Chapter 51: Killing Dreadfang Ravager

Chapter 51: Killing Dreadfang Ravager

Dreadfang fixed its fierce gaze upon Jiang Lei, it got up, paying no heed to its own injuries. With a jump, it lunged at Jiang Lei.

As Dreadfang Ravager lunged at Jiang Lei, he was already prepared. With a swift motion, he sidestepped the creature's attack, narrowly avoiding its snapping jaws.


The monster's massive frame collided with the cave wall, causing the rocky surface to tremble.

"What happened, you're looking weaker than last time. Didn't you eat enough?" He mocked the creature.


Dreadfang Ravager roared once more, its deafening cry was filled with fury, it again lunged at Jiang Lei.

But Jiang Lei is very fast than the Dreadfang who is severely injured from his attack and he easily sidestepped the attack.


With a thunderous collision, Dreadfang slammed into the cave wall once again, causing rocks to tumble and dust to fill the air.

Jiang Lei couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha, are you blind? I'm right here! Why are you fighting with that wall?"

The monster's eyes burned with anger as it slowly pushed itself away from the cave wall. Its massive form trembled with rage, it had never felt the shame like today, its just worse than killing it.

As the monster's anger grew, its eyes gradually turned a menacing shade of red. Its crimson gaze seemed to pierce through the darkness of the cave, and it looked at Jiang Lei fiercely.


Suddenly, a mysterious and ancient roar erupted from the creature's monstrous maw. The sound reverberated through the cave wall, and the dust filled the cave.

But even through all that dust, the monster's red eyes gleamed with a ferocious glint. It wasted no time and shot towards Jiang Lei with incredible speed. It again used it's special skill - the Roar of Annihilation.

It has already used this technique before in their previous battle, It knew very well that Jiang Lei will only get stunned for just a moment by the power of the roar.

So, this time, it didn't repeat it's previous mistake, this time, it launched itself at Jiang Lei with all the speed and strength it could muster in its current situation.

Jiang Lei stood there like he was frozen, not moving at all. The monster's claw got closer and closer, and then...


It sounded like something heavy crashing into something else. The cave was filled with dust and stuff around, and when everything cleared up, two figures appeared in the sight.

The monster's appearance was very pitiful, it's hand that was attacking at Jiang Lei was now completely cutt off his hand, and a small pool of blood has already made flowing down from its collosal body.

This time, Jiang Lei's fiery gaze was fixed on the monster, his tone was full of killing intent, "I wanted to play for a while before ending your existence, but it seems that you're tired from your miserable life."

As he spoke, the fire around his sword blazed brighter, responding to Jiang Lei's anger. The blood-red patterns on the sword grew even more intense, it was looking like soon, it will form a shape.

The temperature in the cave soared as if the very air was ignited by his rage.

Monster looked at Jiang Lei with terror in its eyes, when it looked at Jiang lei's fiery red eyes, it felt like these eyes doesn't belong to a human but a primal beast who is looking at its prey.

The aura radiating from Jiang Lei caused the monster to tremble in terror.


Jiang Lei shouted, as he got prepared to attack the monster.

Dreadfang is now completely terrified from Jiang Lei's power and even more with the speed at which his power increased,

He was struggling to even survive in theast battle with itself but now he has become so strong that it had even lost its courage to fight back.

However, as Jiang Lei prepared to strike, the monster's gaze shifted towards the cave entrance.

In those hopeless eyes, a glimmer of hope emerged.


It dashed towards the entrance of the cave desperately, using every ounce of its remaining strength, it didn't know if it could escape Jiang Lei's grasp or not, it just ran for its life.

The monster's speed was astonishing as it rushed toward the cave entrance, it reached the enterance in an instant, it's hopeless eyes finally showing signs of hope.

However, just as it was about to make its escape, something appeared before it's eyes and before it could react, both collided with each other.


The impact sent the monster crashing to the ground, nearly shattering its bones.

In agony, it raised its head to see that blocked it's path, only to find the cave entrance, which had been open just moments ago, was now sealed by a thick wall of ice, it entirely covered the big opening of the cave, leaving no place to flee.

Its eyes widened in shock and fear as the realization sank in, that its last chance to survive had been also shattered.

A chilling voice echoed through the cave, "Did you really think you could escape?" The monster quivered in terror, feeling as though it had fallen into an icy abyss.

The monster turned its gaze towards Jiang Lei, to meet his icy eyes.

Seeing those eyes, It knew its death was inevitable, and it was certain that the human before it wouldn't spare its life.

In that moment, its eyes that was full of fear got determined.

Since death was imminent, it decided to use every ounce of its remaining strength to defend its last shreds of dignity.


And then, with a resounding "boom," it saw a massive fiery sword shoting towards it.

It struggled to its feet, it's eyes sparked with the determination to die, it looked at Jiang lei cruelly, it wants this to human to pay a price, so that he will always remember about its existence.

It the sword leaving behind a trail of scorching red flames as it shot towards itself with extreme speed, forming a searing path through the cave.

The monster's once-bright red eyes now dimmed, and an eerie darkness enveloped its body. Its gaze remained fixed on the rapidly growing fiery sword, and it showed a mad glint in its eyes.

"Roar!" The monster's mighty roar echoed through the cave, even stunning Jiang Lei for a moment.

The monster lunged with all its might, it's sharp claws clashed fiercely with the blazing sword.


Fiery sword collided with the monster, it ripped off the dark energy surrounding the monster and attacked at it with extreme force.


The collision between the dark and fiery energies generated an enormous shockwave that demolished the cave in an instant.


Cracks appeared in the walls of the cave and the walls began to shatter, before Jiang Lei could save himself, the walls collapsed burying both Jiang Lei and the monster within the debris.


Jiang Lei lifted a big piece of Shattered wall and came out of the collapsed cave, he coughed violently.

"Cough! This damm monster, Cough! It nearly chocked me to death!"

Jiang lei looked at the shattered pieces of monster mixed with dust, even its body wasn't left, not even a single organ of its body was left in proper form.

He could understand the last feelings of the monster before dying, but this was the monster's own doing; he just merely finished what it begun.

Jiang Lei couldn't help but sigh, "I hope, you will be wise in your next life!"

Author's Note- Friends, one more chapter is coming, this week will come to an end soon, so here is this week's taaks.

200 PS = 10 chapters

250 PS = 15 chapters

300 PS = 20 chapters