[Bonus chapter]Chapter 42: Mirage Ends-II (Final)

High above, in the darkened sky, Jiang Lei saw a gigantic piece of land hurtling downward, descending rapidly towards him and the village. 

Its enormous size was even bigger than the Mistwood Forest, and its unstoppable descent filled him with fear.

Jiang Lei's heart raced as he realized that the villagers are in grave danger. He knew he had to act fast to protect them from this impending disaster.

Jiang Lei didn't hesitate for a moment. wings appeared behind his back, and he immediately shot towards the village with his extreme speed.

The villagers were trembling before impending calamity. Tears mixed with the cold air as they huddled together, their voices quaking.

"Lord Jiang, please return!"

"Save us, please!"

A sense of helplessness pervaded the crowd. Chen Liang, his face etched with despair, he shouted with frustration, "Don't cry anymore, h-he has a-already done so much for us, now d-do you want him to die for us also.."

"I hope, he will be safe," Zhang Hao whispered, his voice trembling.

The children clung to their mothers, wide-eyed and frightened, their sobs piercing the icy air. "Mom, Dad, I'm scared..."

Villagers fell silence for a moment, they also didn't want Jiang Lei to get in danger because of them, all accepted their fate, they gradually started closing their eyes, they don't have the enough courage to face all of their loved ones death.

But amidst the fear, a distant figure streaked across the sky, headed toward the imminent catastrophe.

"L-look! Up there!"

"It's Lord Jiang!"

A flicker of hope lit up their faces, but soon it was replaced by fear.

"Lord w-wei, please g-go, l-leave us to o-our fate."

Huang Wei shouted at him with tears.

With each passing second, Jiang Lei drew nearer, but suddenly....

Jiang Lei came to a halt in midair, his eyes widening in sheer disbelief, "How is this possible?"

What he had initially perceived as a massive landmass was, in fact, an enormous expanse of ice, stretching as far as the eye could see.

His voice quivered as he muttered in astonishment, "What the heck... How did this colossal ice formation end up here?"

The vast sheet of ice seemed to defy all logic, falling from the sky. Jiang Lei couldn't fathom the origins of this surreal phenomenon, and a sense of unease crept over him.

Why is there a massive piece of ice here?" he muttered to himself, puzzled. "This is a desert, and there's no way there could be such a huge piece of ice in the middle of nowhere."

When he was analysing the ice land, hee suddenly sensed the presence of energy that was all too familiar – this was unmistakablely Wu Xiu.

His voice quivered as he inquired of the system, "System, why am I sensing Wu Xiu's energy emanating from this ice? It's impossible... She can't be here. Something's seriously not right."

The inexplicable presence of Wu Xiu's energy left Jiang Lei feeling very uneasy.

[System: "Host, Wu Xiu is indeed deceased, but this ice land's existence is attributed to her source energy."]

Jiang Lei furrowed his brow, grappling with confusion. "Source energy? What's that?" he inquired, he never heard of this, not even in the sect's book.

[System: "Source energy is the very essence that grants a cultivator their unique talent. It resides within them from birth and returns to its origin upon their passing. However, Master, the realm where you currently find yourself is a separate dimension untouched by the laws of the natural world, this source energy couldn't return to its origin."]

Jiang Lei listened intently, trying to grasp the situation. "So, when Wu Xiu met her end and her energy was released, it ascended to the sky. Yet, instead of simply dissipating, it began shaping the surrounding ice, forming this colossal landmass. Now, due to its sheer size, it's descending back us."

Jiang Lei looked up at the descending ice land, filled with wonder. He couldn't help but think that this incredible event was like a gift from the heavens, a blessing for the villagers who had longed for water.

"Wow, this is unbelievable," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with surprise.

However, his joy was mixed with worry. He realized that if the ice melted where it hung in the sky, it could bring disaster to the village, flooding it completely.

"I can't let this happen," Jiang Lei pondered, "I'll have to move this ice to a safer place."

The villagers, witnessing Jiang Lei's standing in the midair, couldn't help but shout in fear and concern.

"Lord Jiang, run! Don't risk your life for us!"

"Please, don't endanger yourself for our sake!"

Seeing villager's worry for him, he just smiled and spoke with a calm and confident tone, trying to ease their worries.

"Don't worry, this isn't a danger to me. In fact, this is jackpot for you all. Just stay here and wait for the surprise."

Jiang Lei clenched his fist tightly and then he charged towards the colossal ice mass. 


His fist collided with the icy surface, and an immense force surged forward. The ice reacted to the impact, and with an explosive sound, it was sent flying backward, covering several kilometers in an instant. 

As Jiang Lei rushed towards the distant ice land, he suddenly disappeared from the villagers' sight. 

Everything happened so fast, that villagers who were ready to die at any time, couldn't react at time.

They stared at the sky, their mouths wide open, shocked by what they had just witnessed.

But it didn't last long, their shock quickly turned into disbelief and then pure joy.

"He did it!"

"Lord Jiang saved us!"

The villagers couldn't contain their happiness any longer. They shouted with gratitude and danced with excitement, even though it was freezing cold there.

"Lord Jiang, you are most powerful!"

"Lord Jiang, you're our hero!"

"Long live Lord Jiang!"

"I just said that Lord Jiang is very powerful, he can save us, you were not believing me." A villager pounded his chest like he saved all of them.

"Hmph, why don't you look at your face, it is still filled with tears, do you think I didn't see you crying like a baby just now." Another Villager mocked him.

"I-it was you, who was crying, not me."He protested.

Tears of relief mixed with happiness ran down their faces as they hugged each other. The barren desert had transformed into a place of celebration, and the village was filled with hope and happiness.


Jiang Lei had pushed the massive ice land quite a distance by now from the village with his powerful punches and kicks. He finally came to a halt in midair, a safe distance away from the village.

"This spot should be just right," Jiang Lei muttered to himself as he surveyed the area. He wanted to make sure it won't be too far from the village, so the villagers wouldn't have to travel too great distance to access the water and it is the perfect balance between safety and convenience.


Fire enveloped Jiang Lei's body, and he summoned a huge fireball.

This fiery sphere was massive, burning brightly in orange-red colors. He aimed it at the giant ice land and threw it with great force.

The fireball shot through the air, leaving a trail of flames behind. When it hit the enormous ice, there was a thunderous explosion.


The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ice, causing it to tremble, he ice began to melt rapidly, and it turned into waterfall. The once-mighty ice land that was about to end the lives of Villagers, now being transformed into a life-giving source of water.

Jiang Lei observed the growing pool of water with satisfaction. He was very happy with this progress, if this went on like this, it won't take much time to melt this massive land of ice, he launched a series of fireballs, one after another towards the ice.


Each fireball struck the ice, causing significant portions to melt and contribute to the rapidly forming reservoir. Jiang Lei repeated this process multiple times, making sure the ice continued to transform into a lifesaving source of water.

Jiang Lei continued tirelessly, launching fireballs one after another into the massive ice. The day had turned into night but he kept attacking at the ice, because there was still a considerable amount of ice left to melt.

The water down his feet already turned into an ocean, the water contained in the ice is beyond Jiang Lei's imagination.

But it only made him happier, because it is more than enough to fullfill villager's need of water for more than centuries and even a thousand years.

As beads of sweat rolled down his face, Jiang Lei wiped them away with the back of his hand, then summoned more fireballs. 

The thunderous *BOOM* and *BOOM* echoed through the air, resonating deep within the villagers' hearts. 

They were still standing at there place, anxiety gripping their souls, silently praying for Jiang Lei's safe return.

As morning's gentle sunlight touched Jiang Lei's handsome face, a warm smile played upon his lips. 

The icy behemoth he'd worked so tirelessly to melt was nearly vanquished. 

But, a cold air suddenly passed through Jiang Lei's body. 

Jiang Lei who was engulfed in flames, felt an icy chilling cold. 

Surprised, he turned his gaze towards the source of the cold breeze.

Before him was a small, luminous sphere of ice, glowing with an otherworldly white light. It seemed ethereal, as if it hailed from realms beyond. 

Jiang Lei's astonishment couldn't be contained as he fixed his gaze upon this mysterious orb. 

His eyes gleamed as if he thought of something , he couldn't help but ask, "System, is this the source you were talking about?"

[System: yes, master, this is the source energy.]

Jiang Lei eyes looked at illuminating orb with keen eyes, he felt that this orb is very powerful, "System, what is the use of this source orb?"

[System: Master, source stone is very rare in outside world because if you want to acquire it, you must be a powerful cultivator capable of swiftly seizing it after defeating another cultivator. Such orbs are rare, and even the strongest cultivatior in this world may not the speed required to get it."]

Jiang Lei's got curious listening the rarity of this orb, "So, does it mean, no one can get this orb."

[System: No, master, cultivators often go to the seperate dimensions like yours, and they might find these orbs, although this is very rare, and tere are still some powerful existence in the universe who has the power to hold this orb.]

"And what do they do with this orb?"

[System: Master, mostly cultivators use this source orb to craft heavenly pills, as it contains the most powerful source energy. This energy can dramatically enhance the effects of these pills. However, in your unique case, master, you have an another use of this source orb.]

Jiang Lei's surprise was evident in his voice as he asked, "Another use? What exactly is this other use?"

[System: Master, You have the ability to absorb its energy and gain the talent it holds."]

Jiang Lei's eyes widened in shock, you mean if I absorb this source stone, I can get Wu Xiu's Ice Talent.

[System: yes, master, but only you can do so, if others will do so, they will be able to just breakthrough some levels because of its energy.]

Jiang Lei looked at the orb with fiery eyes, he can get the Wu Xiu's ice talent and this will surely help him in increasing his power.

He immediately extended his hand, to grab the orb.

But, when the suction force was about to catch the orb, it suddenly moved, and fleed from Jiang Lei's grasp.

"Huh, you have legs also, let's see, how fast you can run."

Jiang Lei was a little surprised seeing the orb flying but not much, he has already seen the pearl flying here and there, and even felt like it has emotions, so it wasn't a big surprise for him to see this orb running.

It is a heavenly object, so it is normal to have a little consciousness.

Jiang lei immediately rushed towards the orb, with his full speed and caught the orb with a swift movement of his hand.

Although the orb was fast but it was very slow compared to the crimson pearl.

"System, this orb is not alive right."

[System: No, master, it just gives birth to the consciousness because it remains in the body of a living creature, it isn't alive.]

"Thanks, now I can absorb this with a peace of mind." He was relieved to find this answer.

He immediately swallowed the pearl with one gulp, a large amount of energy flowed through his veins, almost overwhelming him.

"System, you didn't warn me that it has so much energy."Jiang Lei roared in his mind, the energy was like a dam flowing through his body.

[System: Sorry, Master, you didn't ask me, so I didn't tell you.]

"You just wait, let me first absorb this energy." Jiang was about to go back to the ground to absorb the energy but suddenly he felt like all tej energy in his body just now disappeard.

Jiang Lei immediately went inside his body to check what's wrong, he has a bad premonition already.

Sure enough, when he delved hai consciousness in his body, he saw that the pearl has already sucked all the energy, he was so enraged that he shouted in his mind, "Little bastard, give me back my energy, if you didn't give me my energy today, I'll never let you go."

Pearl that was dancing like it is very happy just a while ago suddenly stopped when he heared Jiang Lei's voice, it again started quivering and immediately ran back to his sea of energy leaving Jiang Lei shouting at itself.

"Come out, give me my energy, I'll chop you with my sword otherwise." Jiang lei kept yelling but all that answered was just silence.

"This damm pearl", Jiang Lei came back from inside of his body, and looked at the ice that was just a little.

But suddenly he felt a stange connection with this ice, he raised his hand, thinking about transforming it into ice, and it happened, his entire left hand immediately get covered with a thick layer of ice, like his arm is actually made up of ice.

A smile appeared in Jiang lei's face, he has gained one more talent now.

His gaze again turned towards the ice, he just flipped his hand, and the entire ice immediately turned into water and fell into the large ocean beneath his legs.

"Finally done." Jiang Lei looked at the large water body and he felt very proud at himself, "I have actually created an ocean." He himself couldn't believe this, but this is actually true.

He marveled at the ashtonishing speed at which his strength has grown, he was just a little outer sect disciple a month ago and now, he has already become so powerful that, there won't be many in the sect who can actually fight against him.

"It's time to go back and surprise the villagers."Jiang Lei thought and headed back towards the village.


"Lord Liang, it's been so long, why didn't Lord Jiang come?"A woman in her thirties asked with concern in her voice.

"Lord Liang, I think, we should go and see if he is ok." Another Villager said, all were noding, they agreed his proposal.

"Ok, let's go and see."Chen Liang also agreed, it's too late now, he is also very worried.

"No need to go anywhere, I have come back." When they were preparing to leave, a voice came to their ears, forcing them to look upwards.

They saw a fiery figure rushing towards them with extreme speed.

"Lord Jiang is back!"

"Long live Lord Jiang!"

"Long live Lord Jiang!"

All the villagers shouted in unison.

Jiang lei just smiled looking at the villagers who were so excited that they were shouting and dancing like children.

"Okay, calm down, If you will express all your excitement just here, what will you do after the surprise."Jiang lei said with a mischievous smile.

"Surprise!, What surprise?"Huang Wei asked curiously.

"What kind of surprise will it be if I tell you?"

"But Lord Jiang..."

"Don't say anything, just follow me." Jiang Lei interrupted them from saying anything anymore and lead them towards his masterpiece.

Everyone didn't have any choice except chasing him.

"Where is Lord Jiang taking to us?"

"Do you think, I am soothsayer?"

"no I was just asking like that"


Jiang Lei didn't melt the ice very far from the village for the villagers' convenience, so it didn't take much time for them to reach that place.

"What's this?" Villagers, who had always lived in the scarcity of water, had never even dared to dream about a lake in their wildest dreams. How could they ever think that the existence of an ocean in this world was possible?

"This is called an ocean," Jiang Lei explained. He was very satisfied with the surprised expressions on the villagers' faces.

"Ocean!" Many villagers whispered, looking at the wide expanse of water before them. "How did it appear here?" Huang Xian asked, trembling. It was evident that he was struggling to hold back tears, but his eyes still betrayed him as two streams of tears flowed.

"That big landmass, it was actually a big piece of land made of ice, I just melted it...."Jiang Lei told them about the complete incident.

Many Villagers were still standing there, couldn't believe what they were hearing, and many just felt to their knees, they burt into tears looking at the ocean before them.

All of them are wandering in this desert just to find a drop of water, and had witnessed people dying due to the shortage of water. Now, death was not their most feared fate. It was the future of their children, the agony of seeing them longing for every drop of water and piece of food.

Today, when they got such a large expanse of water, that they never dreamed of in their wildest fantasies. They felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their souls.

Now, even if they die, they don't have any regret, because they know that their children won't die because of hunger and thirst.

"L-Lord Jiang, e-even if we s-s-serve you for the r-r-rest of our l-lives, we w-won't be able to p-p-pay one p-p-percent of your d-d-debt."

"Y-Yes, L-Lord Jiang, e-even d-dying a h-hundred t-t-times, i-it is n-not enough to p-p-pay your d-d-debt."

It doesn't matter if it was young or old, all were just crying like a children, and the irony was that the children who always cry, now, were trying to stop their parents and elders from crying.

Jiang Lei's heart weighed heavy seeing this scene. He had anticipated their happiness at the sight of the ocean, but their reactions were quite the opposite. He didn't want to see them cry. "Please, don't cry. I haven't done much; it was just a little effort. Please, don't cry like this."

"L-Lord Jiang, y-y-you d-don't know what you have d-done for us, even if you k-k-kill me now, I w-won't make a sound."

"Please, stop crying like this." Jiang lei urged them but no one listened to him.

"Okay, just look at your children. They are also crying because of you. What kind of elders are you? Don't you see, your children are thirsty? Give them water first, and then you can cry the whole day if you want. Cry as much as you want." In desperation, he had no other choice.

At the same time, he winked at the kids, signaling them to play along.

"Yes, Dad, I am very thirsty. Please, I want to drink water."

"Yes, Mom, I am also very thirsty."

The children were very intelligent and immediately started acting like professional actors. Jiang Lei was so satisfied with these children that he felt like giving them an Oscar.

Finally, with the collective effort of the children, the elders stopped crying.

"Yes, I am so stupid. You are thirsty, and Mom is crying here. There's no limit to drinking water today; drink as much as you want."

A woman held her child in her arms and took him towards the ocean.

The villagers began to drink water from the newly created ocean, and laughter filled the air. Jiang Lei felt a warm sense of satisfaction.

Everyone was happy, they forgot about their situation for a moment, children started playing with water.

"Hahahah",sounds of laughter echoed, the environment was filled with happiness.

Jiang lei was also very happy seeing them like this,"I don't know why, but I connect with people so quickly." 

But then, a sudden dizziness overcame him.

"Huang Wei." He shouted at Huang Wei and the villagers who were still laughing and enjoying their life, but no one listened to him.

Jiang Lei felt more and more unease and his eyes suddenly widened in horror, the ocean he just made from so much effort, actually started disappearing bit by bit, not just the ocean even the villagers.

"Wait! What's happening with you all." He shouted, but he staggered and fell to the ground.

He felt that the world around him moving and all the familiar faces that he knew- Huang Wei, Zhang Hao, Huang Xian, Li Xun, Chen Liang, all disappearing in the thin air.

Jiang lei finally couldn't bear it anymore and he lost his consciousness.

Congratulations Jiang Lei for successfully passing the Mirage.

A familiar voice echoed in his surrounding, that he was longing to listen but unfortunately he couldn't hear this voice.

Author's Note- Sorry guys, this again took so much time to create this chapter, it took me more than five hours of continuous writing, I hope you all will like this chapter, please tell me if the final ending of this entire event was ok or not, and I am also thinking about creating a discord server for this novel to discuss about harem, MC's power level, and your likes and dislikes in this novel, I am looking forward for your comments on this topic, thank you so much for your love and support, I hope, I'll get this always.

Enjoy, my longest chapter ever.