first battle (2)

The northern area of bandit camp

A few horsemen are slowly moving towards the camp, but the movement of these soldiers is like a parade of an elite battalion of soldiers.

Song Si: A few people, separate the trunks, go without revealing yourself, show your shadow to the enemy and come back and go to another place for inspection and repeat this work again.



The southern part of the bandits' camp

A large number of fierce armed men are gathered behind a hill and look at the camp that is built on a high ground

Kai Nish: My lord, it seems that the guards have decreased, the few that are left must be the most drunk. what do we do

Kai Song: I just came to watch. I already gave the orders and you are the commander of this operation, treat me like I am not, the decision is yours

Kai Nish thought a little and said: ``Yes

Kai Song rolled his eyes and ignored him

Kai Nish saw that the young master did not really intend to change his mind, turned to the others and ordered: The others wait for me to open the gate with the archers.


Kai Nish took a few steps away, then came back and said: Protect the young master


Kai Song thought as he watched Kai Fang leave.

If one of the scouts was alive, we could use him to open the door. Heh~

Kai Fang and fifteen archers slowly approach the camp, some archers climb the nearest tree and draw their bows.

There are four people at the top of the tower, one is unconscious, one is lifting, one is staring at the horizon, and the last one is looking towards the north gate.

Kai Nish: Hit the one facing north first, then two people hit him so that the effect is more immediate. Then the one who stared at the horizon and then the one who raised it. And don't do anything with an unconscious person.

One person pulls and releases the arrow on top of the tree and another person releases it behind him. The guard of the tower stands on tiptoe to have a better view, when he suddenly feels a pain on his back, he turns his head to check the situation, an arrow hits his neck and everything goes black.

Other arrows are thrown without any problem, if we do not count the other things that were brought up by the person who was raising after the arrow was fired.

Kai Nish refers to the wielder of the crossbow to release the bow to throw the string.

After throwing the arrow, they climbed the wall one by one

At the top of the wall, Kai Nish sneakily looked down and saw a few scattered guards. He pointed to five people to aim at them at the top, and with the rest, they went down the stairs on both sides with slow steps and drew their bows. They pulled

A bandit who was walking behind the stairs caught Kai Fang's eye and Kai Fang looked at him.



Before the bandit's brain could be uploaded, Kai Fang shot him in the neck with a crossbow

With the throwing of kai, the others also started shooting. A few people wanted to run when they saw the chaos, but because of their drunkenness, there were not many. A few people, who were sober, fell into eternal sleep with sharp arrows in their courtyards.

Open the input port

While Kai Fang and the others were opening the entrance to the camp, they didn't notice someone at the far door.


Kai Song arrived with an escort of dozens of people

Kai Nish: Young master, everything was executed according to your order

Kai Song looked at Kai Nish and said: What's over? Did you run all the commands now?

Kai Nish scratched his head and looked at the cart full of kerosene, he understood and turned to some random people and said:

Go and burn the western part and come back immediately


Then Kai turned his bite to Kai Song and curiosity was visible in his eyes

Kai Song rolled his eyes and pointed his hand towards the center of the camp

Kai turned to everyone and ordered formation and attack.


Some time later, north of the camp

a big man And one eye at the top of the guard tower looked around and thought: There is a sound of movement from far away, but no one is seen, why don't they attack?

He turned to one of the guards and asked how long the noise has been

The guard said: A Rabi or more

Big man: Did you see anyone? If yes, how many people? How many people were there?

Guard: Only a few shadows are seen from time to time, all of them are soldiers

The big man thought: If they are cavalry, then they should not intend to prolong the war. They should have attacked by surprise, so why are they wasting time... Wait. don't

The big, one-eyed man turned to the guards and shouted: "Where are the people I sent to check the gates?"

At this moment, several places in the western part of the camp were on fire

The one-eyed man saw the scene and wanted to give an order, when suddenly a small person came and said in his ear that the south gate is broken and the west is a deception.

At this moment, the sound of Nizam's cavalry was heard from the north

The big man thought that they have such a deep plan that it is impossible to defeat them. As a bandit leader who has lived for many years, he naturally has the intuition of an old bandit.

If a bandit wants to live for years, he has only one rule, and that is not to provoke the one he shouldn't. Now all the instincts of his many years are telling him to run away. But he knows that escape. It's not that easy, that's why he gathered himself and said loudly

Prepare for battle, some will stay here with me to defend against the cavalry

The rest of the people go to the center to take care of that Chamosh

A few people whisper the leader is too powerful, he wants to do the hardest things himself

Another person said it was normal as expected from the leader


The big and one-eyed man looked at the remaining people after the people moved away

He left and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to stay alive?"

Everyone's eyes showed fear and after getting over the initial shock, they just nodded

Follow me to the eastern gate


Kai Song was sitting in the main tent of the bandit camp, wondering if he should eat the roast lamb in front of him.

At this time Kai Nish entered and respectfully said:

According to the plan of the young master, who previously said to create a trap in the training camp, the archers were stationed in the heights and the spearmen were stationed in a semi-circle. When the enemy entered, we released fire arrows and turned the center of the semi-circle into a sea of fire. And then we surround and suppress

Kai Song looked at Kai Nish's big figure and from time to time took a deep look at his head as if he wanted to see inside him, after looking a little he shook his head and said: "It's okay."

Kai Nish: Young master, six people were slightly injured and no one was killed. On the enemy's side, there are forty dead, thirty-five people with serious injuries, and fifty people who have surrendered.

There are also nearly a thousand crew members and prisoners in the prison

We gave most of the gold to the Berbers, I don't know how much, but there were three thousand grains

Kai Song: Recruit some of the surrendered people who have families, release those who were imprisoned and have families.

Take the rest of the bandits to the government and the crowd will come with us



