That Night (6)

It was simultaneous so much that they knew not which one happened first. Brad's thought in that moment was just one. He had heard his parents talk about the new bride. They just wanted a real Thornston heir in the shortest possible time. As to why they had skipped him when he was available for his brother, who had shut himself from society, was dumbfounding.

'When will Ian come out of his room to do the deed and have a child with this beauty?' In that split second, he had thought long and hard and came to one conclusion.

'The girl is driving me so much crazy. I might as well fuck her for my brother. After all, we all have the same blood, and a baby from him or me will be the same true heir! I will be commended for my good deed! Yes, let's do this before my head falls off my head and my dick breaks….' 

He thought single-mindedly as he felt blood rush towards his lower body. Brad knew somewhere in his mind that his decision at that moment was wrong, but for some reason, he could not stop himself. He only felt justified in his thought process, which was enough to clear all thoughts of the small doubts.

On the other hand, Shelby felt terror, like most of the times she had found herself in situations like those. It was more often that she would care to admit. This was one of the reasons that she preferred to stick to herself. Women were generally overly jealous of her, and men just wanted to get into her panties. She could not count on one hand the number of men who had been able to stay away from her for reasons she could not understand. 

Until that night five years ago, she made it a point to try and defend herself in more ways than she could think of. 

Contrary to what people believed, she did not lose her memory. She did lose bits and pieces of what had happened. But what Shelby did remember did not make sense to her not to talk of explaining it to others. So she went with the story of amnesia, which was why the doctors also could not find anything wrong with her and the scans done on her.

After that night, she had it somewhat easier to deal with crazed men like the one approaching her. It was something she could once again not explain but was appreciative of.

As soon as Brad's hands went around her, a force so overwhelming, like none he had ever felt in his life, blew him off her. She stumbled back and hit the nearest wall, but for him, it was as if he had been thrown across the room as his back hit the closed door with a loud thump! ...

Shelby steadied herself and placed her hand on her heart, beating extremely fast. Her eyes turned desperate as she still looked around in her panic trying to find anything to arm herself in case he decided to come back.

She had expected something more subtle like in the past, but even she was surprised on this day. She had never witnessed anyone thrown away from her like that. But then, apart from one or two, no one had thrown themselves on her that much determination like that! Ever!

She secretly thought that James had given her away in marriage because of this issue but was unsure.

This was also why Rocky was sure Shelby had not initiated the marriage because how was she supposed to make a marriage work when no man could 'touch her?'

Before Brad could comprehend what had happened, he felt the part of his skin that had touched her tingle as if an appliance had electrified him! His hand felt numb as if it did not belong to him. He coughed out, unable to scream from the pain coursing through him. He tasted the metallic substance in his mouth. Raising his hands and saw the slightly reddened skin.

'I didn't imagine it!'

The surprise on his face was classic. One moment, he was near her, determined to have his way, and the next moment, he was across the room. He had not seen her move in any way even to push him. She had only tried to protect herself by crossing her arms in front of her.

'What the heck happened?' He thought as fear started clouding his eyes,


Both heard that frustrated and angry loud shout of pain simultaneously, "Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!"

It was so loud that both froze.

Brad forgot his predicament. He lunged up and swung the door open, looking at where the sound came from.


He bit his lips guiltily, looking back at the woman. A shield of defence crossed his eyes. Brad looked through the open doorway at Shelby and at the closed door of his brother. Rather than go find out what was wrong with his brother, he ran!

His feet pitter-patter on the ground, echoing as he rounded a corner and disappeared. Just as a couple of maids came in from the opposite to find out what the upheaval was.

Shelby slid down on the floor as the adrenalin rushed out of her body.

She crawled on all fours and pushed her door close. The shout from the other room sounded more from frustration and anger than pain, so she did not feel the need to react. Besides, she was in no mood to do anything of that sort.

She reached up and turned the lock in place. She buried her face in her arms, and silent tears flowed through her.

Very soon, she heard she heard voices outside her room.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes- but I am not sure…."

"Should we check if the new mistress is okay?"

"She didn't come out despite all this. Maybe she has already retired."

They looked around a bit and finally left.

'…. And here I thought that I was going to be safe here…'

Shelby's shoulders heaved up and down in her room. What she did not notice in that, in the chaos, was the slight glow of the ring mark on her finger. It pulsed twice, and the glow disappeared.


Thank you so much to all for your votes and comments! I hope we can keep it up ^_^