Chapter 11: Fight to death -II {The Relighting Fire}

Chapter 11: Fight to death -II {The Relighting Fire}

Jiang Lei lay in the darkness, feeling completely helpless. He writhed in agony, every nerve on fire. "Nooo! I can't die like this, I am unwilling," he refused to give in to the darkness that wanted to take him away.

Just when he had lost all hope of survival in the middle of the darkness, a small light appeared. It moved and changed shining brightly, sometimes getting dimmer like it was struggling.

Jiang Lei's eyes widened in surprise, he strangely couldn't feel any pain anymore, gazing at the strange way the light moved, he murmured, "What's this?"

The light seemed to match his heartbeat. Each time it shone brightly, it gave him the hope that he was still alive, however what happened next completely stunned him.

The dazzling light burst out in a sudden bright flash. It filled the darkness with a strong light, making everything clear. Jiang Lei covered his eyes from the sudden brightness.


Jiang Lei who was lying on the ground, his brows twitched. Suddenly, a crackling sound filled the air as flames burst to life around his body. The flames enveloped his body in their warm embrace, consuming him with their within itself.

Amidst the flickering glow, his tightly shut eyes snapped open, that resembled the two fiery orbs ablaze with an otherworldly light.

With a gentle rise, his body began to lift off the ground. It was as if he was being carried by an unseen force. From his back, two sets of wings materialized, completely made up of flames. These wings extended outward, their fiery feathers lighting the dark night.

Jiang Lei's entire being was engulfed in the shimmering blaze, the heat radiating from him intense yet strangely comforting. In this moment, he looked like a figure of divine fire, a being transcending the mortals.

As the flames enveloped him, a surge of power coursed through his being, his cultivation soaring to heights he had never imagined:

"Mortal Realm Eighth Layer!"

"Mortal Realm Ninth Layer!"

"Mortal Realm Tenth Layer!"

"Mortal Realm Eleventh Layer!"

"Mortal Realm Twelfth Layer!"

"Qi Condensation First Layer!"

"Qi Condensation Second Layer!"

His techniques—Fire Burst Technique and Ember Steps— which were previously on the foundation stage, broke through to the elementary stage.


Before Jiang Lei had the time to assess the changes within his body, the ground beneath him trembled, the monster again charged at him with its colossus body, he looked at the approaching monster with the burning rage in his eyes.

Despite the fact whether he is alive or not, it was an undeniable fact that he was nearly killed by this beast, the pain and suffering he felt was as real as this dark night.

Jiang Lei's gaze towards the monster changed, he apathetically said in his cold voice, "Go to.. Hell!"

Without hesitation, he flew towards the monster, attacking the monster with his sword. "Fire Burst Technique!" he roared, pouring all his might into the strike.


With Ember Steps enhancing his speed to an almost invisible level, he was a blur to the naked eye.


Sensing the threat, the monster also unleashed its full power, both of their force collided, with a loud and deafening sound, a wave was unleashed around them, Jiang lei and monster both were caught off guard by this force, forcing them both to retreat a few steps back.

The impact was powerful, leaving them both dazed.

*My defence has... incredible! What is happening to me?* As Jiang Lei slowly regained his senses, he could feel the fire forming a shield around his body.

The massive monster was struggling to get back on its clawed feet. It let out a furious roar, its eyes fixated on Jiang Lei with a mixture of anger and astonishment. The aftereffect of the collision had been unexpected, and the monster seemed to realize that Jiang Lei was not an ordinary opponent.

Jiang Lei's fiery eyes bore onto the monster once more; the flames that engulfed him seemed to respond to his will, dancing more fiercely.

"Die!" Jiang Lei's voice was a low, chilling whisper as he stared at the monster. With a burst of speed that seemed almost impossible, he launched himself at the creature.

Dreadfang now facing with Jiang Lei's inexplicable growth in strength, didn't dare to be careless, and smashed both of its claws at Jiang Lei.


The clash was intense, the air sizzling with the force of their impact, Jiang Lei's strikes were swift and precise, each swing of his sword leaving trails of flames in its wake. The monster fought back with equal ferocity, its razor-sharp claws and bone-crushing jaws seeking to tear him apart.

Because of his Ember Steps technique, Jiang Lei was incredibly fast. He moved around the monster, attacking strategically.


The monster, realizing the threat that Jiang Lei posed, unleashed its full power. Its attacks became more frenzied, its roars echoing through the night.

As the battle raged on, the two forces clashed with a destructive intensity. Trees were uprooted, rocks shattered, and the earth itself seemed to groan under the strain.

It was a battle about life and death and both parties didn't want to admit defeat, as it would only mean the death.


They clashed again, Jiang Lei with his sword and monster with its claws, their power of collision had already reached the level of peak qi condensation realm.

The beast's attacks were extremely vicious and ferocious, however Jiang Lei was no longer the same person who had to endure the monster's initial assault defenselessly.

Swish! Swish!

Their figures appeared and disappeared in the dark night. Jiang Lei gradually gained the control over the monster, each attack inflicting deep wounds on its body making Dreadfang howl in agony and rage, pain searing its whole body.


With a powerful strike, he sent the monster flying, hurling it hundreds of meters away.

Jiang Lei's malicious gaze were locked at the monster, while it was floundering on its feet. Slowly, his eyes turned icy cold. This creature had almost killed him, and he still remembered his misery and helplessness. He had to settle this score with it.

"Monster, now it's time for you to go to the hell I just returned from." Jiang Lei centered himself, channeling his power to the tip of his sword. The intensity of his force was so powerful that even an Early Foundation Establishment practitioner wouldn't dare to take it head on.

"Hah!" He shouted fiercely, expressing all his rage and bitterness in his heart, followed by a deafening sword slash. The strike was shot with a blinding light and an unstoppable force tearing apart the air in its wake.

The monster, once strong, now felt weak and trapped, the tables had turned. Facing Jiang Lei's destructive sword, instead of dodging it remained still at its track, its abyss like eyes shone with a malicious intent and the dark and omnious aura around its body turned chaotic, thenceforth a bone chilling roar that came out its ugly maw.


This roar was different from his ordinary roar, it felt like ghost and it released a sinister and murderous aura.

This was its special inherited skill—the Roar of Annihilation, a move that can shake the very soul of a human.

Suddenly, Jiang lei felt a strange sound entering his brain and then he felt like that his whole body had become stiff, doesn't matter how much he tried his body didn't respond, his mind went blank at that moment.