Chapter 5 : Strength Soars

Chapter 5 : Strength Soars

Jiang Lei continued to practice the Flame Burst technique tirelessly for hours. With every attempt, he felt a bit closer to grasping the essence of the technique.

However, the passage of time began to weigh on him. He had been practicing the Flame Burst technique for hours, but he felt like he was making little progress.

"It would take me a month if I want to reach Intial Stage."Jiang Lei pondered in his bed.

He knew that this technique wasn't simple, and it will require him high level of control comprehension and it will take time.

But in his situation he lacks exactly this, he wants to advance to the next stage, the Elementary stage before the start of the competition.

He wiped out the sweat from his brow and glanced out the window. The sun was already setting, casting a warm orange hue across the room. Jiang Lei knew he would have to stop for the day.

He sighed and stood up from his spot and stretched his sore muscles.

As he walked around the room, he tried to thought of a plan, he wants to increase his strength either with breakthrough in his cultivation or his skills.

He knows that some cultivators can even achieve breakthroughs by comprehending the essence of their techniques in a short period of time. They cam grasp the subtle nuances and secrets that others can't see. They can unleash the full potential of their techniques, creating stunning effects and results.

"I need a way to accelerate my progress," he murmured. Suddenly, an idea struck him. "What if I use the System to analyze the Flame Burst technique? Maybe it can provide insights and shortcuts to help me improve faster."

He decided to give it a try. He sat back down on his bed and asked the system, "System, can you help me learn the skills?"

[Master, it is possible, but you will have to gain system points for that.]

"System points? What's that?"

[Master, system points are the currency of the system. You can earn them by doing tasks issued by the system.]

"So, where are the tasks?"

[Master, you will get them when the time comes. They are random and can be issued anytime.]

"So, you mean, you can't help me right now." Jiang Lei felt disappointed, it seems he will have to do it on his own.

[Master, you have three free chances to use Insight Mode.]

"What is Insight Mode?"He had never heard of this mode before.

[Master, Insight Mode is a special mode that allows you to analyze any technique or skill in depth. You can see the structure, logic, and principles behind it. You can also see the flaws, weaknesses, and potential improvements. Insight Mode can help you comprehend and master any technique or skill faster and better.]

Jiang Lei felt a surge of excitement. This was exactly what he needed. He said hurriedly, "System, I want to use my first chance now."

[Master, Insight Mode is on.]

A holographic screen suddenly appeared in his mind, displaying intricate diagrams and patterns of flames. They represented the Flame Burst technique, but in a way that Jiang Lei had never seen before.

He closed his eyes and was amazed by the level of details and clarity. He could see every aspect of the technique, from the source of energy to the final output. A spirit manifestation was cultivating crossed legs and channeling 'Flame Burst Technique' in his mind.

He also closed his eyes and began to understand the movements of the figure and started to mimicking spirit's movement

Jiang Lei's ability to understand although not excellent but it wasn't very bad also, he soon began to comprehend the technique and its complexities.

He realized that his initial attempts had barely scratched the surface of the technique's potential. He had missed many important details that made the difference between success and failure.

As he delved deeper into the analysis, he discovered the crucial flaws in his execution. He realised the difference between the uses of meridians between him and the spirit, he had wasted too much energy using wrong meridians.

As he analysed the spirit, he discovered ways to channel his inner energy more efficiently and effectively. He learned how to use the meridians perfectly, how to adjust the breathing, and how to perfectly synchronize the movements with the flow of energy.

In his mind's eye, Jiang Lei envisioned himself performing the Flame Burst technique. He felt the energy coursing through his meridians, sensed the intensity of the flames building within, and recognized the perfect moment to unleash the power.


Jiang Lei's body suddenly tensed as he felt an indescribable energy surge within him. It was as if something deep inside him had broken free, and a wave of power washed over him. In an instant, he could feel his cultivation realm ascending to the fourth level of the Mortal realm.

He felt a wave of joy and satisfaction. He had even achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation.

He sat up in bed, his heart beating with excitement and disbelief. He had just experienced a breakthrough, a leap in his cultivation that was beyond his wildest expectations. The fatigue that had been weighing him down seemed to evaporate, replaced by a new vitality.

With a surge of energy, Jiang Lei got out of bed and began to move around his room. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, filling him with a sense of strength and confidence. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, and he cherished every moment of it.

As he flexed his muscles and tested his newfound power, Jiang Lei couldn't help but smile.

He looked at the wooden target that he afraid to attack yesterday. He smiled and said, "Let's see the progress."

He raised his palm and unleashed a burst of flame. The flame was bright and fierce, like a miniature sun but it was very controlled and obedient in his palm. He threw a fireball towards the target with incredible speed and force.


It hit the target with a loud bang, creating a huge hole in the center. The target was instantly set on fire, and soon turned into ashes.

Jiang Lei stared at the scene in disbelief. Wooden Target was destroyed but there wasn't even a single scratch on the wall it was hanging on.

Jiang Lei looked at the flames in his hand, he had finally controlled the flames, one of the most difficult element, he felt a sense of strength and confidence in his, he mused subconsciously, "This feeling is amazing!"

He had done it. He had mastered the Flame Burst technique.

He felt a wave of joy and satisfaction. He had achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation and he had advanced to the Initial stage in Flame Burst Technique.

With the Flame Burst technique at the initial stage, Jiang Lei turned his attention to another skill he had copied from Li Xun—the Ember Steps.

This was a high-level movement technique that allowed the user to expel flames from their feet and dash at incredible speeds.

With system explainations, Jiang Lei also understood the way Insight Mode works.

If he wants to learn any skill from Insight Mode, he must have a significant knowledge of the skill or technique he wants to learn.

Insight Mode remains for 24 hours, and he can use any number of skills to learn from the technique, once the 24 hours passes, he can't use Insight Mode for next three days.

"System, now teach me Ember Steps." Jiang Lei said in his mind, activating the Insight Mode.

As soon as his voice fell, a holographic screen appeared before him, displaying the patterns to execute Ember Steps technique

with its required energy and footwork.

Jiang Lei's mind immersed itself in the information, absorbing every detail of the Ember Steps technique.

As he practiced in his mind, Jiang Lei's body began to move instinctively. His feet shifted and glided across the floor, mimicking the steps he had seen in his mind's eye. He felt a surge of heat in his legs, as if they were burning with fire.

With each step, Jiang Lei felt a connection to the Ember Steps growing stronger. He could sense the energy flowing through his body, aligning with the movements of the technique. It was a sensation of unity and harmony.

He continued to practice the Ember Steps for hours, without stopping or resting. He was so focused and immersed in the technique that he lost track of time. He only had one goal in his mind—to master the Ember Steps at the initial stage.

His movements became more fluid and controlled, and he could feel the knowledge of his technique deepening with each passing moment.

He moved faster and faster, his steps becoming more fluid and graceful.

He finally reached a critical point, where his movements reached a peak of perfection. He felt a sudden burst of speed, as if he was propelled by an invisible force. He moved like a flash of fire, leaving behind a trail of blazing sparks and the air vibrating around him.

He stopped abruptly, landing on his feet with a soft thud. He took a deep breath, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He had done it. He had successfully mastered the Ember Steps at the initial stage.

He felt a wave of joy and satisfaction wash over him, as he realized the progress he had made. He was enjoying the process of growing stronger with each passing day, inching closer to his goal of becoming the strongest disciple in the outer sect.

He showed a smile in his tired face as he realized how much his speed and agility had improved. He could dodge and attack with ease, and his reaction time had increased significantly.

He looked at the System Panel, curious to see if there were any changes. He hadn't checked it in a while, and he wondered if his combat power had increased. He summoned the holographic screen with a thought, and his eyes widened in shock as he saw the numbers.

The "Combat Power" section had jumped from the sixth level of the Mortal realm to the ninth level. It was an incredible increase, one that surpassed his expectations. He had known that the System could enhance his abilities, but he hadn't expected such a huge boost in his combat power.

He stared at the numbers in disbelief, his heart racing. He felt a surge of excitement and determination, as he realized the potential of the System.

Jiang Lei clenched his fist as he declared, "My name will be renowned in the entire sect after this month."

He was more motivated than ever to continue his training and take full advantage of the resources and guidance provided by the System.

He knew that the inner sect competition was just around the corner, and he was ready to prove himself on that stage.


The moon hung high in the night sky, its soft glow casting a silvery light over the world. Inside his room, Jiang Lei lay on his bed, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. The hours of intense practice had left him exhausted, leaving his body weary and his mind foggy.

He stared up at the ceiling, the events of the day replaying in his mind. The breakthrough, the mastery of the Ember Steps, the astonishing increase in his combat power—all of it felt like a dream. But now, as he lay in the quiet of his room, the fatigue began to catch up with him.

His limbs felt heavy, and his eyelids drooped as sleep beckoned him. The bed felt welcoming, a haven of rest after the exertion he had put himself through. With a sigh, Jiang Lei allowed himself to succumb to the weariness that tugged at him.

As he settled into the soft embrace of his bed, he pulled the blanket over himself, cocooning himself in its warmth. His thoughts began to drift, his mind a canvas upon which dreams painted their tapestries.

In his dreams, he stood atop a mountain peak, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. He was at the top of a mountain peak , looking down at the world.