Ibaeran found herself lying on the vast Kiri Dumoian Ocean but the waters that surrounds was tainted with the dark blue blood of none other than the Ingani Minjaria that once presided over those waters but was now nothing more than a dead corpse floating on the water's surface next to Ibaeran. Then raised one of her hands up, it was still crushed into a tight fist and soiled with dark blue blood. Ibaeran stared long and hard at her fist which was soiled with the creature that was trying to make a meal out of her moments ago, find it had to believe that it was that very hand that brought down that monsters of the Kiri Dumo sea. She replaying the events in her head over and over again but still she couldn't bring herself to believe that it had really happened. Recalling in vivid detail all the fury and rage she felt flowing through moments before she launched herself towards the Ingani Minjaria, and how all that rage slowly turned in power, great and immense, enveloping her body, giving her the strength she needed to face the watery beast. And even though she recalled thrusting herself straight towards the beast and clutched fist piercing through the vale of water that cover it and colliding with its body hidden within the wave and like a cannon ball, blasted a hole straight through its body with nothing more than just her bear fist.
Ibaeran then turned to see the lifeless corpse of the Ingani Minjaria, seeing its pale grey scaly body littered with hundreds of holes which it used to control and channel water from the ocean all throughout its body and created the vale of water that coved its body with the large gaping hole on the center of its chest where all its dark blue blood was busy oozing out from, a hole created by the single blow delivered by Ibaeran's hand which was soiled the creatures blue blood. But yet, even after seeing the lifeless body of the beast that once tried to consume her moments ago, Ibaeran still felt as though it was nothing more than a dream. Even though she felt it all happened and the dark blue blood on her hands and the monstrous body lying mere inches away from her were a testament to her triumph over it the beast, Ibaeran just couldn't bring herself to believe that it was really her that brought the great beast down with nothing more than a single blow. It all felt unreal to her and her mind was still find it difficult to align everything that had happened with reality especially that fact that even the great Ingani Minjaria was brought down by single blow from her.
Ibaeran just laid at the water's surface, her mind desperately trying to terms with what she did but struggling to accept the fact that such a feat was really accomplished by her but as she laid there on the water's surface, she failed to notice something emerge from the waters and grab hold of the beast who's life she had claimed and drag it back down to the waters below. Ibaeran only realized the Ingani Minjaria's body was gone only mere minutes before the whatever was lurking from the waters below dragged down and by then it was ready too later as felt monstrous tentacles grab hold of her, wrapping themselves around her body before dragging her down to deep to the depths of the what below. Ibaeran struggled to break free from the tentacles hold on her while also trying to hold her breath and not drown as they pulled her deep in to the water's depths until she eventually reached the monstrous creature to whom the tentacles belonged to.
"…a swarming ball like mass made of different arms which it uses it pull its prey down before devouring them whole, tangled and interlocked with each other to form something unfathomable and completely horrid in appearance, and within the gaps in between the arms were piercing monstrous eyes and mouths filled with roll upon roll of teeth strong enough to shred steel in to fine powder. I, across all my travels through numerous worlds have heard tall tales of great beast who ruled over the earth, skies and seas, some of them nothing more than fables and myths while some of them spoke true, and within the seas of tales told to me throughout my travels through these worlds, upon seeing monstrous beast, I was reminded of one of those tall tales. In world of only open skies and vast ocean, where no body of land seats on the world's surface, a world filled with men and woman who either live above the sky in massive flying cities, or down below on the waters in ships as great and mighty ship, there is tale shared down below on seas by captains and all seamen. A tale of a creature that wrecks ships, makes captains crewless, women widows and children orphans. The devil of the seas they called it, an indiscriminatory killer and destroyer who take and devoured what ever laid upon the waters. I, during me stay in that world, never witnessed for myself if the such a creature was a mere fable conjured up by the seamen out of fright and dread of seas and the dangers that lurked underneath its waters. But after hearing all the horrific story told by them and how the creature emerged from the sea and wrapped its massive arms, by hundreds, around surrounding ships, crushing them all its hold before dragging them all down to the sea in to a watery grave, I saw it fit to give the same name as that sea devil to the monstrosity I witnessed down below the depths of the Kiri Dumoian waters, a name sent fear and dread to all the seamen in the world of water and sky, the name Crakcan, the devil of the sea...."
Ibaeran found herself facing off against the Crakcan, the Kiri Dumoian devils of deep, her body wrapped and bounded by its many tentacle, holding her tightly within their grasp, and no matter how much she struggled to break from them, their hold on her was too strong and she was just too weak to break free. Ibaeran then spotted the body of the Ingani Minjaria being pulled to the Crakcan by its tentacles before being ripped to shredded and fed in to the many mouths in between the gaps all over its body. It the sight along of the Crakcan ripping the Ingani Minjaria's dead lifeless carcass apart was horrifying enough but Ibaeran had to witness it all while so being dragged and pulled in by the tentacles in to one of the Crakcan's mouths to meet the a similar fate as the Ingani Minjaria's carcass.
Ibaeran once again found herself facing off a great beast, and just like before, she felt oh so powerless despite all the powerless she possessed, struggling with her strength slowly being sapped away in a seemingly futile attempt to free herself from the Crakcan's grip. And once Ibaeran founded herself mere inches away from jaws massive jaws of the Crakcan, she felt the last of her strength fade away. She looked at the eyes of the beast, littered around all through its mouths, which looked back her with a gaze of hunger. Ibaeran had given it her all, using every single out of strength she could must, fought till the bitter end and yet, right, wrapped around the arms of a beast that was about to make a meal out her was where she ended. Was this the tragic end of her tale, the legend of a slave girl who lived serving her wicked masters only to die within the jaws of a monster, oh what an unfortunate and pathetic fate. Those were the last thought that formed in Ibaeran's mind before she was tossed in to the mouth of the Crakcan.
And that was the end of Ibaeran, the tale of a slave who couldn't see past her fears and doubts, and nothing of the strength and power that laid within her. Or that would be the case if after mere moments of being consumed by the Crakcan an explosion erupted out of the sea before pieces, cut and fine sliced apart, of the Crakcan floated out of the deep and on to the water's surface and along with, slowly emerging out of the waters, was none other than Ibaeran. Bathed in light with the raw power of the Su Baera emanating from her with a pair of steel wings extended out from her back, and her hands she held a sword whose blade was made of light