Chapter 3: Unveiling Flames

Chapter 3: Unveiling Flames

He decided to go back to his courtyard, and practice his new skill. He wanted to see if he could control the fire element, and use it to enhance his cultivation.

Jiang Lei rushed back to his courtyard, his mind full of the talent he had just obtained.

He soon arrived at his courtyard, and entered his room. He closed the door behind him, and locked it. He breathed deeply, his heart was beating fast from the anticipation of what was to come.

Sitting cross-legged on the mat, Jiang Lei closed his eyes and stilled his thoughts.

Fire talent is one of the most coveted and powerful abilities among cultivators, as it can be used for offense, defense, and refinement. However, it was also one of the most difficult to master, as fire was unpredictable and hard to control.

He decided to start with the basics, and try to sense the fire qi in his surroundings. He sat down on his bed, and closed his eyes. He calmed his mind, and focused on his breathing. He tried to feel the fire element, and connect with it.

He endured the pain and the shock of being burned, and focused on his breathing and meditation.

Jiang Lei knew that mastering this power would take time and practice. He needed to find the delicate balance between control and release, much like a blacksmith forging a blade.

He gradually calmed his mind and entered a trance-like state, where he could feel the fire more clearly.

He then circulated his spiritual energy in a specific pattern, which he had learned from the 'Basic of Cultivation' scroll, and directed it to his dantian, the core of his cultivation.

He had then used his spiritual energy to ignite his dantian, creating a small flame inside his body.

He felt a warmth in his chest, and a faint pulse. He realized that it was his own fire qi, circulating in his body. He tried to follow it, and guide it. He felt it flow through his meridians, and reach his dantian.

He felt a transformation in his body, as his flesh and blood burned into fire, the impurities from in his body gradually purified.

Time passed by as Jiang Lei remained sitting in his meditation. Sweat rolled from his forehead, his muscles tensed, but his mind stayed focused.

Slowly, he began to notice a change—the flames obeyed his thoughts, their motions becoming more fluid with his intentions.

In his inner space, the ember turned into a small flame, its fiery strands moving elegantly.

Jiang Lei felt the energy coursing through him, the bond between his body and the flames growing stronger with each passing moment.

He was astonished by this sensation, realizing that he was accessing a power both ancient and primal.

As he continued to meditate, Jiang Lei's inner flame became brighter and more stable. The erratic flashing was replaced by a steady control.

It was as if the fire had become an extension of himself.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Lei surveyed his room, now bathed in the soft glow of his inner flame. A triumphant smile appeared on his lips.

He had taken his first step towards mastering the power within him.

Jiang Lei knew that his journey had only just begun. The flames within him were a symbol of his potential, a glimpse of the heights he could reach with the Supreme Copy System by his side.

As he stood up and stretched, he felt a surge of excitement for what the future held.

The gentle light of Jiang Lei's inner flame lit up the room, casting a warm and soft glow on his surroundings.

He decided to continue, and try to release his fire qi. He closed his eyes again, and focused on his palm. He tried to push his fire qi out of his body, and create a flame.

He stretched out his right hand, palm facing upward. Closing his eyes, he focused his thoughts on the ember of fire within him, willing it to appear in his hand.

As he concentrated, the flame answered to his call. It grew and intensified, forming a small, flickering flame in his palm.

Jiang Lei could feel the heat emanating from it—a sensation that both thrilled and worried him. He had harnessed the power of fire, a fundamental force of nature, now obediently held within his grasp.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Lei opened his eyes, gazing at the flickering flame in his hand.

"This is what it's like to control fire," he whispered. Returning to reality, he recognized that it had been impossible to touch fire with bare hands before, but now he could wield this destructive force as he pleased.

A smile appeared at the corners of his lips as he considered the possibilities. He knew he could channel this fire into a deadly weapon, using it to scorch his enemies and defend himself against threats. However, he was equally aware of the potential dangers of wielding such power recklessly.

Jiang Lei's gaze shifted to a small wooden target mounted on the wall of his room—It had been used for various training exercises in the past.

"Let's try to use my current power on it".He extended his arm and aimed the flame at the target, watching as the fire danced and swayed with his movements.

But a moment of hesitation held him back. He couldn't shake off the thought of the fire's destructive potential, the consequences if he lost control.

He shook his head, and withdrew his hand. He decided to be more careful, and not to rush things.

He knew that fire was a double-edged sword, if not mastered, it can hurt it's user.

"Forget it. If I accidentally burn my own house, I might become the first traverser to die by his own hand."

He returned to his bed, and resumed his meditation. He closed his eyes, and reconnected with the flame in his inner space.

He started to circulate the fire energy through his body, following the pathways of his meridians.

As he practiced, he gradually began to circulate the fire Qi through the meridians in his body.

His meridians were like channels, connecting the different parts of his body and allowing the energy to flow.

It was a delicate process, requiring both precision and control. He could feel the heat radiating from his core, his body responding to the elemental power he now possessed.

Jiang Lei channeled his mind and focused on the spark of fire within him. With each breath, he felt the flames grow brighter, stronger, and more attuned to his intentions.

He imagined the fire flowing through his veins, fusing with his life force, becoming a part of himself.

Time seemed to blur as Jiang Lei lost himself in the rhythm of his breath and the flow of the fire energy. He had never experienced such a connection to an element before. The flames danced within him, as if trying to show Jiang Lei their existence.

And then, in a flash that seemed both brief and everlasting, something shifted within Jiang Lei. It was as if a barrier had shattered, and a wave of energy swept through him. His body shuddered, his skin prickling with the force of the experience. It was a feeling beyond anything he had ever known.

He snapped his eyes open, feeling a surge of fire erupting in his veins. He knew it—something had changed. He had broken through, a breakthrough that shattered his previous bottleneck that had hindered his progress for years.

"I finally made it," he gasped. With the breakthrough, Jiang Lei's vision sharpened. He realized that he had reached a new height of power. His power had soared far beyond his previous limits.

Jiang Lei's heart pounded as he checked his cultivation panel. The words that flashed before his eyes made him tremble with shock and joy.

**Cultivation Base:** Third Level of Mortal Realm

A calm grin spread across his face. He had ascended to the third level of the Mortal Realm—a feat that normally required months, if not years, of hard work and dedication. And yet, he had done it in a blink of an eye.

But that was not all. Jiang Lei's eyes moved to his combat power, his breath hitching as he saw the words that appeared.

**Combat Power Level:** Equivalent to Sixth Level of Mortal Realm

He whispered in disbelief, "Not only has my cultivation skyrocketed, but my combat prowess now rivals that of a cultivator three ranks above me."

He understood that this was not something a common cultivator could achieve, and that leaping three levels was a feat only reserved for those with exceptional talent or a profound mastery of skills.

But now he had not only reached the third level of the Mortal Realm, but his power was also on par with the level of a cultivator three ranks higher than his own.

How could he not be ecstatic? The flames within him had given him strength beyond his cultivation.

Jiang Lei's mind raced with excitement as he recalled a rumor he had heard.

It was said that Li Xun, the outer sect prodigy with intermediate fire talent, had defeated a second-level Qi Condensation practitioner while he was at the twelfth layer of the Mortal Realm.

At the time, Jiang Lei had thought it was a lie or a fabrication to boost Li Xun's fame.

However, with the fire energy flowing through his body and flames at his command, he couldn't help but wonder if that story was true.

It seemed more plausible now, knowing the incredible power that fire could grant to a cultivator. The thought that he shared the same talent as Li Xun filled him with thrill and anticipation.

"I can't wait for the day when I will challenge and defeat higher level cultivators; then I will also be recognized as a talent, right?" A smile lit up Jiang Lei's face as he imagined following Li Xun's footsteps.

The idea of leapfrogging to challenge and defeat opponents above his realm, just like the rumors claimed Li Xun had done, sent a wave of excitement rushing through him.

He envisioned himself on the battlefield, flames swirling around him as he faced opponents who looked down on his potential. He was eager to prove that he, too, had the ability to achieve the impossible.


He decided to resume his practice, and after nearly three hours, the intensity of his training left Jiang Lei feeling completely exhausted.

Every muscle in his body ached, and manipulating fire energy had drained his stamina. It was a satisfying exhaustion. He was very happy with his current improvement.

"If my power keeps growing at this pace, I will soon become as strong as Li Xun," Jiang Lei thought to himself. He could feel that breaking through to the fourth level of the Mortal Realm was within his grasp. However, he restrained himself from forcing it, aware that pushing too hard could damage his foundation.

He decided to stop and rest. He closed his palm and snuffed out the flame. He felt fatigue and satisfaction. He realized that he had just made some progress and learned some basics.

With a satisfying smile,Jiang Lei rose from his training spot and made his way to his bed. The softness of the mattress welcomed him, and he sank into it with a grateful smile. He closed his eyes, letting the weariness wash over him, and for the first time in a while, he felt a deep sense of relaxation.

As sleep embraced him, his mind drifted back to the flames. The memory of fire dancing in his palm played before his closed eyelids.

In his dreams, the fire was alive, transforming into fantastical creatures that roared and leaped. He watched as they weaved intricate patterns in the air, a mesmerizing display of his control over the element. It was a dance of flames, which symbolises the power, and the authority.

Amidst the flickering fire, Jiang Lei felt a profound connection—a sense of oneness with the element itself.

It was as if the flames were one with his being, responding to his thoughts and emotions. In this dream world, there were no limitations, no doubts. He was a master of fire.

Hours passed, and the dream gradually faded into a peaceful sleep. The exhaustion from his training had caught up with him, and his body surrendered to the healing embrace of sleep.