Chapter 46: Reunion-II

Jiang Lei returned with Xu Hong, and as soon as he entered the village, familiar voices greeted him. "Jiang Lei, you're back!" Bai Zheng exclaimed with relief. "If you hadn't returned soon, these children would have driven me to madness."

Jiang Lei smiled, about to respond, when suddenly someone rushed towards him and wrapped their arms around him tightly. She held on to him like she was afraid he would vanish, tears streaming down her face.

" Jiang!" Xiao Mei sobbed. "You scared me to death. I told you not to go. Why did you go?"

Jiang Lei gently patted Xiao Mei's back,"I'm sorry, Xiao Mei. I had to go, it was something very important, but I'm back now, safe and sound."

"Promise Xiao Mei, you will never leave like that again, you will have to inform Xiao Mei about that before.

Jiang Lei nodded solemnly. "I promise, Xiao Mei. I won't leave without telling you next time."

The children, who had been crying and worrying for days, couldn't help but smile through their tears. Jiang Lei had returned, and that was all that mattered to them.

Zhang Wei asks with concern in his voice, "Brother Jiang, you're not hurt, right?"

Jiang Lei chuckled, "Just look at me, do I look like I'm hurt?"

"Jiang Lei, What happened there? You didn't come back for two days."

"Two days!!" Head Bai, How much time has passed since I went to the monument?"

Bai Zheng replied, concern in his eyes, "You didn't come back for two days. We were all extremely worried about you. I even led some of the villagers to check on you, but due to the pressure there, we couldn't endure it and lost consciousness."

"It's been three days since Jiang Lei went."

Xia Liang- a middle aged man spoke.

"Only three days!!, It seems that there is still time for the inner sect competition."

"What happened, Jiang Lei? Is everything alright?"

Jiang Lei nodded and smiled, "Yes, Head Bai, everything is fine. In fact, I have a good news for all of you."

"Good news? What is it?" Xiao Mei jumped excitedely, her eyes shining with excitement.

"The good news is that the monster will never bother you again, and there's even no need for any of you to leave your lovely village."

All the villagers got happy listening this, but only Bai Zheng had a concerned face.

"Jiang Lei, had that monster come back again?"

"No, Head Bai, the monster hasn't returned."

"Then how can you be so certain that it won't come back?"

"Because I will kill that monster," Jiang Lei said confidently.

"But, Jiang Lei..."

"Don't worry, Head Bai. I'm not the same as I used to be. Now, even if that injured monster were to return in its prime form, a hundred of them wouldn't be able to harm me."

"Alright, let's not dwell on these matters for now. You must be tired, and you haven't eaten anything for so long. Let's go to the Vilage, we'll prepare some delicious food for you."

Jiang Lei just smiled and nodded. "Let's go." He is a cultivator, especially a Qi cultivator, he can live without food or drink for months without any harm to his body.

However, he was aware that many of the villagers, especially the children and Bai Zheng's team who had come to help him, didn't eat anything for these three days.


As the group returned to the village, Bai Zheng said with a warm smile, "Jiang lei, you go and rest. We will prepare food for you shortly."

Head Bai, you are also injured, you should also rest,"

"Haha, don't worry, Jiang Lei. Since you healed me, I feel like I've become ten years younger."Bai Zheng chuckled heartily.

"And you've been in our village for so long, yet I haven't had the chance to cook for you," Bai Zheng said, puffing out his chest with pride. "I'm the best chef here. Once you taste the food I prepare, you won't desire food from anyone else."

"Then, I'll thank Head Bai in advance." Jiang Lei could see Bai Zheng's excitement, so he didn't continue to persuade.

Bai Zhen and villagers went to cook food and Jiang Lei returned back to his unfamiliar and familiar room.

Jiang Lei found a spot and sat down to meditate, his thoughts are now mainly focused on inner sect competition.

"Judging by the time, only one-week is left for the inner sect competition, I'll have to do hurry, but first, I'll have to find that monster somehow, I don't know when will I return back here, and that monster will surely attack the villagers in my absence."

"I don't know where did it flee."


As Jiang Lei continued his meditation, time seemed to stretch, he forgot about the flow of time, untill the light sound of footsteps broke his concentration.


The door slowly swung open, and Zhang Wei eagerly entered the room. "Brother Jiang, Grandpa has prepared the food! He's waiting for you,"

"Pancakes, Stir-Fried Tofu, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, hmm, so many tasty things, Grandpa never made for me."Zhang Wei licked his lips, just thinking about those things, his mouth is watering.

"Haha, Jiang Lei couldn't control his laughter seeing Zhang Wei's little greedy face, he chuckled, "It seems your grandpa is truly eager for me to taste his cooking.

Jiang Lei patted Zhang Wei's head, "But you don't worry, you can eat as much as you want today, I will also see who will dare to stop you."

"Thank you, Brother Jiang, you are the best."

"Okay, now let's not keep your grandpa waiting any longer, or else he will chase us with a stick."

"Yes, let's go." Zhang Wei ran, and Jiang Lei could only follow eager Zhang Wei.


As Jiang lei arrived in the open field, he saw many villagers still busy with the cooking preparations. Bai Zheng was there, eagerly waiting for him.

"Jiang lei, you finally came! Come on, sit here and taste my specially prepared pancakes for you."

As soon as Jiang lei arrived, Bai Zheng pulled him to sit down on a large mat which was laid out on the ground.

Jiang lei looked around at his surrounding and couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by looking at different types of dishes laid out before him.

He had always been a humble disciple of the Azure Sect, struggling to make enough to live and Cultivate. Where could he possibilly see so many different and delicious foods?

This left him stunned for a moment.

Bai Zheng noticed Jiang lei's stunned expression and asked with concern, "What happened, Jiang lei? Don't you like it?"

"No, no, Head Bai, it's just that you've prepared so many delicious dishes that I got stunned just by looking at them."

"Hahaha, that's a good sign! Now, let's not waste any more time. Try them all and tell me how they taste."

"Yes, let's try."

Bai Zheng hurriedly brought many different types of dishes, like Rice Porridge, Steamed dumplings, Vegetables, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Pancakes, Fruit Salad, and even some he never even saw before.

The delicious aroma filled the air, making Jiang Lei's mouth water.

He couldn't resist any longer. His eyes sparkled with delight as he eagerly indulged in the dishes before him.

As Jiang Lei enjoyed the meal prepared by Head Bai and the villagers, the trio looked aggrieved, they looked at Bai Zheng with complaining eyes, "Grandpa, can't you see us, we are also here."

"Ah, sorry, I almost forgot about you in my excitement, come grandpa will feed you."

Bai Zheng immediately realised his mistake and served dishes to the three children.

Xiao Mei, Zhang Wei, and Li Hua, couldn't contain their excitement any longer seeing so many dishes before them and they pounced like a hungry bear on the food before them. They were looking very happy.

Bai Zheng watched the scene with a smile, glad to see the children so happy. "Jiang Lei, we are truly grateful for your help. You've brought so much happiness to our village."

"Head Bai, I am more grateful to you all, the time I spent with you all, is the best time of my life."

As the meal continued, the villagers shared stories and laughter, creating memories that would last a lifetime. Jiang Lei knew that he had found a second home in this village, and he would do everything in his power to keep it safe.