Chapter 29

Vevina wandered over to the fireplace in the great hall. The puppy curled up at her feet and was asleep in seconds. She poured herself a tankard of warm cider from the pitcher on the table and settled in with her thoughts.

Astrid believed herself responsible for everyone and as future Chieftain, she supposed in a sense that was true. But her brothers had been trained for battle too, and all warriors accepted the possibility of capture or death when in combat. She recalled tales of Astrid's courage and her many victories, and she'd heard the gossip that the barbarians only captured her because she remained behind in search of her brother while ordering the others to retreat.

The only one who blamed Astrid for Rohan's capture was Astrid. Vevina wanted to help her wife, after all, she was stuck with the golden-eyed woman. She was her wife for the rest of their lives, and because she was a good person, she knew that somehow they could have a good marriage like any other couple.

Vevina sipped at the cinder. She would need to make certain they spent more time together. It was good that Astrid was giving her lessons in protecting herself, and she would make sure that they shared meals together and took walks, and talked. They needed to truly be life partners.

She couldn't have said as much yesterday. Her thinking had changed, and not just because of Astrid's actions. Elaine's remark had made an impression on her too. If Astrid's mother could detect a caring between them, then perhaps there really was a chance for them to have a loving marriage and not just an arranged and forced one. That it was even a thought, a possibility, amazed her. She never imagined that she might care for Astrid. She had been rude and abrupt when they first met.

A giggle tickled her throat. She was young then. Astrid had saved her, so in truth, it wasn't twice she'd saved Vevina three times. Next time she would need to make sure that she saved herself if only to show her that Astrid had thought her well.

"Are you feeling well?"

Vevina looked up and see Eliane holding a plate of honey cake. She licked her lips. "Even if I wasn't I wouldn't turn down a honey cake."

"A daughter after my own heart," Elaine said, placed the plate on the table, and took a seat on the bench opposite her.

Elaine had made her feel welcome from the first moment she was introduced to her. Eliane had referred to her as her daughter, even before the wedding. She'd accepted her unconditionally, and Vevina was grateful to once again have a loving mother figure.

"I thought to find Astrid with you," Elaine said. "I saw that you headed out for the moors and thought to welcome you both back with a treat."

"Astrid searches for her father."

Elaine frowned. "Is there something wrong?"

Vevina shrugged. "I don't believe so. We were having a joyous time when she suddenly insisted we return to the keep, where she went in search of her father."

Elaine shook her head. "My daughter shoulders more responsibilities than is necessary."

"And blames herself needlessly."

Elaine sighed with relief. "You understand."

"I believe I am beginning to. At first..."

"You thought you were stuck with a terrible woman."


Elaine laughed and patted her hand. "It's all right, dear. Astrid wasn't pleasant to you upon her return."

"She did have a good reason, returning to find herself married to a woman she didn't know."

"You defend her, that is good," Elaine said with a smile. "A woman like her needs a wife who will stand by her."

A crash and loud, angry voices made both women jump to their feet, and the pup shook the sleep out of her and now looked alert.

The squabbling grew until it spilled into the great hall.

"If you do not have the courage to do it, I will," Astrid shouted at her father, who preceded her into the room.

Scott Sinclare stopped abruptly and swerved to face her daughter. "How dare you disrespect me? I am the leader of this clan and you will show me the respect I not only deserved but earned."

"Then prove it and allow me to take an army of warriors and attack the barbarians."

"No. I will not send my warriors on a senseless mission," Scott argued.

"Is it senseless to rescue your son?" Astrid challenged.

Vevina almost grasped. Elaine did. Astrid had no right speaking to her father that way.

"Pride loses battles. Remember that when you become a Chieftain or you will jeopardize the safety of the clan and our lands. As for my son? Either I will find him or he will return home, for he is a warrior like you and his brothers and will do the clan proud."

Scott turned his back on his daughter and walked out of the keep. Elaine followed him.

Astrid angrily descended on Vevina. "I ordered you to rest."

The pup yapped at her irate approach.

"Quiet!" Astrid snapped harshly.

The pup ran for cover under Vevina's skirt but got in one last yap.

"Do not take your temper on my friend," Vevina said sharply.

"Then I will take it out on you! You were ordered to rest..."

"I'm not tired."

"That makes no difference."

"It does to me," Vevina said.

Astrid grabbed a tankard off the table and slammed it down hard, cider spilling over the sides. "You will do as I say or else."

"Or else what?" she asked bravely.

Astrid stared at her, speechless.

Her heart beating wildly, Vevina scooped up the pup, tossed her chin up, and stepped around her irate wife. "I have things to do," she said and walked away. She wanted to hurry her steps, to retreat from her wife as fast as she could, but kept her steps steady, knowing it would do her no good to show fear. If there was one thing Astrid had taught her, it was not to panic and allow your foe to sense your fear.

Vevina paraded out of the great hall with a confidence she did not possess, but rather with legs that trembled so badly she thought surely she would crumble to the floor before she reached the door.

When she did reach the door, she grabbed hold of the thick wood and steadied herself, took a breath, and whispered to Marley, "We made it."


She didn't bother to turn and respond to her wife's shout, but quickly vacated the hall and hurried as far from the keep as her wobbling legs would carry her.

She wound up behind the stable, tucked between two barrels. She wrapped her cloak around herself and the pup, grateful that she'd had enough sense to grab it as she felt the hall. The pup settled contentedly in the niche her raised legs provided and took the opportunity to clean his paws.

But Vevina remained alert, concerned that her wife would come in search of her and...

Or else.

The two little words stayed with her, and try as she might, she could not shed them. She wondered what Astrid would do now that she'd refused to obey her. And what of her stepfather? Would he dare to confront Vevina over her callous disregard for her wife?

It mattered little at the moment for the deed had been done. She had taken a stand and now must face the consequences. Eliane had only just praised her for standing beside her wife. She had openly defied Astrid, and tongues were sure to spread the news.

Had she been mistaken? Had she been too hasty? Too angry?

This wifely duty was much too new to her, and particularly with Astrid. In contrast, she had been comfortable with Arthur, mainly because he was honest with her.


She scrambled to her feet and hurried to deposit the pup in the stable with the other pups. Then she went in search of Arthur.