, adding a warm glow to the atmosphere.

He knew the time had come to announce to Rachel Byrne, his faithful partner, his decision to retire. A decision that had been difficult to make, but which seemed inevitable to him at this stage of his life. He turned to the door, where Rachel was soon to enter.

When Rachel walked through the door, Ethan noticed a mixture of surprise and concern in her expression. She looked around the room, taking in the subtle changes that had transformed this familiar space into something new. His eyes finally landed on Ethan, and a soft smile crept across his face.

- "You rearranged the place," she said walking slowly towards the office.

Ethan nodded, a wistful smile on his lips. "It's time for new beginnings, isn't it?"

Rachel leaned against the desk, her fingers sliding over the polished wood. "It certainly looks like it. Look, Ethan, I… guess that's why you asked to see me here".

Ethan looked Rachel straight in the eye, feeling the weight of his suppressed emotions. "Rachel, I'm retiring."

Surprise turned to dismay on Rachel's face. " Retirement ? But… you're one of the best. You're not going to quit now, are you?"

A resigned sigh escaped Ethan. "It's hard to admit, but I feel like it's the right time. I spent years solving puzzles, chasing criminals, but now…now I need a change."

Rachel was silent for a moment, then let out an understanding smile. "I understand, Ethan. You deserved this break. But don't think you'll get rid of me so easily. I'll miss you. "

Ethan felt relieved by Rachel's reaction. "I will miss you too, Rachel. But that's not really goodbye, is it?

Rachel shook her head. "No, it's just a new chapter. "

Ethan watched Rachel for a moment before making a decision. "Rachel, I would like to take you somewhere. A special place where we shared so many moments during our investigations"

Rachel arched an eyebrow, looking puzzled. "And where exactly are you taking me?"

Ethan cracked a smile. "Coffee: The enigmatic hidden. Remember, this was where we often went after a long day of work. I thought it would be a good place to chat."

Rachel nodded slowly. "Okay, let's go."

They left the office, heading for the cafe that had witnessed so much of their conversation, laughter and thoughtful moments.

Seated at a table near the cafe window, the two former partners looked at each other for a moment in silence. The atmosphere was familiar, the sound of customers' conversations and the soft murmur of background music seemed to create a timeless bubble around them.

Ethan took a sip of coffee, gathering his thoughts. "Rachel, I want you to know that this decision was not taken lightly. I spent so many years prosecuting criminals, trying to bring justice. But now I feel like it's time to take a step back. "

Rachel stared at him, her eyes expressing a combination of understanding and concern. "I know it, Ethan. And I respect your decision. But that doesn't mean don't be shocked by it all. "

Ethan sighed, looking out the window. "I understand that it can be difficult to accept. Believe me, even I sometimes feel torn between excitement for what's to come and melancholy to leave it all behind me. "

Rachel took a sip of her own coffee, her eyes deep in thought. "Do you remember the first case that we solved together? It was an armed robbery in this little neighborhood store. I was so nervous, and you told me to stay calm and follow your example. That's when I knew we were going to make a great team. "

Ethan smiled softly. "Yes, I remember. And then we solved case after case unraveling clues, finding the connections, and finally, solving the puzzles. "

Rachel stared at Ethan with a glint in her eye. "You know, I'm proud of everything we've accomplished. But it's hard to think it's over now."

Ethan gently placed his hand over Rachel's. "Our partnership may not have any future investigations, but it definitely still has memories to share. And even though we take different paths, I'm sure we'll find new ways to stay connected."

A sad smile formed on Rachel's lips. "I guess you're right. And who knows, maybe the future still holds some puzzles for us to solve, even if they are not work-related."

The conversation continued, memories and feelings intertwined in the atmosphere of the cafe. A history of friendship and collaboration had developed over the years, and even though the investigations were coming to an end, their special bond seemed to still have much to offer.

As the conversation continued, Ethan still sensed that Rachel was preoccupied. He decided to pull out an old joke they often shared in hopes of making her laugh and lighten the mood.

"Well, remember that time we managed to corner a suspect in a room full of pigeons?" Ethan smirked.

Rachel burst out laughing, shaking her head. "Oh no, don't tell me you're gonna bring up that old witness pigeon joke again."

"Exactly ! Pigeons make the best witnesses, you know that," Ethan added mimicking a nodding pigeon.

Rachel's laughter fills the cafe, temporarily banishing her worries. "You are incorrigible, Ethan. That's why I like you."

As they laughed together, Rachel's phone rang abruptly, interrupting their moment. Ethan looked at Rachel curious to know who was calling him at the time.

Rachel glanced at her phone screen, and her smile faded a little as she answered the call. Hello !!! Yes, everything is fine... Why are you calling me now?

Ethan immediately noticed a change in Rachel's expression. He waited patiently, wondering what was happening on the other side of the conversation.

"Wait, what?" Rachel exclaims in a surprised voice. "Seriously ? But why ?

Ethan's brow furrowed slightly as he tried to figure out what was going on. He had trouble hearing the voice on the other side of the line, but he could tell that Rachel sounded both surprised and touched by what she was hearing.

"I understand, ma'am. Yes of course, I will keep it a secret," Rachel said, her tone becoming softer. "Ethan will have no idea you're here."

Rachel hung up and looked up to meet Ethan's gaze. "Your mom…she's throwing a retirement party for you. And she's here in town secretly getting everything ready." Ethan was stunned at first because it was supposed to be a secret, he knows his partner well and isn't too surprised that she couldn't keep the secret; but also because he would never have thought that his mother could do such a thing. The idea of a going away party hosted by his mother added another layer of depth to his impending retirement.

- Wait my mom is here?

- Rachel gave him a knowing smile. Ethan, you know me well. I couldn't keep this kind of secret for very long. You know how much you mean to her and to all of us.

Ethan shook his head, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. "It's amazing, Rachel. I do not know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything . You deserve it," she replied simply.

He finishes their coffee, letting the news of the party lighten their faces. As they walked back to his office Ethan looked at Rachel in a peculiar way. "Rachel, are you ready to help me put away the last boxes?"

Rachel nodded, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Absolutely. And remember, no control pigeons in these boxes, okay?" Ethan burst out laughing remembering the previous joke. "Promise no pigeons this time"

Together, they began to collect the latest files, framed photos and memorabilia from Ethan's office. Each object seemed to carry a special meaning, a trace of his commitment to his work and the people he had collaborated with over the years.

Once everything was neatly packed away, they stared at each other for a moment, a sense of closure and anticipation in the air. " Ready for the next step ?" Rachel asked.

Ethan smiled, his gaze wandering from the desk to the boxes. " Absolutely. A new adventure is beginning."

Leaving the office, boxes in hand, Ethan couldn't help but feel both wistful and excited for what the future held. Rachel walked by his side, a pillar of support in this moment of transition.

As they walked towards the car, Ethan spotted a strange car parked nearby. He glanced quickly, noticing its unusual shape and bright colors, but he paid it no mind.

"Rachel, did you see that car over there? She's really strange," he remarked, gesturing the car with his chin. Rachel cast a distracted glance at the car in question. "Oh, yes, that's true. She's a little...flashy, isn't she?

Ethan nodded, smirking. "Exactly. But hey, whatever, let's go to this party and see what a surprise my mom has prepared for us." They got into the strange car, the mystery of the strange car left behind as they headed towards the celebration that awaited them.

Once they arrived at the party, Ethan and Rachel were greeted by a happy and warm atmosphere. Ethan took a moment to observe the scene before him. The room was decorated with sound, colorful balloons floated around the room, and strings of lights added a touch of magic to the whole thing. He was dressed for the occasion, feeling on his 31, but he was still surprised by the crowd that had gathered .

"Rachel, I never thought there would be so many people here," he whispered, his eyes wide.

Rachel smiled in response. "Your mother really did wonders for this party, didn't she?"

He was moved by the presence of so many people who were dear to him. The party was a testament to the impact he had had on the lives of those around him.

As the evening progressed, he was overwhelmed with lively conversations, laughter and bursts of joy. He exchanged smiles and greetings with his colleagues, friends and even family members who had come for the occasion. Everyone seemed to know about Ethan's retirement, and he realized his mother had managed to get everyone together to celebrate.

As the evening drew to a close, there was a pause in the festivities. One of the family members spoke up, announcing a special surprise in honor of the old cop. Curious glances drifted to the center of the room, and that's when he realized that a table was covered with neatly wrapped gifts.

After the final greetings and warm farewells, the crowd began to disperse, leaving Ethan and Rachel alone in the room. The party had been a success, but now a tranquility reigned as they were surrounded by the neatly arranged gifts on the table.

"Ethan, I'm so glad everything went well;" said Rachel

He smiled back, enjoying the sense of accomplishment and warmth that washed over him. "It was truly a special night. I did not expect this."

As the room emptied, he began to open the presents, each bundle revealing the special care and affection of those who gave them. Books, symbolic objects and touching gestures formed a picture of gratitude and recognition.

Ethan reached for a package wrapped in unusually beautiful paper. Taking it in his hands, he felt a strange excitement rising within him. With concern, he undid the knot and discovered what appeared to be a letter. His heart raced as he opened the envelope, taking out the contents.

His eyes fell on the words written in black ink. " THE MAESTRO ," he read quietly, a shiver sliding down his spine. His eyes passed over the lines of this letter which formed a new enigma to be solved, a new hunt

Dear Ethan Hartley

Congratulations on this well-deserved retirement. You may have thought your days of investigating and prosecuting were behind you, but I'm here to remind you that the past never dies. The shadows of mystery have always followed you, haven't they ?

You may be wondering who am I. I am the one who defies the established order, the one who handles the invisible strings of fate. They call me THE MAESTRO, and I'm the perfect composer of crimes and unanswered riddles.

I 've followed your career with particular interest, Ethan. Your triumphs and failures have provided me with a complex melody to explore. I cannot help admiring your talents, but rest assured that my admiration will not make me merciful.

Now that you are on the cusp of retirement, I offer you a unique opportunity. A challenge that will test your sharp mind and determination. In this envelope you will find a first enigma. Solve it and you will discover the first clue to the truth that you have been looking for for a long time.

However, know that you only have 24 hours from reading this letter to accept my challenge if you decide to refuse I will be obliged to force you to take me seriously.

Ethan placed the letter carefully on the table, next to the other presents. Her gaze fell aside briefly on the neat handwriting and the mysterious seal. "Another one of those Rachel pranks," he muttered, shaking his head.

He heaved a light sigh, not suspecting for a second that this was not coming from Rachel, but from the MAESTRO himself. The words written in black ink seemed to dance in front of him, but he only gave them a distracted look, convinced that this was his colleague's attempt to tease him once again. Smiling, he poured himself a coffee and returned to the table, making himself comfortable with a book.

Time passed quickly, Ethan finally put down his book to sip his coffee. His gaze fell on the MAESTRO's letter again, but he decided to ignore it and wait 24 hours to tell his colleague that his joke was excellent. He resumed his reading. After all he was retired, free from the enigmas and mysteries that had marked his career.

The letter from the MAESTRO remained there, a few centimeters from him; patiently waiting to be discovered.

APRIL 14, 1986

It had been 24 hours since Ethan had given any news, Rachel was worried and had even thought of launching a search warrant for disappearance, but when she wanted to call the police, her phone rang. It was Ethan

- Hello Rachel! do you….

She didn't let him finish his sentence, that she blamed him for not having given any news during all this time.

"I understand and I apologize. To be forgiven, I invite you to the enigmatic café.

The day was sunny, golden rays filtering through the branches of the trees that lined the streets. Ethan walked quietly, lost in thought. He had learned to appreciate these moments of calm, far from complex investigations and mysteries.

He pushed open the cafe door, a friendly smile exchanged with the barista who knew his order by heart. The soft conversations of customers, the buzz of activity, all helped to create a warm atmosphere.

Ethan sat down at his usual table by the window, absently watching passers-by go about their business.

As he leafed through a book a familiar voice was heard, not that of Rachel but of Ava Parker, a journalist he had met during an investigation. "Ethan!" she exclaimed.

He looked up smiling at Ava. "Ava what a pleasant surprise"

She sat down opposite him, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Still deciphering mysteries, Ethan?"

He shrugged. "Some mysteries are not so easily solved."

Ava took a sip of her coffee. "I heard about your retirement. But I bet there are some unsolved cases running through your mind."

Ethan gave her a penetrating look.

Ava stared at him for a moment, as if reading his eyes. "Ethan, you won't get rid of your past so easily."

He gave her a wistful smile. "The past has its ways of coming back. But sometimes you have to know how to move forward."

Their eyes met, and there was a moment of silence charged with unspoken meaning. Then Ethan broke the silence. "So you got a new scoop?"

Ava smiled, regaining a light tone. " Always. But I'll spare you the details.

Their exchange was interrupted by the arrival of a waitress who approached them, looking serious. "Mr. Hartley, there is a call for you. It's urgent."

Ethan frowned, putting his book down. "A call ? All right". He followed the waitress to where the phone was. Taking the device, he moved away slightly to have some privacy. "Ethan Hartley speaking."

THE voice of Inspector Donovan, once his rival, rang out. "We need you is…"

Ethan cut Donovan off thinking Rachel had a problem. "Rachel? is she okay?" – "She's fine answered Donovan, it's your sister Ethan. We found his body."

THE world seemed to revolve around Ethan. His sister, Lily, the one who had always been his lifeline, was in serious condition, between life and death. He hurriedly hung up, his mind in chaos. All thoughts faded before this alarming news.

He turns to Ava, his gaze filled with urgency. "I have to go, my sister... she's in danger."

Ava also stood up, a look of concern on her face. "Ethan, I'm going with you."

The sordid details of the crimes left no doubt as to its violence. However, Lily's loved ones were all the more relieved when they heard the doctor telling them that she was still alive. Ethan was seized with a huge discomfort, so much so that he lay down on the ground to avoid falling.

Rachel walked him home, leaving him in front of his door, seeing it close in front of her while she was still outside. Ethan's voice came from within.

- Rachel?

- Yes Ethan, Rachel replied;

- I'm fine don't worry, I just need a few hours to digest this, and then I promise I'll take you out for your coffee;

Rachel smiled slightly. "Okay, but don't hesitate to call me if you need to.

Ethan knew that Rachel was very clumsy with words and that she was not the most qualified to give comfort, but these few words were enough to make him a little less thoughtful.

Ethan couldn't hold back any longer, even though retirement had meant peace. He had to find the person responsible for all of this, because she had broken his peace by penetrating his inner circle and putting his own family in danger.

As his hands twitched involuntarily, Ethan was interrupted by a quiet noise at his front door. He stood up abruptly and opened the door, discovering an envelope neatly placed on his doorstep. His name was written on it and the handwriting was familiar.

His pulse quickened as he grabbed the envelope, anticipating the contents it might contain. Carefully , he opened it.

Dear Ethan Hartley

You are faced with a choice, a choice that you cannot ignore. The symphony I composed is not yet complete, and you can still influence its outcome. Go back to the first envelope I sent you, and there you will find the first clue to decode this melody.

Your sister is only the first act of this play, the prelude to a very complex story. If you wish to save those dear to you, you must immerse yourself in the maze that I have devised. You are the detective and I the conductor . Your choice determines the direction this melody will take.

And don't forget Ethan, I HAVE EYE ON YOU !!!!


The reality of the situation imposes itself on Ethan. His sister had been injured, left half dead, as a warning . This letter compelled him to act, to follow this obscure trail to save those he loved. A new determination seized him as he carefully refolded the letter.

He couldn't ignore MAESTRO's challenge anymore. He had managed to touch what was most precious to him, and Ethan was ready to play the role that fate had assigned him in this deadly melody. The hunt was on, and there was no going back.