Chapter 36 : Intense Battle

Chapter 36 : Intense Battle

Jiang Lei soared into the night sky, determined to chase down Wu Xiu. However, as he ascended, he lost sight of Wu Xiu's figure amidst the darkness.

"Wu Xiu, you can hide, but you can't hide forever. I'll find you soon."

Closing his eyes, Jiang Lei focused on sensing the faint aura of Wu Xiu.

In the world of cultivation, sometimes you had to rely on your senses beyond sight. He focused on feeling the energy around him.

With his eyes shut, Jiang Lei focused his energy, extending his senses outward, he allowed his spiritual awareness to spread, seeking any fluctuations or disturbances in the surrounding aura

Jiang Lei concentrated, He ignored the sounds of the night and the rustling of leaves, focusing only on sensing Wu Xiu's unique energy.

Certainly, here's a more practical description:

When Jiang Lei was trying to sense Wu Xiu's aura, he sensed a sudden surge of murderous intent behind him. He didn't scare but a smile appeared in his lips,"So, you couldn't stop yourself from attacking me, very well, I was waiting for you."

He swiftly turned to confront Wu Xiu, who attacked with an icy sword, that seemed to freeze everything in its path.


Wu Xiu's icy sword cleaved through the air, its chilling aura making the surroundings grow colder.

Jiang Lei didn't hesitate. With his fiery sword in hand, he met her chilling assault head-on.


Their clash created an explosion of energy, cracking the surrounding space.

Red and Blue energy of fire burst together in the dark night colouring their surroundings in its colour.


Jiang Lei was pushed back by the explosion of the two forces, to his surprise Wu Xiu was still standing firmly in the air.

"Damm, Why is she so strong."Jiang Lei's hand was tingling because of the impact of force.

He looked at Wu Xiu, and her panel appeard before him.

Name : Wu Xiu

Cultivation Realm: Half Step Core Formation Stage

Techniques: Ice Shard Strike, Frost Palm

Combat Experience: Experienced, proficient in both close combat and mid range Combat.

Talent: Low-Level Ice Talent

Jiang Lei's eyes widened in shock as he scanned Wu Xiu's system panel. He muttered to himself, "Low-level Ice Talent... Half Step Core Formation Stage," he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief. "This is going to be one tough battle."

A heavy sense of unease settled in his chest. "Direct confrontation... it's impossible," he muttered under his breath. The vast difference in their cultivation realms isn't something only his Talent can fill.

Wu Xiu was even more shocked than Jiang Lei himself, She is at Core Formation Stage and he is just at Qi Condensation, She attacked with a spy attack but she still could only managed to get a slight upper hand in the battle.

Her voice trembled as she muttered, "Impossible... you're just at Qi Condensation. How can you be this powerful?" The shock in her voice was undeniable.

She knows about some genius who can fight across realms but it is just one or two small levels, she has never seen anyone like him in her entire life.

Jiang Lei knew very well that he will be easily defeated if he attacked on her head on, so when he saw Wu Xiu on shock he immediately seized the moment, and attacked on her.

His fiery sword burned even brighter as he unleashed the Fire Burst Technique, channeling all his strength into the attack.

This was the first time he used his full strength, he used his High level power talent and High Level Fire talent at the same time to attack on Wu Xiu.


With a deafening roar, flames erupted from his sword, crackling and hissing as they surged toward Wu Xiu. The intense heat and power of his high-rank Fire Talent filled the surroundings, making it feel as though reality itself might shatter.

"Take this!" Jiang Lei shouted as he swung his blazing sword with unparalleled force.

As Jiang Lei's fiery attack surged towards her, Wu Xiu snapped out of her shock and recognized the imminent danger.

"Ice Shard Strike!"

With a fierce shout, she summoned the full extent of her power, unleashing her ice-based abilities to create many ice shards that attacked at the upcoming Giant Firey Sword.


The collision of their forces sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

This time, both Jiang Lei and Wu Xiu were forced to retreat, but the difference was stark. Jiang Lei staggered back a staggering 30 steps, his fiery aura flickering, while Wu Xiu only retreated five steps.


Jiang Lei coughed two mouthful of blood, he used his full strength to attack at Wu Xiu this time, completely disregarding his own safety.

So, he had to face the consequences, he felt that his internal organs were severely damaged.

Jiang Lei's mind raced as he assessed the situation. He knew that he had managed to hold his ground against Wu Xiu's onslaught so far, but it was a precarious balance.

"I might be able to hold her off for now, but if this fight continues, her Core Formation Stage reservoir of energy will eventually overwhelm me. I need to find a way to end this quickly."

"Frost Palm!"

Wu Xiu again attacked, this time with her Frost Palm, a large imprint of icy jade hand attacked at Jiang Lei.


Jiang Lei also attached with his fire burst technique, his fiery sword destroyed the imprint of Frost Palm.

The air around them crackled with tension as they unleashed their strength.

Wu Xiu's icy talent was a formidable force. She wielded it with expertise, creating icy spikes that shot towards Jiang Lei like deadly projectiles. He countered with swift movements, dodging the attacks.

With a graceful spin, Wu Xiu summoned a swirling blizzard that threatened to engulf Jiang Lei.

But he responded by channeling his high-level fire talent into a massive fireball.


The two opposing forces collided in a dazzling display of power, creating a blinding burst of steam.


Jiang Lei executed the Ember Steps technique, leaving a trail of fiery footprints that allowed him to move with incredible speed. Wu Xiu, on the other hand, glided gracefully with her ice talent, her movements like floating water.


Jiang Lei's Flame Burst technique sent fiery shockwaves through the air, scorching everything in its path.

Wu Xiu retaliated with precision strikes from her icy sword, creating sparks of frost and fire with each clash.

The impact of their attacks shook the very ground beneath them.

As the battle raged on, Jiang Lei's expression grew increasingly grim. He could feel his energy reserves dwindling, while Wu Xiu showed no signs of fatigue. The odds were stacked against him, and he knew he needed to find a way to turn the tide before it was too late.

"Ice Shard Strike!"

Wu Xiu's eyes gleamed with cruelity as she summoned her Ice Shard Strike technique.

Behind her, hundreds of shimmering ice shards materialized, forming a formidable wall of frozen weaponry.

With a swift movement of her hand, she sent the deadly barrage of ice shards hurtling toward Jiang Lei.

"Flameguard Barrier!*

Jiang Lei wasn't one to back down. In a split second, he summoned his high-level fire talent and power talent, merging them into a potent barrier of fire and energy. The fusion of his talents created a searing shield that shimmered with intense heat.

The ice shards collided with the fiery barrier, Jiang Lei's sheen of sweat was evident as he struggled to maintain the shield.

But despite the valiant effort of Jiang Lei's fiery barrier, the sheer number of ice shards unleashed by Wu Xiu was overwhelming. The shield managed to intercept and deflect many of them.

However, some of the razor-sharp ice shards found their mark, tearing through Jiang Lei's clothes and biting into his skin. Each impact sent waves of pain surging through his body. Some shards left surfaced wounds, but others, the more sinister ones, dug deep, leaving him with severe injuries.

Jiang Lei gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, he kept pouring the energy in the shield to defend against the shower of ice shards.

Beads of blood mixed with sweat trickled down his body, his face contorted in pain.


"Many of the shards attacked on the barrier, and it finally cracked, many shards pierced through his skin.


Blood gushed out of his wounds and he made a growling roar, his eyes were bloodshot.

Wu Xiu who saw Jiang Lei loosing his mind, she immediately attacked at him with her sword.


Her speed was so fast that only a trail of blue light can be seen.


Jiang Lei loosed his mind, and he also attacked at her, this time he directly faced her head on, unlike before when he maintained a distance from Wu Xiu.

Wu Xiu was very surprised and delighted at the same time, a cruel arc appeared on her face, she used all her strength in this attack hoping to kill Jiang Lei with this step.

Jiang Lei's and Wu Xiu's attack collided together, but the difference was that this time, there wasn't any defeaning sound of explosion but Wu Xiu felt like she attacked on a thin paper.


Wu Xiu felt air moving swiftly behind her back, fluttering her hairs, with a deep chilling murderous gazez, She immediately felt a deep bone chilling sensation running down her back.

A giant fiery sword was attacking from her back, its aim was locked at her head.

Jiang Lei never used his afterimage skill from Ember Steps, he deliberately showed like he has no other means now and he is completely desperate.

He acted like he is in immense pain and he has lost his mind, to let Wu Xiu give some release in her guard.

And what he thought happened, Wu Xiu thought that he has become mad and she also used her full strength to kill him, without leaving any energy to protect herself.

Jiang Lei has already left his place when she attacked and what left there was his afterimage that takes some time to dissiplate.

His plan was perfect but he forgot one thing that Wu Xiu is also a Core Formation Stage Cultivatior and her fight experience is not that bad, She immediately rushed, trying to save himself from the attack.

But the sword was very fast, even though she reacted on time, and managed to save her head, but it still directly cut through her shoulder.


Wu Xiu was thrown on the ground from the sky, her hand was torn off her shoulder, blood came through it like a fountain.


Wu Xiu spurted blood mixed with her internal organs, she was seriously injured, if she continued to fight like this without using her energy to heal her wound.

But it was clear that Jiang Lei won't give her this time.

"Fire Burst Technique!"

He used his technique with his full force, he was also seriously injured but he also didn't dare to hold back anything to protect himself.

This is a battle between life and death and one's single mistake can lead him to death.

Wu Xiu's eyes gleamed with cruelity when she senses the upcoming danger, She said in a hoarse bone chilling voice, "Jiang Lei, you ruined my dream to go back to my family, to see my child back, If I'll die today, I won't go alone, you will come with me."

Wu Xiu got up on her feet, sensing the upcoming danger, a calm smiled appeared on her face.

She knows that her dream to go back to her home will remain dream now, she remembered her past deeds she did to get out of here, she killed so many, although they weren't innocent, she hadn't any right to kill them.

"I tried but it seems that no one can go against its fate."A mocking smile appeared in her face, she is feeling so naive today that she thought that she will be able to change her fate.

However her deep helplessness turned into her deep hatred, "Jiang Lei, why couldn't you die?Why?She roared like an injured animal.

Tears welled up in her eyes, She said in a depressed voice,"I am sorry Yuan Zhi, We will never meet again."

"Let's go to hell together Jiang Lei, let's go, Hahahaha."She laughed like she got mad and then suddenly....

Her figure that was slim and perfect, suddenly started blooming, as if she is a baloon."

"Fuck, What is she doing, Wait...Jiang Lei's eyes widened in horror as he realised what is she trying to do,"Wait ...Stop, don't do this."


He immediately used his Ember Steps to the extreme hoping to leave this place as soon as possible, and at the same time, he attacked with his sword wishing it will stop her doing what she is doing.


Then came the deafening "BOOOOOOM." The desert floor shook violently as a colossal explosion rocked the very foundations of this forsaken land. Flames and shockwaves surged in every direction, obliterating the surrounding landscape.

The sheer force of the destruction painted the dark night sky in fiery red, an apocalyptic display that defied comprehension.

"NOOOO."Jiang Lei who was running desperately to save his life also got caught in that Colossal Size flame of destruction, it engulfed him, without leaving any sign of anyone's presence in the place.