Chapter 55: Great Elder Yu Shen-II

Chapter 55: Great Elder Yu Shen-II

Now, Jiang Lei was looking at Great Elder's system panel with surprise.

Name: Yu Shen

Cultivation Realm: Nascent Soul Peak

Talent: High Level Sword Talent, High Level Wind Talent

Skills: Thunderstrike Blade, Windstorm Slash, Gale Whirlwind, Gale Blade

Cultivation Technique: Wind Sword Art

But he was soon awakend by Great Elder's question.

Jiang Lei took a step forward, bowing respectfully. "I have seen Great Elder."

Great Elder Yu Shen nodded in acknowledgment but maintained his stern expression. He kept his piercing eyes on Jiang Lei and asked, "You didn't answer my question."

Jiang Lei held his bow for a moment before rising and meeting Great Elder Yu Shen's gaze. His voice was steady as he replied, "I apologise for the situation here, Great Elder, It is indeed me who is responsible for the situation here."

Seeing Jiang Lei calmly admitting his responsibility, the surrounding disciples couldn't help but exchange astonished glances. They had never listened about a new outer sect disciple speak so confidently in front of Great Elder.

Hu Yifan was also taken aback by Jiang Lei's calm demeanor in front of Great Elder. He couldn't help but silently give Jiang Lei a thumbs-up in his heart.

Yu Shen was equally surprised by Jiang Lei's behavior. He admired Jiang Lei's courage in admitting his mistakes.

However, he didn't show it in his face, he still said in a stern tone "You are brave to admit your actions, Jiang Lei. But rules are important, and you will have to explain yourself. Keep in mind that if you can't provide a satisfactory explanation, I'll have to punish you."

Jiang Lei knew that there is no other way to get out of this situation except telling the truth so he began politely, "Great Elder, I wanted to participate in the Inner sect competition but I was lacking the necessary Azure points to participate, so I decided to take on a mission, a monster was attacking at a village from mistwood forest, I felt that this mission is within my ability so I took on the mission."

He paused for a moment to see Yu shen's expression, seeing that he isn't showing any signs of suspicion, he continued, "I successfully defeated the monster, but unfortunately I don't have any spirit ring so I had no choice but to bring this monster this way, I apologise for the commotion I created here, I really didn't intend to do so."

Yu Shen's expression softened a bit, listening Jiang Lei's explanation. "I see," he said after thinking for a moment."Your situation is understandable. However, rules exist for a reason, and we must maintain order within the sect. I will take your explanation into consideration this time and for now, you will not be punished."

Jiang Lei felt relieved but stayed respectful. "Thank you, Great Elder. I promise to never break the rules from now on."

"Considering that you were late due to a mission assigned by the sect, you shall be granted permission to participate in the inner sect competition."

With a flick of his hand, a token appeared in his hand and it shot through the air towards Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei reacted quickly and caught the token in his hand.

"Jiang Lei, inner sect competition is starting after three days, I am waiting to see your performance in the inner sect competition," Yu Shen said calmly. "Do not disappoint me."

Jiang Lei bowed deeply,."Thank you, Great Elder. I will try my best to exceed your expectations."

Yu Shen nodded once more and then turned to leave, his robe billowing as he disappeared in the sky.

Jiang Lei felt relieved seeing yu shen going back.

Hu Yifan approached Jiang Lei, his face was full of admiration. "You are great, Jiang Lei," he whispered. "Not many would dare to speak to the Great Elder like that."

Jiang Lei couldn't help but smile. "Sometimes, you have to take risks to achieve what you want."

He didn't know if he will get the permission from outer sect elders to participate in the competition, it's not a small thing and everyone can't interfere in the sect's rules.

Only someone like Great Elder has the power to interfere and even change the rules so he decided to ask great elder with some courage.

"Senior Brother, I'll have to prepare for the competition so I'll take my leave." Jiang lei said respectfully.

"Haha, no problem, go and practice well, I hope you will be get selected for the inner sect." Hu Yifan said placing his hand on Jiang Lei's shoulder.

"Thanks Senior Brother!"Jiang Lei smiled and left the place hurriedly, he really couldn't stay there, the piercing gazes of so many disciple's were unbearable.

After Jiang Lei left the area, the disciples couldn't help but start talking about him again.

"Wow, Senior Brother is so brave. He actually talked to the Great Elder."

"Yes, I can't even dare to look at him."

"Hmph, that's why you're here, and he's now among the top ten talents."

"Oh, and what have you done by now?"

"What do you think? Who will win, Yang Bo or Senior Brother Jiang?"

"I think Senior Brother Jiang will win."

"No, I don't think so. I heard that Senior Brother Yang Bo recently killed a monster at the fourth level of Qi Condensation."

"I think Senior Sister Liu and Senior Brother Jiang are a match made in heaven."

"No, senior sister Liu only loves me, she can't like him."


The disciples continued to talk about Jiang Lei comparing him with top ten talents, and some even started matching him with female disciples of the sect, that who will suit him the best.

If Jiang Lei get to know about all this, he himself won't know that how to react in such a situation.