Chapter 17: Monument

Chapter 17: Monument

"Village Leader," Jiang Lei's eyes were fixed on the barrier, "I would like to know more about the history of this barrier. How long has it been here? And why was it created in the first place?"

Bai Zheng's weathered face grew solemn, the weight of countless years evident in his eyes as he looked out at the shimmering barrier. He gazed at it momentarily before meeting Jiang Lei's eyes.

When he spoke, his voice carried a deep weariness.

"Our village has been trapped within this barrier for longer than anyone can recall," Bai Zheng explained with heavy voice. "The barrier's existence stretches back farther than anyone's memory. For generation after generation, we have lived our lives within its walls, never knowing the world beyond."

Jiang Lei listened attentively, grasping at every detail. The Village Leader's words wove a narrative that was tightly intertwined with their very existence.

He had expected the barrier to be made recently, but now he realized the truth was far more complex.

"Our ancestors always said the barrier was made to protect us," Bai Zheng's gaze turned distant as he continued, profound helplessness and sadness coloring his voice. "But from what, no one knows. Its makers, its true purpose... those secrets are lost. We've been its prisoners for so long, the reason no longer matters."

"The barrier's creator is lost to history, and all our efforts to break free have been in vain."

Jiang Lei's brow furrowed, trying to make sense of the situation. The barrier had been part of the village's existence for countless generations, but its true purpose remained hidden.

His eyes drifted to the weathered monument standing nearby.

In the midst of the all the uncertainty and grief, the ancient looking monument stood tall and domineering in the centre of the village. Many strange symbols covered its surface, their meanings inscrutable.

As Jiang Lei looked at it, he inexplicably felt drawn to it.

Turning his attention back to Bai Zheng, Jiang Lei's curiosity extended to the monument before them. "Village Leader," he inquired, "Is this monument connected to the barrier somehow?"

Bai Zheng nodded wearily. "We believe so, but we cannot be certain. The monument is as old as the barrier, perhaps older. But it keeps its secrets well. None of us who have tried to approach it have ever succeeded."

"We could not even come close to the monument."

Jiang Lei's curiosity deepened. The fact that no one could even approach the monument increased his curiosity towards the monument ."Cannot approach it? Why is that? What happens when someone tries?"he asked.

"They are repelled," Bai Zheng said simply. "Pushed back by an invisible force. The closer we get, the stronger it becomes, until it hurls them away. Many have been injured in the attempt. It is as if an invisible wall surrounds this monument, denying us to even get close to itself."

The mysterious nature of the monument mirrored that of the barrier, and Jiang Lei couldn't help but wonder if there is a connection between both.

"It looks like both monument and the barrier are shrouded in secrets," he murmured.

"Indeed," he agreed. "But perhaps Jiang Lei, you might succeed in what we have failed always. If there is someone who can break through these mysteries, it might be only you, Jiang Lei."

"I will try to approach the monument, just as I did with the barrier. Perhaps there's a clue hidden within its engravings that can help us to get the solution of our problem ."

Bai Zheng regarded Jiang Lei with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "Jiang lei ,Your willingness to help us is more than enough for us. We do not want you to be harmed because of us again. These are matters beyond our understanding. The forces at work here... they are not to be trifled with."

Jiang Lei offered a reassuring smile. "I will be on guard, Village Leader. The more I understand about it, the more I understand how careful I should be. Please, allow me to make this last attempt for sake of us all."

Bai Zheng sighed heavily, the weight of his responsibility as Village Leader evident in his eyes. A hint of resignation flashed in his eyes.

He placed a hand on Jiang Lei's shoulder, his grip firm. "But you must be cautious. The force that surrounds the monument... it is unlike anything we have ever encountered. It seems to come from nowhere, and it grows stronger with each step one takes towards the monument."

"The furthest anyone from our village has ever reached is five steps. And he was our strongest warrior. Despite that, he could not withstand the pressure beyond that point. "So please, Jiang Lei, be careful. If at any point you feel you cannot go further, do not hesitate to turn back. Your life is much more valuable than all of ours."

Jiang Lei nodded. "I understand, Village Leader. I will be cautious."

Bai Zheng turned back to look at monument, his gaze intense.

Jiang Lei walked slowly, step by step, getting closer to the old monument that stood like a guardian of forgotten times.

The carvings on its surface held secrets that intrigued him, and he couldn't resist his curiosity.

The first few steps felt normal, but by the fifth, Jiang Lei noticed a change. The air around him grew heavy, an odd pressure pressing down on him that grew stronger with every step he took. He frowned, a mix of fascination and annoyance crossing his features.

"Interesting," he murmured to himself, his voice sounding strangely muted in the oppressive atmosphere. "It's as if the monument itself is aware of my presence."

Ignoring the growing resistance, he pushed forward, however, each step was slowly becoming more and more challenging. By the time he had taken ten steps, it felt as though he was wading through thick mud, his movements sluggish and labored. The earth beneath his feet seemed to grip him.

Fifteen steps. Twenty Steps.

As Jiang Lei was reaching closer to the monument, his movements were rapidly slowing as if he had been ageing decades in mere moments. The force was like a physical wall at this point now. A wall that fighting against his every movement. His breath came in short, labored gasps, sweat beaded on his brow and his heart pounded in his ears.

Jiang Lei's frown deepened, but he did not slow down.

The pressure surrounding him was unlike anything he had ever felt, an unseen force that pushed down on him heavily. His steps became slow and difficult, as if his body had turned into something heavy and hard to move.

Using the power he had gained from his cultivation level—the Fifth Layer of the Mortal Realm—he attempted to use it against the strong force that hindered him. He put all his strength into it, and his body shook from the effort.

Jiang Lei's technique, which he had practiced a lot, helped him at this time. He used his ember steps. Suddenly, he was able to move forward quickly. He crossed thirty steps in almost no time.

Even with his efforts, the monument still lay seventy steps away, a daunting distance that seemed impossible to close. He paused, gathering his breath, his body aching in pressure. Sweat dripped down his face, mingling with the dust on his skin.

Jiang Lei's struggle was clear—he looked tired, breathed heavily, and his heart beat fast. But he didn't give up. He wanted to move forward. His body trembled with the effort of remaining upright, every muscle burning in heavy pain. He could feel his bones creaking under the strain, his blood pounding in his veins.

Fifteen more agonizing steps closed the gap to fifty. Jiang Lei gathered himself for his next push. But then, as he attempted to take that final fiftieth step, The force that had hindered him before intensified exponentially. It was as if an invisible boulder of pressure crashed into him, a force so overwhelming that it felt like his entire body was being crushed from all sides.


The force was so intense that he stumbled and crashed to the ground with a loud thud.


The sound of bones cracking echoed in the air as Jiang Lei's body bore the brunt of the force.


Blood surged into his mouth, his body unable to withstand the pressure that had surged to an unbearable level.

Struggling to move, every inch of his being in agony, Jiang Lei's vision blurred as he coughed violently.

Blood spattered onto the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably from the immense strain. He realized that he had pushed himself too far.

In that moment of pain and desperation, Jiang Lei's mind raced. He understood the harsh reality—he had underestimated the monument's power. It was a force beyond his comprehension, and he had paid a heavy price for his ambition.

Lying on the ground, his breath ragged, Jiang Lei clenched his fists in frustration. Despite his determination, he had come face to face with his limitations.

He looked towards the monument which seems to close but still too far His eyes burning with determination.

"I've never accepted defeat, and a mere monument will not defeat me."