Addiction on Lockdown 3

"I thought you guys were getting along, Jacob, what did you call your sister?"

"Nothing. I can honestly say that we hardly spoke today." Mom looked at her daughter with a questioning gaze.


"He's not lying, we barely spoke, but when we did talk, your precious little son, called me a cunt."

"Oh my god Jacob. That's a horrible thing to call your own sister. Women hate that word and using it in this house is prohibited, understood?" My mother had an exasperated look on her face. I should have just licked my wounds, but I could see Dee smiling at me from across the table.

"Well mom, from the way she was acting, it was almost like she was begging for me to call her that. But, in retrospect, I am very sorry that I did. In fact, I'm so sorry, that I promise I will never call her that again, even if she is begging for it."

"Not just her honey. You shouldn't call any girl that, even if as you said, "she was begging for it", it's just not right. Be a better brother. Be there for your sister. You know that in times like this, you only have each other."

It was left at that. Neither of us said anything else. Doing the dishes, I wondered what Dee's angle was. Why did she tell our mom about the name calling? Was she purposely trying to get me in shit? Was it a game? The stress of trying to figure it all out was more than enough for me. That coupled with my half day sexual marathon made my choice of heading upstairs to my room a lot easier.

Mom and Dee were deep in conversation when I went up. They had replenished their wine and didn't pay any attention to the fact that I wouldn't be joining them in front of the television. With GTA 5 cued up, I put on my headphones and separated myself from the real world.

Time passed, and the joy of my video game distraction let me drift off and not think about the reality of what had happened today. But that distraction was short lived. I could feel a presence in my doorway, and just as she had the night before, Dee stood there watching me.

I paused my game, spun in my chair, but I remained seated. Dee was leaning with her back against the door frame. One of her knees was bent and the sole of her foot was part way up the wall. She was looking directly at me as she mindlessly twirled the draw string of her sweatpants. She knew how sexy she looked.

"Uneventful? You ungrateful little asshole. Take some vitamins and get some rest, because tomorrow you'll need to bring your "A" game." She turned and checked the stairs to see that my mother wasn't nearby listening. "I'll fucking show you uneventful."